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Announcment from ADI

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I am just here to let Planet Bob know what is going on regarding some recent attacks on ADI and to inform you all of what we are facing. ADI requests that no one aid the individuals that are involved in these attacks.

Four days ago, four massive nations switched their alliance affliations to ADI's and targeted our upper tier in a well thought out and long planned attack. One of these nations had joined our alliance 75 days prior to the attacks and spied on us for that duration. ADI has received much gracious aid from the alliances of FEAR, GUN, NEW, UPN, and Kronos both financially and militarily.

These four nations refuse to state the motives behind their attacks, which we find puzzling to say the least. They have been placed on ADI's ZI list, and we request that you do not admit them into your alliance should they seek shelter and also ask that you do not aid them in any way. Dealing with a nuclear rogue is never pleasant, let alone four, but ADI has full faith in our resolve to overcome these attacks.

Here are the four nations that we are dealing with at the moment-

We would like to thank all the alliances who have given us their assistance. It is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and for listening to this report.

Lord Tri, [i]Lord High Sentinel[/i]
Hamil of Kaplechistan, [i]Judicator[/i]
Nathan Grant, [i]Arbiter[/i]
The Masheen, [i]Arbiter[/i]
Kingly of Quaaraaq, [i]Lord of Defense[/i]
Shadeslayers09, [i]Lord of Foreign Affairs[/i]
Magister Populi of Latium, [i]Lord of Internal Affairs [/i]
Bobogoobo, [i]Lord of Finance[/i]

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Furthermore, these rogues never have been active in the alliance or members of our government at ADI. They should not be respected nor regarded as representing ADI.

It is not honorable to change to another alliance and start attacking that alliances members under any circumstances. If you want to be a coward maybe. If a real man or woman wants to stand and fight, let them do it as part of an alliance rather than resort to loathsome roguery.

Any alliance based or team sanctions (especially aqua at this point) is appreciated.

-Nathan Grant, Arbiter
Aqua Defense Initiative

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I just want to give a shout to those who have helped us, where we do not have a large number of nations. FEAR, NEW and UPN have provided us with high level nations that have helped a lot, and we've received financial assistance from GUN and UPN among other sources. Kronos has also provided some nations, and we didn't even request them to. So a big thank you all around to those who have helped. :)

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[quote name='Balder' date='25 March 2010 - 11:43 PM' timestamp='1269578589' post='2237044']
Good stuff guys, drop me a line if you need a new home after the ZI.

I have a lot of respect for corporation, but that is a jerk thing to say.

Any idea where these guys came from ADI?

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='26 March 2010 - 12:48 AM' timestamp='1269578865' post='2237049']
I have a lot of respect for corporation, but that is a jerk thing to say.

I've got little to none for ADI after the stunts they've pulled regarding our allies.

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[quote name='teamcoltra' date='25 March 2010 - 11:47 PM' timestamp='1269578857' post='2237047']
Meh all you guys are, is a bunch of whiny little girls. Sounds like you guys need to keep better track of who is, and is not in your alliance. You had it coming. Kudos to the attackers.
Aside from the spy who came ahead of time, these guys ghosted us right before the attacks. We know who is in our alliance and who isn't.

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[quote name='John Warbuck' date='25 March 2010 - 09:50 PM' timestamp='1269578991' post='2237052']
Aside from the spy who came ahead of time, these guys ghosted us right before the attacks. We know who is in our alliance and who isn't.
LOL apparently you do not... way to fail at alliance running, need tips?

Maybe update your security?

Edited by teamcoltra
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[quote name='teamcoltra' date='26 March 2010 - 12:52 AM' timestamp='1269579142' post='2237054']
LOL apparently you do not... way to fail at alliance running, need tips?

enough the trolling crap, same thing can happen to any alliance out there...and i'm almost positive that it already has...

you got a prob with ADI, or any alliance for that matter, then oh well, there's wars to fix that problem

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I love watching the tough guys of CN spout crap about things they dont know everytime ADI posts a thread. They could probably grow up, but then who would take their job of being butthurt for no reason?

Best of luck ADI, we've got your back

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[quote name='Nathan Grant' date='26 March 2010 - 12:14 AM' timestamp='1269576826' post='2237013']
Furthermore, these rogues never have been active in the alliance or members of our government at ADI. They should not be respected nor regarded as representing ADI.

It is not honorable to change to another alliance and start attacking that alliances members under any circumstances. If you want to be a coward maybe. If a real man or woman wants to stand and fight, let them do it as part of an alliance rather than resort to loathsome roguery.

Any alliance based or team sanctions (especially aqua at this point) is appreciated.

-Nathan Grant, Arbiter
Aqua Defense Initiative
i think you have it backwards. it takes more of a man to go attack a whole alliance on their own or with 1 or 2 friends than it does to try and hide behind their alliance after attacking...

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='26 March 2010 - 12:48 AM' timestamp='1269578865' post='2237049']
I have a lot of respect for corporation, but that is a jerk thing to say.

Any idea where these guys came from ADI?

we have confirmation that one came from Kronos, and one from TDO

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