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United Purple Nations - Regnum Invictorum Announcement

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Although BAPS has a history of making friends in battle it relates mostly to strangers who we happened to meet on the opposite side of a war. The fact is that such a challenge will achieve little besides maybe blowing off some steam, but an open aggressive engagement might not only not help sanitate the current situation between UPN and BAPS but deepen the hostility we are seeing today.

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[quote name='Bones Malone' date='09 June 2010 - 07:39 PM' timestamp='1276130366' post='2330887']
Kae, I see what you're saying, and this is probably the only time you'll catch me posting in this thread because my thoughts on the announcement are pretty conflicted, but I have to disagree. You're exactly right in your complaints against the regime that refused to downgrade the treaty. However, that regime is not this regime. The two are so radically different that I can't fault them for going against what was done previously. The only people still around from back then are Hans and Don (correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not entirely sure). New person in the big pants, new direction. I can't fault Peggy for mistakes and perceived mistakes made by Altheus, and I won't hold things Peggy does against Altheus. I'll just accept that the political climate over there has changed and chalk it all up to "differing political views" or whatever the official statement was. It is possible for two close alliances to veer apart after a regime change.
Why am I not surprised that you would step in to disagree with me Bones? LOL. That's all right, you're allowed. :P

Okay, I don't do this often, but... I'll concede to part of what you are saying here. It is a new regime, and you are absolutely right about that. It is unfair of me to hold them to the mistakes of the old regime, and I will take care not to do that anymore.

That being said, it changes very little. The new regimes decisions are less then impressive, to say the least, if one of the first major actions they chose to pursue was to desert a long standing, high level treaty (the highest they held) in the middle of a war. Even if, as basically a completely new entity, UPN was choosing to snuggle up elsewhere on Planet Bob, making that decision at the time they did was poor leadership and a bad show. Frankly, as screwed up as the old regime was, maybe they would have at least honored their treaties.

And just to dissuade any assumptions that this is simply blind hate for UPN - which it isn't - I'd like to say that Alchemy, on two occasions this past week, approached UPN gov to alert them to potential problems, when we could have easily kept quiet. We don't hate UPN - we simply have no respect for them.

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[quote name='Kae Lee' date='10 June 2010 - 08:23 AM' timestamp='1276176215' post='2331571']
Why am I not surprised that you would step in to disagree with me Bones? LOL. That's all right, you're allowed. :P

Okay, I don't do this often, but... I'll concede to part of what you are saying here. It is a new regime, and you are absolutely right about that. It is unfair of me to hold them to the mistakes of the old regime, and I will take care not to do that anymore.

That being said, it changes very little. The new regimes decisions are less then impressive, to say the least, if one of the first major actions they chose to pursue was to desert a long standing, high level treaty (the highest they held) in the middle of a war. Even if, as basically a completely new entity, UPN was choosing to snuggle up elsewhere on Planet Bob, making that decision at the time they did was poor leadership and a bad show. Frankly, as screwed up as the old regime was, maybe they would have at least honored their treaties.

And just to dissuade any assumptions that this is simply blind hate for UPN - which it isn't - I'd like to say that Alchemy, on two occasions this past week, approached UPN gov to alert them to potential problems, when we could have easily kept quiet. We don't hate UPN - we simply have no respect for them.
" if one of the first major actions they chose to pursue was to desert a long standing, high level treaty (the highest they held) in the middle of a war."

I was not making decisions about the war back in January and February.

Invicta and UPN are LITERALLY on different political paths ... now ... in May/June, 2010.
This new ODP relationship is the result of being on different paths.

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[quote]I was not making decisions about the war back in January and February. [/quote]
I would have thought being as you took over that you would have had some input in the direction of the alliance at that point. Then again, I know how much value was placed on cabinet members opinions in the old regime, so maybe not.

If it's true that you didn't, and you just inherited this colossal FA faux pas, then my mistake. Even if you are not responsible for the decisions though, you took the helm with full knowledge of what was done, yes? Maybe it's just me, but had that been the situation - political differences aside - I would have set to work immediately to correct the atrocities committed under the UPN banner by the old regime and help clear UPNs name. Something along the lines of a new and better direction post to help distinguish between the 'old' UPN and the 'new' one would have been appropriate. And maybe righting the wrongs of UPN by taking my sanctioned alliance and using it to restore Invicta (and other allies who suffered) to something of their former selves, not just a half-fulfilled promise to do so. I guess we all lead differently, that's just me.

Edited by Kae Lee
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[quote name='Peggy_Sue' date='10 June 2010 - 01:48 PM' timestamp='1276174109' post='2331555']
No, I do not think a duel would end the hostilities ... but I do think it would give BAPS and UPN an interaction that would be the beginning of actually being able to do something other than make barbed OWF posts and receive barbed OWF posts.
We interacted in Poseidon/PEACE together for 2 years or something. [img]http://www.hagasny.com/forums/smilies/Fingers_Crossed.gif[/img]

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[quote name='Alterego' date='10 June 2010 - 01:05 PM' timestamp='1276193107' post='2331825']
We interacted in Poseidon/PEACE together for 2 years or something. [img]http://www.hagasny.com/forums/smilies/Fingers_Crossed.gif[/img]

Um, well, I received some over-the-line interactions from BAPS on that forum. It looked like you expected me to [s]sit[/s] lay there, take it, and walk away limping without a word.

I have hopes for better interactions than that but if your government doesn't want it, I'll let it be for now.

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[quote name='Peggy_Sue' date='10 June 2010 - 12:32 PM' timestamp='1276198325' post='2331937']
Um, well, I received some over-the-line interactions from BAPS on that forum. It looked like you expected me to [s]sit[/s] lay there, take it, and walk away limping without a word.

I have hopes for better interactions than that but if your government doesn't want it, I'll let it be for now.

I think the bottom line is purple as a whole found UPNs actions disgusting and self serving and wont be looking to forget about it anytime soon.

Just my .02

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[quote name='chefjoe' date='10 June 2010 - 09:24 PM' timestamp='1276201455' post='2331988']
I think the bottom line is purple as a whole found UPNs actions disgusting and self serving and wont be looking to forget about it anytime soon.

Just my .02

From what I heard, there were quite a few alliances on 'our' side of the war that were very surprised to see UPN going neutral and not helping the side they needed them the most.

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[quote name='Peggy_Sue' date='10 June 2010 - 08:32 PM' timestamp='1276198325' post='2331937']
I have hopes for better interactions than that but if your government doesn't want it, I'll let it be for now.
We didnt say no yet. You'll get an official reply one way or another soon. Please bear with us :)

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[quote name='Peggy_Sue' date='09 June 2010 - 11:49 PM' timestamp='1276141740' post='2331187']
Yes, Buds the Man, there's been one !@#$storm after another. I do not blame anyone for their feelings for the past. The bring it wasn't meant to be subtle really; I would like to propose a small-scale engagement between an alliance that apparently has a lot of hatred to work through and a portion of UPN. ... A one-on-one interaction with even numbers that just might help create a different relation than the one that exists. Yes, the bed was too cold for my taste and I chose to not put up with one more rude ice cube -- I left. Likely a good thing for both sides of the situation. It sure doesn't have to be permanent, but for the time being I'm just not going to put up with the kinds of ice cubes that were being dealt.

So, what say you, BAPS?
You werent even in power for a month and walked out sorry Peggy after UPNs deal in the war it was going to be cold. Your lack of resolve to be there was clear. Im not saying shots werent fired im just saying you should have been prepared for that with all things considered and if purple was a priority probably worked through them instead of walking out.

[quote name='Banksy' date='10 June 2010 - 12:11 AM' timestamp='1276143079' post='2331225']
Unlike some, the ODN was able to sympathise with UPN's predicament. We weren't happy at the time, but we've talked and we understand why UPN made the decision. We are supporting UPN here because we are supporting our treaty partners in peace, and in war. UPN are positioning themselves so they wont be caught up again, and we understand this, and so we are accommodating one of our closest friends while they smooth their FA out.
Yeah such good friends that most everyone forgot about that dusty treaty till the war happened. I suppose i could be wrong but I doubt it cuz i sure havent seen a ton of ODN support for UPN prior.

[quote name='kriekfreak' date='10 June 2010 - 04:27 PM' timestamp='1276201630' post='2331990']
From what I heard, there were quite a few alliances on 'our' side of the war that were very surprised to see UPN going neutral and not helping the side they needed them the most.
I dont care how many logical things you post or if we agree i will maintain my hatred for you and IFOK so stop it :P

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[quote name='King John Philos Vi' date='11 June 2010 - 09:35 PM' timestamp='1276306501' post='2334178']
It's a shame Invicta lacks the substance to participate. :smug:
Participate in what? Intracolor wars?
If so, that statement applies to every alliance in existence.
...you may want to rethink your statement...

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[quote name='Learz' date='11 June 2010 - 10:25 PM' timestamp='1276309522' post='2334271']
Participate in what? Intracolor wars?
If so, that statement applies to every alliance in existence.
...you may want to rethink your statement...

Sorry that I didn't break it down enough for you to understand. I felt that most people would possess the intellect to discern that I was referring to the BAPS vs. UPN dueling debate. [quote]Purplol vs. Purplol[/quote] I'll take care to remember that Purplol people are in the room and that they require a more in-depth explanation to everything. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='King John Philos Vi' date='11 June 2010 - 10:43 PM' timestamp='1276310603' post='2334311']
Sorry that I didn't break it down enough for you to understand. I felt that most people would possess the intellect to discern that I was referring to the BAPS vs. UPN dueling debate. I'll take care to remember that Purplol people are in the room and that they require a more in-depth explanation to everything. :rolleyes:
If you haven't realized it, you trapped yourself with that statement, no matter how many insults you throw out.

Again, participate in what? Dueling? [i]Again[/i], that applies to every alliance. Including yours.

*EDIT* I hope you don't try to backpedal and simply try say we should be participating in the [i]debate[/i]. That would just be sad at this point.

Edited by Learz
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[quote name='Learz' date='11 June 2010 - 11:31 PM' timestamp='1276313487' post='2334387']

Again, participate in what? Dueling? [i]Again[/i], that applies to every alliance. Including yours.

*EDIT* I hope you don't try to backpedal and simply try say we should be participating in the [i]debate[/i]. That would just be sad at this point.

My statements culminate to the idea that I'd much rather watch a certain selection of Purple alliances implode on themselves, as they are steadily.
Honestly, you wonder why myself and so many others are cheering this on? Once there's blood in the water you won't want to hold back. You'll bicker and squabble until you're all exactly what we think of you and then some.
It's like watching Maury or Jerry Springer except instead of angry midget husbands and DNA tests, we have lil purple people arguing over pixels. :smug:

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[quote name='King John Philos Vi' date='12 June 2010 - 12:43 AM' timestamp='1276317778' post='2334585']
It's like watching Maury or Jerry Springer except instead of angry midget husbands and DNA tests, we have lil purple people arguing over pixels. :smug:
Better than arguing about whose skirt we should hide under.

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[quote name='Haflinger' date='12 June 2010 - 12:48 AM' timestamp='1276318096' post='2334590']
Better than arguing about whose skirt we should hide under.

You know, I forget my way. I choose to withhold my retort to that comment.
I also would like to note that my previous comments towards Purple and "Purplol"
are reserved to a small collective that are vain and arrogant enough to know who they are.

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[quote name='Buds The Man' date='10 June 2010 - 03:42 PM' timestamp='1276206118' post='2332130']
Yeah such good friends that most everyone forgot about that dusty treaty till the war happened. I suppose i could be wrong but I doubt it cuz i sure havent seen a ton of ODN support for UPN prior.

I don't think anyone forgot anything. *shrugs* I'm sure if they'd ever needed our support on the forums, we'd have been happy to provide it. That having been said, we don't have a large presence on here (in comparison with say, MK) which may account for why you haven't seen much ODN support for UPN.

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[quote name='King John Philos Vi' date='12 June 2010 - 03:43 AM' timestamp='1276310603' post='2334311']
Sorry that I didn't break it down enough for you to understand. I felt that most people would possess the intellect to discern that I was referring to the BAPS vs. UPN dueling debate. I'll take care to remember that Purplol people are in the room and that they require a more in-depth explanation to everything. :rolleyes:
You obviously have no idea of the origin of the word and are just repeating a buzzword you once read to try and look cool and informed.

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[quote name='King John Philos Vi' date='12 June 2010 - 12:43 AM' timestamp='1276317778' post='2334585']
My statements culminate to the idea that I'd much rather watch a certain selection of Purple alliances implode on themselves, as they are steadily.
Honestly, you wonder why myself and so many others are cheering this on? Once there's blood in the water you won't want to hold back. You'll bicker and squabble until you're all exactly what we think of you and then some.
It's like watching Maury or Jerry Springer except instead of angry midget husbands and DNA tests, we have lil purple people arguing over pixels. :smug:
Oh, so, you're wondering why Invicta isn't stupid enough to participate in a silly method of losing NS to our allies.
Well, I think the answer is in the question.

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[quote name='Alterego' date='12 June 2010 - 05:46 AM' timestamp='1276336001' post='2334801']
You obviously have no idea of the origin of the word and are just repeating a buzzword you once read to try and look cool and informed.

I used a lot of really big words. Pick one to insult me over.

[quote name='Learz' date='12 June 2010 - 09:03 AM' timestamp='1276347808' post='2334883']
Oh, so, you're wondering why Invicta isn't stupid enough to participate in a silly method of losing NS to our allies.
Well, I think the answer is in the question.

Well, y'all are already so good at losing it to your adversaries, I thought maybe you should consider trying something new.

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[quote name='King John Philos Vi' date='12 June 2010 - 05:36 PM' timestamp='1276378544' post='2335409']
Well, y'all are already so good at losing it to your adversaries, I thought maybe you should consider trying something new.
Some people might take that as a challenge (ironic considering the topic!), but instead I'll simply point out that words are just that: words. Invicta chooses to back up our words with action, and we have (and will) defend our allies regardless of how much NS it costs. Unlike certain other alliances.

With that being said, and to prevent further derailing of this (pretty much) dead thread, I'll leave this conversation. Good day.

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