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A Joint Announcement from Argent and TOOL

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All things must eventually come to an end. After discussions between the governments of both The Order of Light and Argent, we have come to the conclusion that we no longer share the bond we once did. For this reason, both parties have decided to cancel our treaty using Article VI of "ARGENT has the best TOOLs."

[quote]Article VI: Termination
This treaty shall only be terminated if either undersigned alliance chooses to exit this treaty or if Article III is found to be violated by a member alliance. If one of the undersigned chooses to terminate this pact, they must give five(5) days notice before the treaty is officially dissolved in which they remain fully bonded to the provisions contained therein.

The cancellation period has since passed. We would like to thank TOOL for everything they have done for us since our beginnings.

Signed for Argent:
Emperor, Janax
Regent, Rustynail
Minister of War, Otter
Minister of Finance, Computra
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Freedomfight3r
Minister of Internal Affairs, Poobah
Minister of Communications, Railic
Minister At Large, Diomede

Signed for TOOL:
Lord Captain Commander, grahamkeatley
Amyrlin, Mia
White Lion, Creekynoise
M'hael, Dodoei123
Callandor, PlanckBorn
Master of Ships, Dealmaster13
Inquisitor, The Dakotans
Council of Light

Edited by Poobah
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While it is sad to part ways with Argent, treaties should reflect the true relationship. TOOL holds great respect for Argent and we have enjoyed seeing you grown from a protectorate to the long way you have come now. TOOL thanks for all the support Argent has shown TOOL in the past and wishes Argent all the luck in the future.

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[quote name='D34th' date='19 July 2010 - 12:15 AM' timestamp='1279516484' post='2378481']
Lot of cancellations lately, I demand my emperor to cancel one of our treaties to follow this new trend!
Honestly, it's just a game of Russian roulette. Spin once to find out how many treaties to cancel. Spin again to find out which alliances you're cancelling on. Nobody told you?

On a serious note, while I wasn't in Argent during the protectorate, I thank TOOL for what it did during that time and after.

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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' date='19 July 2010 - 03:19 AM' timestamp='1279516733' post='2378488']
Honestly, it's just a game of Russian roulette. Spin once to find out how many treaties to cancel. Spin again to find out which alliances you're cancelling on. Nobody told you?


I'll give those instructions to my flightless emperor, thanks :P

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[quote name='Captain Mudfoot' date='19 July 2010 - 05:21 AM' timestamp='1279516862' post='2378491']
Understandable... Always had a lot of respect for argent, and cannot say I blame them for moving away from TOOL. Wish you both well in the future.

... :blink: Wow.

Anyways, good luck to two alliances I am fond of.

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