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Announcment from ADI

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[quote name='Starfox101' date='27 March 2010 - 04:35 AM' timestamp='1269682482' post='2238189']
With TPF in it's corner, ADI is unstoppable. :smug:

I'm not even sure what being on their side accomplishes, here.

I'm not sure why being on someones side neccessarily needs to accomplish anything.

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[quote name='Balder' date='27 March 2010 - 07:44 AM' timestamp='1269693842' post='2238226']
Some of the posts in this thread by Corporate Employee's went over the top in their aggressive nature. I may not like ADI, but I still do admit that the conduct seen was not befitting of our good name. ADI, good luck in getting this sorted.

Any Corporate member who wishes to post in here run it by myself or an Executive first.
This post presumes that The Corporation has a 'good' name.

Edited by Roadie
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[quote name='Lord Tri' date='27 March 2010 - 05:44 PM' timestamp='1269708252' post='2238364']
I don't need your personal opinion on how to lead my alliance, Da DreadLord. This thread has served it's purpose and has, yet again, devolved into senseless argument over the TPF War. Hence why I request that my membership cease posting and not get involved in the same old dance we've been doing for three months now.
your alliance? your membership? lol, are you a warbuck mark II?

[quote name='President S O' date='27 March 2010 - 05:45 PM' timestamp='1269708333' post='2238365']
The reason they need to post such requests of their own membership in their threads, is because of the way your alliance, and your allies act toward and treat them. Seriously, build a bridge and get over the past and come into the present, its embarrassing for your alliance.

o/ ADI
for your information i was not in RoK during this whole ADI thing..my dislike for ADI goes back way before that ever happened..

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[quote name='President S O' date='27 March 2010 - 12:45 PM' timestamp='1269708333' post='2238365']
The reason they need to post such requests of their own membership in their threads, is because of the way your alliance, and your allies act toward and treat them. Seriously, build a bridge and get over the past and come into the present, its embarrassing for your alliance.

o/ ADI
dont know you so this doesnt really apply to you, but just throwin it out there since you happened to bring it up. from what ive seen, the people that always preach "its in the past, get over it" are either the ones who have done someone wrong in the past,so you would like for them to get over it, or hold the most grudges.

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[quote name='Roadie' date='27 March 2010 - 12:54 PM' timestamp='1269708874' post='2238375']
This post presumes that The Corporation has a 'good' name.

I'd say so. Also, how much help do you REALLY think it does when I request my membership to be nicer and you troll it?

/me shakes his head.

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[quote name='Sir Keshav IV' date='27 March 2010 - 01:37 PM' timestamp='1269697046' post='2238252']
Point being? When RoK and Athens heard of this plan they were still the defenders. Espionage is an aggressive action so therefore Athens and RoK were defending themselves. I don't see how they are the aggressors. Nevertheless lets stop going off topic :P

One could argue that defending against an action that had stopped, even without going anywhere in the first place, 6 months before is hardly a defensive action. More like forcing a Casus Belli.

EDIT: Good luck with the rogues ADI. Even if I know and like them :(

Edited by Lusitan
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[quote name='Venizelos' date='27 March 2010 - 01:47 PM' timestamp='1269712047' post='2238399']
hate to break it to you but those arent massive nations
top for nations on the AA tho. so in their eyes, they are massive since they cant fight em off. lol

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[quote name='President S O' date='27 March 2010 - 05:45 PM' timestamp='1269708333' post='2238365']
The reason they need to post such requests of their own membership in their threads, is because of the way your alliance, and your allies act toward and treat them. Seriously, build a bridge and get over the past and come into the present, its embarrassing for your alliance.

o/ ADI

The reason the past is brought up is a valid one.

The cowardice and bizarre way in which ADI went about conducting themselves in the TPF incident was of a quality rarely seen in modern times here. While they may not be the only ones who have abandoned allies on the eve of war recently, the lies, deceit, and just plain wacky way in which they attempted to justify themselves while doing so make ADI the first person who comes to mind in the category. As such, ADI has developed a stigmata of sorts, rightfully so, and it is only natural that people feel they "deserve" these rogue attacks (or at least find it pleasantly entertaining).

There is nothing to get over here for those who dislike ADI, because they aren't upset that ADI did not end up on their side during a conflict which never actually took place. What they dislike is just them, as an alliance, because of the qualities they exhibited during the incident in question, and there is absolutely no reason that they should be rid of that dislike due to the passage of a mere few months. Following from that, there is no reason they should not display their amusement at ADI's current predicament. It is neither embarrassing nor unbecoming, just simply natural.

Edited by Il Impero Romano
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[quote name='claphamsa' date='27 March 2010 - 03:48 PM' timestamp='1269719312' post='2238514']
ADI missed the memo....

It would appear, judging by the newest change to their situation, that they missed more than that...

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[quote name='mco119' date='27 March 2010 - 07:19 PM' timestamp='1269731942' post='2238616']
It would appear, judging by the newest change to their situation, that they missed more than that...
lulz!!! yay

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[quote name='Newhotness' date='28 March 2010 - 03:09 AM' timestamp='1269709766' post='2238384']
dont know you so this doesnt really apply to you, but just throwin it out there since you happened to bring it up. from what ive seen, the people that always preach "its in the past, get over it" are either the ones who have done someone wrong in the past,so you would like for them to get over it, or hold the most grudges.

If that is your experience, fair enough. I am just sick of having to read through the same old $%^&. Get interesting already.

[quote name='Il Impero Romano' date='28 March 2010 - 04:17 AM' timestamp='1269713842' post='2238434']
The reason the past is brought up is a valid one.

The cowardice and bizarre way in which ADI went about conducting themselves in the TPF incident was of a quality rarely seen in modern times here. While they may not be the only ones who have abandoned allies on the eve of war recently, the lies, deceit, and just plain wacky way in which they attempted to justify themselves while doing so make ADI the first person who comes to mind in the category. As such, ADI has developed a stigmata of sorts, rightfully so, and it is only natural that people feel they "deserve" these rogue attacks (or at least find it pleasantly entertaining).

There is nothing to get over here for those who dislike ADI, because they aren't upset that ADI did not end up on their side during a conflict which never actually took place. What they dislike is just them, as an alliance, because of the qualities they exhibited during the incident in question, and there is absolutely no reason that they should be rid of that dislike due to the passage of a mere few months. Following from that, there is no reason they should not display their amusement at ADI's current predicament. It is neither embarrassing nor unbecoming, just simply natural.

I believe in second chances. If other people don't, then instead of presenting themselves as a bunch of asshats, they should just not say anything at all. The past is the past, ADI has tried to move forward from, others need to as well. Mistakes are made, and not always easy to rectify, ADI however is doing their best.

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I have read this thread and I just have a couple of points.

1) I wish ADI the best in dealing with the rogues. They are no fun and these appear to be particularly difficult. As someone who has worked in this type of situation in the past, I wish them well as I would wish pretty much anyone.

2) Lord Tri, i can appreciate your frustration at the way this thread has gone, but it is difficult for many to "move on" as you insist when very little time has passed, when your alliance members seem to still be rather hostile and...wait for it...WARBUCK is posting like mad in the thread. That signals less change than you need in order to have a civil thread here so soon after the TPF debacle. This is especially true when it is being said that Warbuck is still running the place and the gov change was simply an attempt to get out from under his outright lying about Hoo and what you guys were facing because of that.

Just think about it. You may not like it but it is reality right now. Good luck, Lord Tri.

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[quote name='President S O' date='28 March 2010 - 02:58 AM' timestamp='1269741492' post='2238755']

I believe in second chances. If other people don't, then instead of presenting themselves as a bunch of asshats, they should just not say anything at all. The past is the past, ADI has tried to move forward from, others need to as well. Mistakes are made, and not always easy to rectify, ADI however is doing their best.

The fact of the matter is, given the short time fame involved, its not that others need to move forward but rather you are just far more forgiving than most. To be honest there is nothing to move forward from as it seems to be simply a general sense of dislike, so I don't think you or ADI should expect those who plain don't like them to not say anything when they put something to the public and open it up for comments, such as we have here.

Edited by Il Impero Romano
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[quote name='Da DreadLord' date='27 March 2010 - 06:06 PM' timestamp='1269709565' post='2238381']
your alliance? your membership? lol, are you a warbuck mark II?[/quote]

Far from it, thanks for playing.

[quote name='Rampage3' date='28 March 2010 - 03:14 AM' timestamp='1269742472' post='2238764']
I have read this thread and I just have a couple of points.

1) I wish ADI the best in dealing with the rogues. They are no fun and these appear to be particularly difficult. As someone who has worked in this type of situation in the past, I wish them well as I would wish pretty much anyone.

2) Lord Tri, i can appreciate your frustration at the way this thread has gone, but it is difficult for many to "move on" as you insist when very little time has passed, when your alliance members seem to still be rather hostile and...wait for it...WARBUCK is posting like mad in the thread. That signals less change than you need in order to have a civil thread here so soon after the TPF debacle. This is especially true when it is being said that Warbuck is still running the place and the gov change was simply an attempt to get out from under his outright lying about Hoo and what you guys were facing because of that.

Just think about it. You may not like it but it is reality right now. Good luck, Lord Tri.

I thank you for wishing us luck with the rogues. I also will acknowledge that some members of ADI have posted in this thread in a manner not befitting ADI, as such they will be reprimanded for it.

Since when has it been "being said that Warbuck is still running the place"? I can assure you that if Warbuck organized it so he's still the man behind the scenes, I am the last person he'd have picked to be his mask. Why? Because I disagree with him...all the time. While Lord of Foreign Affairs, I found myself butting heads with Warbuck over almost every decision the alliance made.

While yes, it is true that I will present ideas to Warbuck in the hopes of gaining another take other than my own, but it is my decision that is final, not his, not anyone's.

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[quote name='Lord Tri' date='27 March 2010 - 10:43 PM' timestamp='1269744213' post='2238795']
Far from it, thanks for playing.

I thank you for wishing us luck with the rogues. I also will acknowledge that some members of ADI have posted in this thread in a manner not befitting ADI, as such they will be reprimanded for it.

Since when has it been "being said that Warbuck is still running the place"? I can assure you that if Warbuck organized it so he's still the man behind the scenes, I am the last person he'd have picked to be his mask. Why? Because I disagree with him...all the time. While Lord of Foreign Affairs, I found myself butting heads with Warbuck over almost every decision the alliance made.

While yes, it is true that I will present ideas to Warbuck in the hopes of gaining another take other than my own, but it is my decision that is final, not his, not anyone's.

Is Warbuck currently a member of your administration? Does he hold a government office? Yes or no?

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[quote name='mco119' date='27 March 2010 - 09:55 PM' timestamp='1269744925' post='2238809']
Is Warbuck currently a member of your administration? Does he hold a government office? Yes or no?
My position is the Lord High Sentinel Emeritus, which is a fancy way of saying that I'm a retired Lord High Sentinel that advises the current administration.

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[quote name='John Warbuck' date='27 March 2010 - 11:44 PM' timestamp='1269747840' post='2238872']
My position is the Lord High Sentinel Emeritus, which is a fancy way of saying that I'm a retired Lord High Sentinel that advises the current administration.

This thread has been full of comments essentially implying that ADI is "a different alliance now," and that it "regrets its former actions, and is going in a new direction." With respect, the fact that the current ADI administration has retained you at all shows that none of this is sincere. If an alliance has truly learned from its mistakes, why would it have as an advisor the individual that is largely responsible for its past troubles (to say nothing of its current reputation)?

The message this sends is that although ADI wishes to project an image of change, they aren't really all that serious about it. If it were a serious attempt to go in a new direction, to right past wrongs, you would not have ANY position in the government, and, further, you would likely be flat out removed from the alliance. Look at the real world..did the Obama administration, which claims to wish for a new direction for this country, retain President Bush as an advisor? Of course not. One of the first rules of governmental change is to show the people that efforts to this effect are genuine, which is best accomplished by disassociating from those the public holds responsible for whatever the problem is. ADI has failed to do this, and I believe this is because you, John, are still a major influence on the actions of this alliance. However, even if this were not the case, even if you had left the alliance, ADI would not be excused from its past mistakes. They must be held accountable, and that is exactly what is happening now. Whether we like it or not, we must all, in one form or another, be brought to account for our errors.

Can ADI run its government as it wishes? Of course. However, it should accept the consequences of this decision, and not spend time trying to convince people here that it really "means well." This will not be believed by most. Now, is John Warbuck the sole problem in ADI? No, he is not. That being said, his continuing presence serves as a constant reminder of past grievances, as well as almost certain future indiscretions.

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Keep in mind the difference in the type of government. We are not the United States. You say
[quote]did the Obama administration, which claims to wish for a new direction for this country, retain President Bush as an advisor[/quote]

The United States doesnt work where they have the emeritus members of government stay in the current government, where as in Cybernations, usually old gov still does have a say in matters and does retain some power.

My 2 cents

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