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Announcment from ADI

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[quote name='Lord Tri' date='26 March 2010 - 02:22 AM' timestamp='1269584520' post='2237147']
I have mixed feelings about whether or not I should take this as a compliment...
well its not a bad thing. lol. youre just doing a better job of getting your point across. instead of flipping through the pages of OWF reading the propaganda, and using what sounds good.

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[quote name='teamcoltra' date='26 March 2010 - 12:49 AM' timestamp='1269582576' post='2237118']
Again... if we are going to talk about honor:
How about this alliance take care of its own rouge threat? Instead of crying and begging of help from the CN community.

Darwinism: Man up, grow a pair, and defend yourself... or give in and die.

My old alliance was "Cor Aut Mors" it meant "heart or death" which was the old roman saying, because they would go to battle to defend themselves, and they would either come back victorious, or dead. *THATS* honor.

An alliance that has a history of acting like weasels, and now in a time of need cannot even defend themselves is pathetic.

How about that time you tried to coup an alliance, was that honor?

Rather sad to see people showing their real colors of cheering on people who obviously are doing less then honorable deeds. Perhaps you should take "your mother's advice" and say nothing if you have nothing nice to say? Best of luck to ADI.

Edited by memoryproblems
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at first i decided not to nuke these rogues unless they nuke me first but the amount of crap posted by few folks here changed my mind :smug:


also, Goodluck ADI, you're not that bad :)

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[quote name='gantanX' date='26 March 2010 - 02:34 AM' timestamp='1269585254' post='2237152']
at first i decided not to nuke these rogues unless they nuke me first but the amount of crap posted by few folks here changed my mind :smug:


also, Goodluck ADI, you're not that bad :)

Awww, come on. You're going to nuke us after a bunch of people post some hate about ADI? We didn't even respond yet! lol. May your nukes be blocked over and over, just like mine were the other night by Warbuck's SDI.

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[quote name='phillip110' date='26 March 2010 - 02:06 AM' timestamp='1269587179' post='2237168']
Awww, come on. You're going to nuke us after a bunch of people post some hate about ADI? We didn't even respond yet! lol. May your nukes be blocked over and over, just like mine were the other night by Warbuck's SDI.
What, you can't take a nuke from someone with more tech than you? You sure can dish them out at people with lower stats than yours. I'm sure if I attacked someone 20k NS lower than me with 4k less tech I'd win all the time too ;) (Talking about mco vs Bobogoobo, not you vs me)

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We have told ADI several times, and we will tell all of CN now the following:

1. ADI is making a great deal of assumptions that we have no reason to attack them.
2. We do not represent an alliance of any kind, there is no great conspiracy of alliances involved, but that does not make us simple rogues.
3. We realize many of you will not see us as "honorable" in our actions, yet there are certainly honorable reasons for what we are doing.
4. Those reasons will be given to the public very soon when we feel the time is right.

And as a final note, my good friend and comrade mco119 wrote to John Warbuck the following:

"our fate is not "in the hands of ADI" Our fate is in our own hands, as it was by free will that we undertook this war. We have accepted the consequences, and there is nothing you can do to stop us, at least so long as we do not wish to be stopped. I suppose our funds will run out eventually, that is simple math, but this won't happen before a fatal blow has been dealt. You have so much power (or rather the friends you have fight for you do), but in the end it will amount to nothing..the equation of life and death becomes imbalanced when one side is indifferent towards survival. We may be destroyed, but not before you learn that sometimes a few can be far more terrifying than many."

Edited by phillip110
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[quote name='John Warbuck' date='26 March 2010 - 03:13 AM' timestamp='1269587563' post='2237171']
What, you can't take a nuke from someone with more tech than you? You sure can dish them out at people with lower stats than yours. I'm sure if I attacked someone 20k NS lower than me with 4k less tech I'd win all the time too ;) (Talking about mco vs Bobogoobo, not you vs me)

heh, {ooc}I should have added in a "wink" smiley in order to convey sarcasm/joking around. {/ooc} Clearly, we do not care at all who nukes us.

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[quote name='teamcoltra' date='25 March 2010 - 11:09 PM' timestamp='1269580150' post='2237073']
Actually... I now have gathered enough intelligence to figure out the problem:

- our army is environmental friendly
- fuel efficient
- practical (have you ever tried to park a tank in front of a shopping centre for buying your breakfast donuts??? )
- the machine gun can be replaced with a nuke warhead but than you have to cycle fast after the launch.

Conclusion: didn't like the posted stuff about dead and honour because I can't see any connection between this two words (maybe just my point of view) but your pics are funny.

A big THANKS and o/ to


Edited by Slurm McKenzie
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[quote name='phillip110' date='26 March 2010 - 01:18 AM' timestamp='1269587895' post='2237172']
[size="1"]We have told ADI several times, and we will tell all of CN now the following:

1. ADI is making a great deal of assumptions that we have no reason to attack them.
2. We do not represent an alliance of any kind, there is no great conspiracy of alliances involved, but that does not make us simple rogues.
3. We realize many of you will not see us as "honorable" in our actions, yet there are certainly honorable reasons for what we are doing.
4. Those reasons will be given to the public very soon when we feel the time is right.

And as a final note, my good friend and comrade mco119 wrote to John Warbuck the following:

"our fate is not "in the hands of ADI" Our fate is in our own hands, as it was by free will that we undertook this war. We have accepted the consequences, and there is nothing you can do to stop us, at least so long as we do not wish to be stopped. I suppose our funds will run out eventually, that is simple math, but this won't happen before a fatal blow has been dealt. You have so much power (or rather the friends you have fight for you do), but in the end it will amount to nothing..the equation of life and death becomes imbalanced when one side is indifferent towards survival. We may be destroyed, but not before you learn that sometimes a few can be far more terrifying than many."[/size]

You sound like an extremist suicide bomber. Not once in the history of Earth or Bob have suicidal zealots destroyed a nation. Likewise, you will fail to destroy ADI. Your posts only reveal your desperation.

Like a poor poker player, you have exposed your tell and we know your hand.

Edited by Nathan Grant
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[quote name='phillip110' date='26 March 2010 - 02:18 AM' timestamp='1269587895' post='2237172']

4. Those reasons will be given to the public very soon when we feel the time is right.
Actually, one of you, can't remember who, already told one of the nations helping us what your reasons were and I found them to be quite misguided if they were in fact the true reasons. But the vandalizations of ADI wikis have made me question the integrity of any statements that have been made by you guys.

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[quote name='John Warbuck' date='26 March 2010 - 03:44 AM' timestamp='1269589448' post='2237185']
Actually, one of you, can't remember who, already told one of the nations helping us what your reasons were and I found them to be quite misguided if they were in fact the true reasons. But the vandalizations of ADI wikis have made me question the integrity of any statements that have been made by you guys.

Regardless, sir, of what you claim here, you do not know our reasons. You will soon. As for the Wiki page, this shouldn't have occured, and was not authorized. The situation was immediately rectified, and an apology was given to the ADI member in question. Regardless of what you may think at this time, right and wrong is important to this group..this is what helped motivated our attack in the first place. Again, our reasons will be shared with all of you shortly.

Edited by mco119
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[quote name='John Warbuck' date='26 March 2010 - 12:16 AM' timestamp='1269576990' post='2237017']
I just want to give a shout to those who have helped us, where we do not have a large number of nations. FEAR, NEW and UPN have provided us with high level nations that have helped a lot, and we've received financial assistance from GUN and UPN among other sources. Kronos has also provided some nations, and we didn't even request them to. So a big thank you all around to those who have helped. :)

Nice job guys. FEAR as always steps up to the plate :wub:

Lol @ Kronos! Taking down a nuke rouge is always better than sparring, eh? Which reminds me, I'm coming for you Vesa :ph34r:

Edit: I almost forgot the original point, gl dealing with the rouges.

Edited by Lord Curzon
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[quote name='mco119' date='26 March 2010 - 01:56 AM' timestamp='1269590143' post='2237188']
Regardless, sir, of what you claim here, you do not know our reasons. You will soon. As for the Wiki page, this shouldn't have occured, and was not authorized. The situation was immediately rectified, and an apology was given to the ADI member in question. Regardless of what you may think at this time, right and wrong is important to this group..this is what helped motivated our attack in the first place. Again, our reasons will be shared with all of you shortly.

The question is, will we be surprised by your reasons and the eventual answer to the quintessential question, "why attack ADI?" I think not.

Will it garner you support or turn friends against ADI? Definitely not.

You have nothing to win by continuing a spar with words. It is obvious that you have no moral high ground or you would have tried to seize it already.

Suicide bombers and rogues, the lot of you.

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From what i can see, classification as extremists/suicide bombers and or PR clearly does not matter to these four [?] guys. At the same time it seems clear that they felt about something strongly enough to "do something about it". Its their nations, many a times i have seen it written, "one is free to press the war button whenever one wants".

Bemoaning it wont help, neither will trying to understand it, that time is past. All one can do now is mete out whatever one deems to be justice. Whether the ones classified as rogues are saddened by said meting out of justice, or laugh at it, is inconsequential.

All in all, i think they are having their fun, and so should those ZI-ing them. Everyone goes home happy? Well maybe not the ones that were just caught in the crossfire.

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[quote name='phillip110' date='26 March 2010 - 02:18 AM' timestamp='1269587895' post='2237172']
We have told ADI several times, and we will tell all of CN now the following:

1. ADI is making a great deal of assumptions that we have no reason to attack them.
2. We do not represent an alliance of any kind, there is no great conspiracy of alliances involved, but that does not make us simple rogues.
3. We realize many of you will not see us as "honorable" in our actions, yet there are certainly honorable reasons for what we are doing.
4. Those reasons will be given to the public very soon when we feel the time is right.

And as a final note, my good friend and comrade mco119 wrote to John Warbuck the following:

"our fate is not "in the hands of ADI" Our fate is in our own hands, as it was by free will that we undertook this war. We have accepted the consequences, and there is nothing you can do to stop us, at least so long as we do not wish to be stopped. I suppose our funds will run out eventually, that is simple math, but this won't happen before a fatal blow has been dealt. You have so much power (or rather the friends you have fight for you do), but in the end it will amount to nothing..the equation of life and death becomes imbalanced when one side is indifferent towards survival. We may be destroyed, but not before you learn that sometimes a few can be far more terrifying than many."
having known you for a long time, i know you are not one to do things without having some sort of clear motivation, other than "just for fun".

Have fun mate, i hope you accomplish whatever it is that you are attempting to.

ADI, i hope you can sort this out quickly, even though i know that my former buddies will not go down that easily.

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[quote name='Nathan Grant' date='26 March 2010 - 04:59 AM' timestamp='1269593956' post='2237213']
The question is, will we be surprised by your reasons and the eventual answer to the quintessential question, "why attack ADI?" I think not.

Please delete! Response not worth it at this time. :rolleyes:

Edited by mco119
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Nobody seems desperate to me. I see business as usual here(including the bickering). I see an AA dealing with "rogues". Except I don't see trade sanctions...yet. Hopefully being crushed by NEW & company will be worth it. I don't see how, but time will tell..

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[quote name='kulomascovia' date='26 March 2010 - 12:01 AM' timestamp='1269583261' post='2237129']
This is a standard community notification that many alliances use to notify the outside world of any undesirable members. You might notice that there are threads that list tech scammers, ghosts, rogues...etc. I generally appreciate these kinds of threads for they are informative. The main point of this thread is to raise awareness and not to ask for help. As you may have noted, ADI has already gotten help from several alliances.

Also, it's not unusual for an alliance the size of ADI to have difficulty dealing with high ns rogues by themselves. Plus, do consider that ADI just recently came out from a war. Your expectations are rather unreasonable.

I think kulomascovia said it best.

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