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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='27 April 2010 - 05:05 PM' timestamp='1272380729' post='2277330']
Mudd, 160,000 men 1800 tanks 600 aircraft, 3 battleships and 3 corvettes is what ive got in the bay along with a large armada of transports + ive got the entire force on shore mate and they cities been fortfied the best it can.

Lyns ruling means you missed the chance to oppose the landings, so your gonna be attacking Anchorage.

Im sure ill enjoy it just as much as you.

And by the way, James Wilsons also in Alaska near Anchorage, and hes got almost twice as much as me on the ground/air.. not sre about sea, aswell as alot more tech than me.
It didn't mean you could walz in without resistance. I expected you guys to RP some. >:|

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[quote name='Lynneth' date='27 April 2010 - 05:15 PM' timestamp='1272384914' post='2277369']
It didn't mean you could walz in without resistance. I expected you guys to RP some. >:|

Ive RP'd losses
47 aircraft, 4500 infantry, 200 tanks 7 transport ships and 1700 sailors

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='27 April 2010 - 08:40 AM' timestamp='1272382799' post='2277350']
Baron, I think Maels going for the stalingrad sorta combat, inwhich soldiers were just given sniper rifles and sent out mate.
Well, then expect them to not be nearly as effective as a real sniper. When I hear "Sniper", I imagine Marine Recon.

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Because its 5 transports mate and two warships.
If you read my posts start to finish theres a flotilla of 37 or so ships
with a 6 warship count.
however, as 2 ships were sunk in CNRP i removed them from IG to save on bills for the time being.

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ahha, treaty lock fizzy, treaty lock.
NR is in the CAN aswell :)
And i wouldnt exactly use a marked bomber, and i wouldnt fly it home, and i wouldnt fly it directly from the Empire ;)
just 6 missiles on a b-52 and the rest would be airburst gravity bombs ;)

or another AC-130 with VX artillery shells in the 105 cannon

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[quote name='Emperor Mudd' date='27 April 2010 - 12:44 AM' timestamp='1272350679' post='2277129']
Anchorage has no direct land defenses like the rest of Alaska/British Columbia do thanks to the fact it was formerly part of Viniland and unless he RPed defenses there there are none. However, a naval squadron, large air contingent and major military base right next to Anchorage (all with the reminder I have WAYYYYYYYYYY more tech than you) means I don't really need them.

You'll enjoy tomorrow
Just to confirm this - I left Anchorage pretty much as it is in RL.

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[quote name='Emperor Mudd' date='27 April 2010 - 09:26 PM' timestamp='1272428800' post='2278144']
Response is coming tonight.

No whining will be tolerated

I disagree completely, in fact, everyone is invited to my house for "Wining". It's like dining but with more alcoholism.

I still can't wait for the Battle of Disneyland.

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Tahoans drink beer. All hail the ale. And a glass of fruit juice for the ladies.

By whining I mean of course I have a very long and methodical RP to how my nation works and I know you all went to[i] great lengths[/i] to try and gang bang me to the point of ignoring defenses, geography, physics, use of brain, ect.

SO my counter RP may not work perfectly with how you RPed your attack. Your problem, not mine. I dictate where my defenses are, so sorry. Most of you I worked with and RPed around accordingly. Thats because MOST of you are mature, reasonable people. Some of you aren't. We can all laugh at those people once they start whining. See how brilliant my system is.

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[quote name='Emperor Mudd' date='27 April 2010 - 09:38 PM' timestamp='1272429474' post='2278163']
Tahoans drink beer. All hail the ale. And a glass of fruit juice for the ladies.

By whining I mean of course I have a very long and methodical RP to how my nation works and I know you all went to[i] great lengths[/i] to try and gang bang me to the point of ignoring defenses, geography, physics, use of brain, ect.

SO my counter RP may not work perfectly with how you RPed your attack. Your problem, not mine. I dictate where my defenses are, so sorry. Most of you I worked with and RPed around accordingly. Thats because MOST of you are mature, reasonable people. Some of you aren't. We can all laugh at those people once they start whining. See how brilliant my system is.
Ale? Finns drink Vodka mixed with the blood of their Russian enemies. :P

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[quote name='BaronUberstein' date='27 April 2010 - 12:38 PM' timestamp='1272386300' post='2277384']
Well, then expect them to not be nearly as effective as a real sniper. When I hear "Sniper", I imagine Marine Recon.

They still managed to be effective in their own way. And he's right, I wasn't really making them all specialty snipers, many of them are, but MOST of them are just soldiers with a spotter, so they won't be as effective. I will tell you this much though, a half-as-effective sniper in Urban terrain and in larger quantities is going to make for a much greater hell than what the regular soldiers would be doing anyhow. Plus, they keep their standard issue assault rifles with them for close in combat.. so it's going to get messy real quick.

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Distopyans don't drink. They smoke.

But anyway, I look forward to warring. Let's make Oregon rain more blood than it does actual rain.

Also, I'm flattening Enumclaw, Washington. I don't care what you guys say.

I have an ex from there.

Edited by Vince Sixx
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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='27 April 2010 - 10:24 PM' timestamp='1272432258' post='2278222']
They still managed to be effective in their own way. And he's right, I wasn't really making them all specialty snipers, many of them are, but MOST of them are just soldiers with a spotter, so they won't be as effective. I will tell you this much though, a half-as-effective sniper in Urban terrain and in larger quantities is going to make for a much greater hell than what the regular soldiers would be doing anyhow. Plus, they keep their standard issue assault rifles with them for close in combat.. so it's going to get messy real quick.
Ah, okay then. I simply assumed that you meant people who went through sniper school, your clarification makes a lot more sense. :)

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