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A Joint Announcement from Argent and TOOL

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[quote name='Felix von Agnu' date='19 July 2010 - 07:36 AM' timestamp='1279539348' post='2378742']
Wow, [b]I wonder who is cancelling on who next[/b].
Your time has come Agnu.

Sad to see this for my friends in Argent as well as TOOL. Based on what I know of your history and past relationship I can't imagine this came lightly or easy at all.

P.S. Sup Poobs. :awesome:

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This treaty was always one of those that was an inconvenience to the Citadel project, as TOOL have an unfortunate habit of ending up on the 'wrong' side of fights, but they seemed to be good allies to Argent from what I saw so I'm a little surprised that your relationship degraded to this level. Congratulations on a long friendship in which you fulfilled an (at times) inconvenient treaty and good luck to both of you.

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[quote name='Diomede' date='19 July 2010 - 02:48 PM' timestamp='1279547306' post='2378789']
There's definitely a short (hopefully long) term benefit for TOOL coming out of this cancelation, and I wish them well. Much respect and thanks for being there in the early days.

Care to explain what that short term benefit is? Do I misunderstand or are you calling your own alliance a burden on TOOL?

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[quote name='kriekfreak' date='19 July 2010 - 03:04 PM' timestamp='1279548228' post='2378797']
Care to explain what that short term benefit is? Do I misunderstand or are you calling your own alliance a burden on TOOL?
I would, but I'm lazy. Alas. Also yes, you do misunderstand.

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This is indeed a sad day for me and TOOL. I wish it was another way, but alas... I wish Argent the best, and I will do my best to keep and improve my communication directly with Argent going forward. Would hate to lose all connection after so long.


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[quote name='freedomfight3r' date='19 July 2010 - 06:08 PM' timestamp='1279577266' post='2379370']
I still :wub: you, Mia.

I still love you too my Argent counterpart. :v You'll never get rid of me.

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