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Words cannot convey how devastating this news was to myself and the STA as a whole. Hans was a fantastic member of our alliance who helped countless members but he was also a fantastic man behind the in-game persona. My thoughts are with his friends and family and the flags across the Siberian Tiger Alliance will remain at half mast for 29 days.

Edited by Tygaland
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We are very saddened to hear of the deeply felt loss of your friend and fellow alliance member. The national flags of the Democratic Monarchy of Merlinus have been ordered lowered to half-mast for the next 30 days to honor a man whose life was so significant that deeply divided opponents can so quickly come together to uphold and support each other. I did not have the honor of meeting or knowing Hans, but I do sense his loss among STA, and those who did know him. Please know that we of Merlinus will keep those who knew him, and those whose lives he touched, in our thoughts and prayers. With utmost respect,

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On behalf of all of Nueva Vida and myself, our condolences to the family, friends and STA. It is sad to see a respected and close member of your community pass away. I wish the family, friends and STA all the best. The Nueva Vida flag will be lowered out of respect for all involved.

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[quote name='Tygaland' date='18 July 2010 - 01:23 AM' timestamp='1279412621' post='2376460']
Words cannot convey how devastating this news was to myself and the STA as a whole. Hans was a fantastic member of our alliance who helped countless members but he was also a fantastic man behind the in-game persona. My thoughts are with his friends and family and the flags across the Siberian Tiger Alliance will remain at half mast for 29 days.

God Bless, it sucks. I'm sorry for you and more sorry for his family. It won't kill me to fly a STA flag for awhile and I'd like to it in his honor. I'll be doing so and the flag will be at 1/2 staff. I wish I would have had the chance to meet him. God bless you guys, I'm sorry. And God bless his friends and family.

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On behalf of TOOL i wish my condoleances. It is never fair to loose a friend. Especially towards his friends and family our sorrow extends and we will think back on him, and light a candle in his honor. We truly hope Hans and his friends and loved ones will find peace and we will support them through out this difficult period.

Edited by Dodoei123
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I believe I speak for my Invictan compatriots when I say how saddened I am to hear of this loss to the STA community. Our hearts go out to STA & Hans' family as they cope with the unfortunate departure of one of their own.

As commissioner of the Invicta Cricket League, all our games will begin with a moment of silence dedicated to the memory of Hans Zonmyrod, as a show of support for the STA and a reminder of what matters most in (and out of) the Cyberverse.

Za' Sibir.

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It is times like these that are a cruel reminder that behind every keyboard and computer monitor is a fellow human being, and that fellow human is susceptible to mortality, a fate which we all inevitably share. It is at times like these that the brands we force upon one another during the squabbling of inter alliance politics must be thrown aside to honor the memory of a member of not only a member of the human race but of the dysfunctional sort of family we call Bob. My condolences go out to Siberian Tiger Alliance for the player and to his Family and Friends for the human. Another family member who will be sorely missed.

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see you above soon someday hans :)

'Mourn for the life he had, but celebrate his new life in heaven.'

the wolf king has decreed that there will be a day of rememberence for this ruler
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My most sincere condolences go out to his family, and to whatever cyber nations communities he was a part of. RIP Hans Zonmyrod

Edited by StevieG
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