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[quote name='Quinoa Rex' date='20 July 2010 - 09:54 AM' timestamp='1279644860' post='2380814']
If an alliance doesn't have a strong enough stomach to tell an aggressive alliance to go swivel, and they opt to [i]disband[/i] because of it, that is probably better for them. It has nothing to do with right or wrong. It is, like I said, a matter of adaptation.

Wonderful, every disbandment that occurred under the NPO-led hegemony was neither right nor wrong. It is a relief to see we have abandoned all pretense of superiority to the old hegemony.

[quote name='Epiphanus' date='20 July 2010 - 09:59 AM' timestamp='1279645172' post='2380825']
Besides, MK, unlike those we are being compared to, do not force people to disband their alliance. Nor is the raiding of red in any way comparable to forcibly disbanding alliances.

There is no such thing as forcing an alliance to disband. When an alliance disbands it is because they see disbandment as preferable to whatever appears to be on the horizon. Buckling under the pressure of war is certainly an instance of survival of the fittest.

Edited by Moridin
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So, the same guys who complained and eventually tore NPO to sheds for using their power unfairly are now raiding red team alliances in order to provoke the big dog into a fight by tearing down innocent nations and micro alliances for purely political reasons? Maintaining their own hegemony? Let me know if I got any part of that incorrect.

Poor show fellas.

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[quote name='Moridin' date='20 July 2010 - 07:00 PM' timestamp='1279645188' post='2380827']
Wonderful, every disbandment that occurred under the NPO-led hegemony was neither right nor wrong. It is a relief to see we have abandoned all pretense of superiority to the old hegemony.
But they had viceroys!

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[quote name='Skap Q' date='20 July 2010 - 01:00 PM' timestamp='1279645220' post='2380828']So, the same guys who complained and eventually tore NPO to [b][i]sheds[/i][/b] for using their power unfairly are now raiding red team alliances in order to provoke the big dog into a fight by tearing down innocent nations and micro alliances for purely political reasons? Maintaining their own hegemony? [b]Let me know if I got any part of that incorrect.[/b][/quote]

You're welcome.

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[quote name='Epiphanus' date='20 July 2010 - 12:45 PM' timestamp='1279644302' post='2380795']
The fact that someone in NSO said this is just comedy gold.

Except we Sith have never wrapped ourselves in moralism (indeed, our philosophy is amoral in nature) as LUE did during the Karma War, which makes your current behavior hypocritical.

Edited by Corinan
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[quote name='Corinan' date='20 July 2010 - 06:02 PM' timestamp='1279645319' post='2380834']
Except we Sith have never wrapped ourselves in moralism (indeed, our philosophy is amoral in nature) as LUE did during the Karma War, which makes your current behavior hypocritical.

LUE fought in Karma?

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='20 July 2010 - 07:00 PM' timestamp='1279645182' post='2380826']
I dunno, I'd go unaligned for the opportunity to write that.

If you happen to take on this task, pics are a must. :v:

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[quote name='Corinan' date='20 July 2010 - 12:02 PM' timestamp='1279645319' post='2380834']
Except we Sith have never wrapped ourselves in moralism (indeed, our philosophy is amoral in nature) as LUE did during the Karma War, which makes your current behavior hypocritical.
No, I was referring to not making it easy to paint your alliance in a bad light. Not necessarily referring to this situation whatsoever.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' date='21 July 2010 - 03:04 AM' timestamp='1279645444' post='2380837']
LUE fought in Karma?
Don't mind him, he thinks it's funny or something. It's best just to play along with these kinds of things.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' date='20 July 2010 - 01:04 PM' timestamp='1279645444' post='2380837']
LUE fought in Karma?

Yes, they were calling themselves Mushroom Kingdom by that point. You say tomato, I say terrible alliance. It's the same thing.

Also I'd like to point out that only Admin has the ability to disband alliances. The old hegemony never committed such an act, as it would have been impossible for them to do so.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' date='20 July 2010 - 12:04 PM' timestamp='1279645444' post='2380837']
LUE fought in Karma?
It's funny because he means MK, you see. Or it would be funny if it wasn't dumb and worn out.

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This is absolutely hilarious.

Please, folks, continue traveling from "It's about shoving it in the NPO's face because we can." to "It's just about tech-raiding." Also, continue saying "Might makes right" and traveling to "Survival of the fittest."

I mean, really. This thread is about to reach Gold Mine potential, and it's all thanks to those wonderful folks conducting this raid :) If you guys weren't so torn between what you can do and what you are afraid of becoming, it wouldn't be so great.

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[quote name='Nizzle' date='20 July 2010 - 07:09 PM' timestamp='1279645756' post='2380848']
This is absolutely hilarious.

Please, folks, continue traveling from "It's about shoving it in the NPO's face because we can." to "It's just about tech-raiding." Also, continue saying "Might makes right" and traveling to "Survival of the fittest."

I mean, really. This thread is about to reach Gold Mine potential, and it's all thanks to those wonderful folks conducting this raid :) If you guys weren't so torn between what you can do and what you are afraid of becoming, it wouldn't be so great.

I wasn't aware we even still [i]had[/i] woodworks.

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[quote name='Voytek' date='20 July 2010 - 05:37 PM' timestamp='1279643814' post='2380776']
Individual nations don't have sovereignty. It's in the CN Bible.[/quote]
Even when there are thousands upon thousands of them? Why, of course! Because no matter how many independents there are, you can destroy them for sport and use them as pawns in your political games because they have no desire to pack together like wolves and assert their own will on you, as you do to them.

Your CN Bible was written by cowards and bullies and rather than revising it, you enjoy nothing more than following it. Oh well.

Edited by Aimee Mann
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[quote name='Voytek' date='20 July 2010 - 01:06 PM' timestamp='1279645575' post='2380842']
Don't mind him, he thinks it's funny or something. It's best just to play along with these kinds of things.

Says the guy wearing a [i]luenited nations signature.[/i] You're all quite fond of your LUE roots, to the point that you reference it it your alliance tag. Don't play stupid.

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[quote name='Aimee Mann' date='21 July 2010 - 03:11 AM' timestamp='1279645855' post='2380852']
Even when there are thousands upon thousands of them? Why, of course! Because no matter how many independents there are, you can destroy them for sport and use them as pawns in your political games because they have no desire to pack together like wolves and assert their own will on you, as you do to them.

Your CN Bible was written by cowards and bullies and rather than revising it, you enjoy nothing more than following it. Oh well.

Except we aren't raiding thousands upon thousands of nations.

~and with that the cards all



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[quote name='Aimee Mann' date='20 July 2010 - 07:11 PM' timestamp='1279645855' post='2380852']
Even when there are thousands upon thousands of them? Why, of course! Because no matter how many independents there are, you can destroy them for sport and use them as pawns in your political games because they can't pack together like wolves and assert their own will on you, as you can do to them.

Your CN Bible was written by cowards and bullies and rather than revising it, you enjoy nothing more than following it. Oh well.

This is purely an argument against techraiding in general. We've all heard it. Sorry if the same old string tugs aren't moving our hearts in another direction. We have no pity for unaligned nations, and never will.

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[quote name='Nizzle' date='20 July 2010 - 07:09 PM' timestamp='1279645756' post='2380848']
This is absolutely hilarious.

Please, folks, continue traveling from "It's about shoving it in the NPO's face because we can." to "It's just about tech-raiding." Also, continue saying "Might makes right" and traveling to "Survival of the fittest."

I mean, really. This thread is about to reach Gold Mine potential, and it's all thanks to those wonderful folks conducting this raid :) If you guys weren't so torn between what you can do and what you are afraid of becoming, it wouldn't be so great.
The line of arguments here is quickly reaching MPK standards. And I mean this as a compliment!

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[quote name='Corinan' date='20 July 2010 - 07:12 PM' timestamp='1279645955' post='2380854']
Says the guy wearing a [i]luenited nations signature.[/i] You're all quite fond of your LUE roots, to the point that you reference it it your alliance tag. Don't play stupid.

It's called playing along. Only thing you can really do when faced with tired jokes/lines.

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