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I'm 1,337 Today


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Instead of the usual “I’m # years old today!” I decided to do something different that will get laughs and make people face palm all at the same time :awesome: I haven’t made any announcements for my nations age but today I will. Today I am 1337 days old!

I’ve been here for what seems like ages at this point. I joined like many people did back then, after a friend told me to check this game out. I did that whole “rogue” thing for a few days then joined up with NAAC. This was the old NAAC to. Back when NPpO and NAAC were still going at each other’s throats and NPO and NpO were tied at the hip(and some say puppet). Back when Lue was around and before FARK had started to invade. GOONS were still huge and many alliances that are shells today were still major political players.

I hung out in NAAC for a while then left to form the BTA with Voronov. We had a blast making the BTA and wanted to slam our faces into the desk countless times(anyone who has experience in government knows why). We got close to GATO and members of The League and eventually joined The League. We fought in GW2 alongside our friends and stood up for FARK when they had something like 15 members.

At the end of GW3 I had to leave the BTA to allow its members to be able to survive, a decision that was hard but I would still do again if it meant that our members could survive.

I joined GDA and then went and formed TAE who merged to make =WE= before they merged into FOB and I re-formed the BTA.

I’ve been allied to both sides of the web and in the years I’ve been around the one thing I know is that a friend today is tomorrows enemy and vice versa.

I was working hard to destroy the old Hegemony and now I’m allied to a few of them ( Hai Valhalla!) and I’ve seen old friends turn into bitter enemies.

It’s the natural ebb and flow of politics in this world.

It’s been a bumpy ride and one fun time. I would do some things differently but overall I stand by what I have done and said over the years.

I could go on for hours on the things I’ve seen in this game and how back rooms would react to various announcements and going on’s in the world. I could bore you all with various stories but instead I made a video of my ramblings about this game. http://tinyurl.com/y8ufsnp

I can’t tell you how long I will be around or if I will ever put down the straw and stop snorting the crack known as CN. All I can tell you is that it’s been fun and to everyone out there, Thank You. The game wouldn’t be any fun without friends, rivals, and everything in between.

If anyone wants to hear stories from days past feel free to drop by #BTA and look me up. I’m always willing to chat with people about what I know and have seen/done in my years here.

There’s too many people that I know to give shout outs to so if you really want them come find me on IRC.


1,337 days old
Oracle of the BTA

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I always enjoy reading the posts from you Old-timers, makes me wish i had been here back in "simpler times" as you guys say it.
I wonder what I'll be posting in a thousand or so days :)
Congrats on your expieriences in CN Master-Debater.

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I love the nostalgia. I've been around since near the beginning, but I always regret not being more involved in politics back in those early days. Just like in real life, it always seems things were so much easier and a lot more fun back in the day. Oh well...congrats on your sentence in CN. Parole denied.


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[quote name='Ejayrazz' date='21 March 2010 - 07:53 PM' timestamp='1269219177' post='2232603']
It's been real.
Sometimes I wonder about that :P

[quote name='TheNeverender' date='21 March 2010 - 08:07 PM' timestamp='1269220036' post='2232616']
Huh. I'm a day younger than you (with this nation, at least). Go figure.
Young Whipper Snapper

Also: I remember when you used to go by Archon on the OWF :P
That makes me feel old to haha.

I think you might be more politically aged than me though. I was just a grunt in NAAC before I went and formed BTA.

[quote name='Razgriz90' date='21 March 2010 - 08:27 PM' timestamp='1269221251' post='2232638']
Congrats on the 1,337 days, MD.
It's been a LONG time since our days in the GDA.
Yes it has. I think its been 2 years just since that. Though I was close to GDA ever before joining them. We go way way wayyyyyyyyy back.

[quote name='memoryproblems' date='22 March 2010 - 01:04 AM' timestamp='1269237848' post='2232965']
I had to go and check, and it appears as if I missed my own 1337th about 50 days ago :(

Congrats on making it this far, and good luck in the future.

Edit: Also, I still wear the NAAC flag.
I havent changed the flag on my nation since day 1. And until the BTA gets its own flag in game itll stay that way :D

And no one should miss their 1337 day. Its the best day ever!

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Ahaa, life teaches us to listen to your elders...maybe we should start listening to you, eh M-D? [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/awesome.gif[/img]

Cool man, congrats on the longetivity. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.gif[/img]

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[quote name='mythicknight' date='23 March 2010 - 04:57 AM' timestamp='1269338204' post='2234088']
Congrats on being an old fogie B-)
Hey now im not that old.

Though I do remember a time when we were in the same bloc.

Ok, Im old.

[quote name='Earogema' date='23 March 2010 - 01:37 PM' timestamp='1269369456' post='2234295']
I wish I could have seen NAAC.

Congrats on the anniversary!

NAAC was awesome and beyond words.

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