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What the hell, Chim?


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[quote name='SpacingOutMan' date='21 July 2010 - 06:44 PM' timestamp='1279752253' post='2383430']
I agree with the Sith here. If you come into my private government channel without personal invitation or warrant, that is as bad as spying, especially if you become privy to information discussed in said private quorum.

While he did enter the forum, the rest of the people inside were aware, and made sex change jokes. You're not a spy if you're let in by the people you're "spying" on.

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[quote name='Facade' date='21 July 2010 - 05:45 PM' timestamp='1279748699' post='2383321']
What's humorous is that his bringing this up on the OWF has made everyone believe that the issue between Spamalot and IAA is because of some !@#$%^&* "spying" thing. Spamalot's position on this matter is not Chimaera 'spied' on us. We knew of him channel lurking in our private channel. We accept that and have nothing against him on that.

What we are truly appalled and offended by is the complete fabrication of lies orchestrated by Chimaera and Mercyfallout to coerce Spamalot into admitting that Reaper was behind the hacking of IAA's forums. There was no actual evidence pointing towards NationReaper or Spamalot, but IAA took it upon itself to assume Spamalot was the perpetrator, and tried to bully and harass Spamalot with threats of force if we did not turn over logs that in fact did not exist.

I can only assume that Penkala only knew part of the situation and didn't understand the full nature of what was going on.

Oh, no, I knew all that too.

[quote] He's mistaken and cries murder over a minor incident...or...He's a drama queen and strives for the spotlight?[/quote]

Yes it was one minor incident not a series of incidents. IAA got pissed that some members left and has done everything in the power to make it tough on Spamalot.

[quote] Also, wickedj, no...he doesn't have proof. [/quote]

Yes, I do.

[quote]Penkala, public relations lesson for the day: If evidence of something falls in your lap, and you don't want to share the evidence with the public don't talk about it in public. At best, you will accomplish nothing and at worst you will lose any credibility in relation to the subject and make people less inclined to believe you later on if things progress to a point where you actually feel the need to share your evidence. [/quote]

We've been through this all before, Delta. :)

[quote]While he did enter the forum, the rest of the people inside were aware, and made sex change jokes. You're not a spy if you're let in by the people you're "spying" on. [/quote]

Please stop pulling facts out of your $@!. It was IRC, not the forums, and nobody knew until he revealed himself, AFTER which they made sex jokes (AND mentioned that it could be considered spying)

Edited by Penkala
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[quote name='JWConner' date='21 July 2010 - 03:24 PM' timestamp='1279751048' post='2383397']
Only problem with that is he'll start up another one claiming he's overtaking some new alliance or how someone else spied but refuses to show proof.

It's all a cycle with the kid. He does love his soapboxes though.
This is true. How sad.

Taget, great analysis.

Penkala, your replies get better and better. Or is it worse and worse? Time for you to open up a new topic about how you spy on the NPO or something.

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[quote name='Penkala' date='21 July 2010 - 06:00 PM' timestamp='1279753197' post='2383457']
Yes it was one minor incident not a series of incidents. IAA got pissed that some members left and has done everything in the power to make it tough on Spamalot.


Question is...how does this involve you? Fact is, you like to cause drama. Nothing more to it. Your estrogen levels are spiking and you felt the need to start crying over someone else's incident and claim it as your own so people would pay attention to you.

I mean, we all do enjoy watching you make an *#$ of yourself, but it does get monotonous.

Edited by JWConner
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To clear things up.

Yes Chimaera and Mercy did accuse me of hacking their forums and ignored a bit of information (IP address matched an IAA member..their root admin)and ignored the fact I had been at work for 16 hours and had no way to actually get on a computer.

Yes Chimaera and Mercy did apologize for accusing me of hacking their forums.

Yes Chimaera was using+typing under Princess Buttercups name and he did change from Princess Buttercup to Chimaera

No I will not release logs unless it is just for the name change..which doesn't really show anything.

This was an issue, this will continue to be a problem being chimaera and PB know each other OOC We will get this resolved one way or another

No Penkala is not making this crap up for once XD

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[quote name='Penkala' date='21 July 2010 - 07:00 PM' timestamp='1279753197' post='2383457']
Yes it was one minor incident not a series of incidents. IAA got pissed that some members left and has done everything in the power to make it tough on Spamalot.
Yeah, these past nine days sure have been quite a joy ride.

Lemme paraphrase my past few days in the actions of Chimaera.

'Oh I was just kidding, I actually have a raging hard on for you still. It was me just trying to seem strong for mah peeps'
'Oh lol now that I know it wasn't you, the hack was actually hilarious, no hard feelings right?'

bravo Chimaera, bravo.

And for the record. Penkala cares because it was a close and personal friend of his who was malicious attacked with insults and false accusations. I commend Penkala for standing up for his friends, its something that seems to be becoming ever so rare on Planet Bob.

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Nobody else commends him. He still blew it out of proportion, and his initial arugments are not what has been revealed here. You said the issue is RL, and the bf/ gf thing. Then there are claims of Chimaera being a terrible leader when I for one have found him to be a great one through and through.

Pankala likes drama, and still made stuff up. Stop defending him, you're making yourselves look bad.

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[quote name='Penkala' date='21 July 2010 - 07:00 PM' timestamp='1279753197' post='2383457']
Please stop pulling facts out of your $@!. It was IRC, not the forums, and nobody knew until he revealed himself, AFTER which they made sex jokes (AND mentioned that it could be considered spying)

I made a typing error, because I was thinking about something else at the time. Also, it's quite funny that you're accusing me of pullings facts out of my $@!, when it's pretty clear that that's exactly what you're doing. Show the "proof" you have, or quit making such a fuss about this.

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[quote name='MASTABADEY' date='21 July 2010 - 07:23 PM' timestamp='1279754606' post='2383490']
And for the record. Penkala cares because it was a close and personal friend of his who was malicious attacked with insults and false accusations. I commend Penkala for standing up for his friends, its something that seems to be becoming ever so rare on Planet Bob.

Not for nothing, but if you guys truly are upset, perhaps you should have come forward and not have Penkala do it for you. That would have made it seem a lot more credible.

Also, I have RL friends who have nations in other AA's and I don't offer up logs of Invicta government discussions.

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I have the proof..im not revealing logs because a member of spamalot has asked me not to do so..she does not want to be part of the situation. Now, this is NOT a RL issue..this is an IC issue..they just used a RL relationship to gather the information..chimaera used PBs account, posed as her, and gathered information from our private channels...this is clearly an IC offense..we did not ask penkala to come forward with this...he did so of his own free will because I know him well and consider him an IC friend.

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[quote name='MASTABADEY' date='21 July 2010 - 06:23 PM' timestamp='1279754606' post='2383490']
And for the record. Penkala cares because it was a close and personal friend of his who was malicious attacked with insults and false accusations. I commend Penkala for standing up for his friends, its something that seems to be becoming ever so rare on Planet Bob.

No one should commend Penkala for once again grandstanding for a cause he's unrelated to. NationReaper is getting what he deserves, nothing more, nothing less. I'm sure Chimaera's past knowledge of how shady NR can be counted in his early accusations, whether it was in his conscious mind or not. Can't really blame him. NR has proven to be less than honorable and what he's accused of isn't out of his character. I'd probably have jumped to the same conclusion as Chim did.

While I have nothing against Spamalot or it's members (except NR), if you were all so upset about this, you shouldn't have had Penkala fight your battle for you. We all know Penkala loves to jump on the first moral crusade he can find, but it just makes you look weaker having someone like him fight your battles for you.

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[quote name='NationReaper' date='21 July 2010 - 06:48 PM' timestamp='1279756069' post='2383534']
I have the proof..im not revealing logs because a member of spamalot has asked me not to do so..she does not want to be part of the situation. Now, this is NOT a RL issue..this is an IC issue..they just used a RL relationship to gather the information..chimaera used PBs account, posed as her, and gathered information from our private channels...this is clearly an IC offense..we did not ask penkala to come forward with this...he did so of his own free will because I know him well and consider him an IC friend.

Yeah, we both know better than that. You're not revealing because they're not worth revealing. Simple and plain. If they were of substance, you'd have leaked them. It's in your character.

As for why Penkala announced and complained for you...it's because you fail to be able to do so. You figured it'd be easier to let someone like Penkala hop on his soapbox and you thought you'd be seen as victims. Instead, you should now realize the majority of Planet Bob sees Penkala for what he is and his announcements are viewed on that curve.

I'd hoped you'd have learned by now.

Also, LOL at you complaining about being spied on. That's rich.

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If you had read my previous post you would have known we did not ask penkala to do this.

Also my character nor my skill list includes forum hacking..I don't know how..I don't even know how to do subproxy or whatever it is they said I used...I have spied..yes..ONCE...one action does not give a man his character....you have to add in all my other bad traits first :wub:

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[quote name='Caleb279' date='21 July 2010 - 07:39 PM' timestamp='1279755528' post='2383515']
Nobody else commends him. He still blew it out of proportion, and his initial arugments are not what has been revealed here. You said the issue is RL, and the bf/ gf thing. Then there are claims of Chimaera being a terrible leader when I for one have found him to be a great one through and through.

Pankala likes drama, and still made stuff up. Stop defending him, you're making yourselves look bad.
So I should follow the crowd and condemn Penkala? Sure, who doesn't enjoy being a sheep? And Chimaera is no longer a leader of an alliance so I would never claim that he was a terrible leader. I had enjoyed my time in IAA for the 13-14 months I was there and under the command of Chimaera. I'm just ashamed of his acts as of recently, which have mostly occurred after his resignation as Emperor

[quote name='Thrash' date='21 July 2010 - 07:39 PM' timestamp='1279755575' post='2383517']
Not for nothing, but if you guys truly are upset, perhaps you should have come forward and not have Penkala do it for you. That would have made it seem a lot more credible.

[quote name='JWConner' date='21 July 2010 - 07:51 PM' timestamp='1279756272' post='2383544']
While I have nothing against Spamalot or it's members (except NR), if you were all so upset about this, you shouldn't have had Penkala fight your battle for you. We all know Penkala loves to jump on the first moral crusade he can find, but it just makes you look weaker having someone like him fight your battles for you.

You find me somewhere where Spamalot came to Penkala asking him to fight our battles. Once again like I said earlier, though apparently you people weaved through my words, Penkala did this for his friend and not for Spamalot. Thank you for implying that we are weak and cannot fight our own battles though, really appreciate it.

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[quote name='MASTABADEY' date='21 July 2010 - 07:59 PM' timestamp='1279756752' post='2383560']
Thank you for implying that we are weak and cannot fight our own battles though, really appreciate it.

I said nothing about weak, I said credibility.

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[quote name='Thrash' date='21 July 2010 - 07:08 PM' timestamp='1279757321' post='2383579']
I said nothing about weak, I said credibility.

nah, he was talking to me...but we've since spoken on IRC and cleared that up :D

:wub: masta :wub:

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[quote name='MASTABADEY' date='21 July 2010 - 04:59 PM' timestamp='1279756752' post='2383560']
So I should follow the crowd and condemn Penkala? Sure, who doesn't enjoy being a sheep? And Chimaera is no longer a leader of an alliance so I would never claim that he was a terrible leader. I had enjoyed my time in IAA for the 13-14 months I was there and under the command of Chimaera. I'm just ashamed of his acts as of recently, which have mostly occurred after his resignation as Emperor

Not because its popular, but because its right. And yeah, there's no point in going against it, we all know he's a puffed up drama queen who puts himself in the center of things having nothing to do with him.

I haven't noticed anything shameful, and didn't know he resigned.

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[quote name='Branimir' date='21 July 2010 - 05:49 PM' timestamp='1279748924' post='2383329']
Does the entire CN date each other?
No, just the people who start wars relating to Purple and Maroon alliances.

[quote name='mrott' date='21 July 2010 - 06:30 PM' timestamp='1279751410' post='2383402']
You must have forgotten... He has no alliance, nor does he have any allies. He's a freelance BS'er... free is about right, matching the quality of his work. No wonder he doesn't have any allies.
Oh right. Yeah, sorry, I find it hard to keep up with Penky's current AA. :)

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[quote name='chefjoe' date='21 July 2010 - 10:35 PM' timestamp='1279748083' post='2383304']
After your recent escapades you should probably sit quietly in the corner rather then trying to berate penkala for calling out an act of idiocy. <_<

Yet valhalla scrambled into peace mode at the first sign of war that was a complete joke. You, sir, have no room to talk.

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