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An Announcement from TPF Regarding Peace

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[quote name='edikroma' date='22 February 2010 - 03:33 PM' timestamp='1266870815' post='2197732']
7) VE pulls together a chain (through NV and 1TF, who never declare) and yells "SURPRISE MOTHER$%&@ERS!!!" and proceeds to jump TPF (having a couple more yards to go in that Mile)

That got a chuckle out of me, I'm a bug Impero to put "SURPRISE MOTHER$%&@ERS!!!" in our next DoW.

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[quote name='Burnsey' date='22 February 2010 - 02:44 PM' timestamp='1266871462' post='2197744']
It was TPF that promised to "keep the shenanigans to a minimum"

Er...yeah... bad grammar, I know. It should read "9) TPF peaces out WAPA and VE, and promises to keep the shenanigans to a minimum"

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[quote name='neneko' date='22 February 2010 - 09:24 AM' timestamp='1266848681' post='2197225']
Oh lawd is that sum threat in your own surrender thread? That's adorable. If you want to nuke someone come and get me big boy.

Easy there, Nancy. Take a chill pill, why don't you? Lord have mercy, can't joke around anymore in these parts. Tsk tsk tsk.

Shout out to Woref who despite ate 6 nukes, still managed to give a tough fight.

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[quote name='NoFish' date='22 February 2010 - 02:08 AM' timestamp='1266826084' post='2196952']
Funny story about that. Like two weeks ago (I don't know exactly how long ago. I don't remember anything and am going off of IRC logs, more on this later) Xiphosis ordered me to draw up target lists on Polar, issue orders to go to war, that sort of thing. You know, 'cause it's my job. Also since his bank account was frozen [OOC]He's being investigated on charges of domestic terrorism (probably false) and narcotic distribution (probably true)[/OOC] he mailed me some money to pay for the servers our forums are hosted on.

Being the fine upstanding citizen that I am, I realized that the money was probably his ill-gotten profits from his latest coke deal and decided to embezzle it, then go out on the town every night and get completely !@#$faced, usually coming home with one, maybe two or three prostitutes. Needless to say, I forgot all about giving out those war orders.

My bad >.>

Edit: Oh, and if our forums go offline at the end of the month, that's probably my fault, too. Sorry.
I think that's in my top 5 favorite posts I've ever seen.

All in all, every WAPA guy I talked to was pretty cool. o/ to all involved.

Edited by Aquilos
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[quote name='The Big Bad' date='22 February 2010 - 06:33 PM' timestamp='1266885231' post='2198183']
Congrats TPF and WAPA. No surprise to see VE here trying to take credit for something someone else did.

I'm not sure if you're trying to pick a fight or if you're trying to be funny.

And your sig...

Sure you do.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' date='23 February 2010 - 12:33 AM' timestamp='1266885231' post='2198183']
Congrats TPF and WAPA. No surprise to see VE here trying to take credit for something someone else did.
I think it's cute how you follow us around in every thread and take cheap little potshots at us.

Did you really expect us not to sign an alliance we are at war with's surrender terms? For some reason I think you know better you just wanted to get the jab in regardless of facts.

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[quote name='sethb' date='23 February 2010 - 03:26 AM' timestamp='1266913570' post='2198798']
I think it's cute how you follow us around in every thread and take cheap little potshots at us.

He only does it AFTER his alliance surrenders and VE can't engage them.

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[quote name='goldielax25' date='23 February 2010 - 04:15 PM' timestamp='1266941747' post='2199086']
Sorry, I thought he was referring to Zenergy and GUN when I quoted.

Hey, if I'd seen this thread while we were still in the war I'd have said the same thing. You should know that I've never been slow to talk smack about you guys, goldie, and any alliance that will coup an MADP partner is certainly deserving of it. Anyway, after the last time you guys tried to have me ZIed I'm really not too scared. I think I got like 3 CM's and a couple of failed GA's, and that was about it.*

[size="1"]*Sethb's still cool in my book, though.[/size]

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[quote name='zenergy' date='23 February 2010 - 02:25 PM' timestamp='1266953134' post='2199337']
Hey, if I'd seen this thread while we were still in the war I'd have said the same thing. You should know that I've never been slow to talk smack about you guys, goldie, and any alliance that will coup an MADP partner is certainly deserving of it. Anyway, after the last time you guys tried to have me ZIed I'm really not too scared. I think I got like 3 CM's and a couple of failed GA's, and that was about it.*

[size="1"]*Sethb's still cool in my book, though.[/size]

The only coup attempted was the one in which you tried to hijack the forums. If it was up to me you wouldn't have gotten off anything close to as lightly as you did.

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[quote name='sethb' date='23 February 2010 - 03:26 AM' timestamp='1266913570' post='2198798']
I think it's cute how you follow us around in every thread and take cheap little potshots at us.

Did you really expect us not to sign an alliance we are at war with's surrender terms? For some reason I think you know better you just wanted to get the jab in regardless of facts.

I only take shots at alliances that set themselves up for them. GLOF, VE, \M/ etc. You don't want me shooting at your alliance do something other then bangwagoning into already won wars, talking smack and the declaring victory. Then complaning eveyone picks on VE. You wander into this and as many other wars you are not needed in to sign on and claim victory. Unlike many others in this war you not only have you not gained any respect from you enemies but, you continue to loose it with your allies who seem to have taken a "eh its VE what can you do" attitude. I myself am quite enjoying it.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' date='23 February 2010 - 09:00 PM' timestamp='1266958820' post='2199548']
I only take shots at alliances that set themselves up for them. GLOF, VE, \M/ etc. You don't want me shooting at your alliance do something other then bangwagoning into already won wars, talking smack and the declaring victory. Then complaning eveyone picks on VE. You wander into this and as many other wars you are not needed in to sign on and claim victory. Unlike many others in this war you not only have you not gained any respect from you enemies but, you continue to loose it with your allies who seem to have taken a "eh its VE what can you do" attitude. I myself am quite enjoying it.
Now I'm not government so I admittedly don't have all the details, from what I can tell WAPA was having trouble with TPF so it's pretty logical that TPF werent going to surrender. VE came in to make that happen. And I'd like for you to show me one ally who has said "eh its VE what can you do".

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[quote name='sethb' date='23 February 2010 - 03:26 AM' timestamp='1266913570' post='2198798']
I think it's cute how you follow us around in every thread and take cheap little potshots at us.

Did you really expect us not to sign an alliance we are at war with's surrender terms? For some reason I think you know better you just wanted to get the jab in regardless of facts.

I didn't know VE were the only ones allowed do "cheap shots" and "jabs"?

Because, from page one of this thread, I count dozens of VE "cheap shots", concerning the word surrender. But, I guess they are only cheap shots if they are done by people [i]other[/i] than VE, right? :rolleyes:

Edited by Airikr
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[quote name='sethb' date='23 February 2010 - 01:04 PM' timestamp='1266959064' post='2199560']
Now I'm not government so I admittedly don't have all the details, from what I can tell WAPA was having trouble with TPF so it's pretty logical that TPF werent going to surrender. VE came in to make that happen... [/quote]

I know we were having fun in our little war with WAPA.. but White on White Violence.. it must end!.. think of the White Tiggers ;)

To WAPA.. I've heard nothing but good things from our troops about your honorable conduct. Thank you for that. It's been awhile since we've had an honorable war :) I'm glad that we were able to help our friends and allies out in attaining white peace for defensive action. As for your conduct in this thread.. thank you again for your civility. It was a good fight but it was never intended for us to submit ourselves to endless war.. especially in a [s]pointless[/s].. [s]stupid[/s].. [s]ridiculous[/s].. er.. war...

To any/everyone else.. yes.. we would have eventually been ground down again.. but this wasn't a war we assumed we'd win.. we only went to win the battles we could fight.. to help our allies find peace. Dogpiling on us was inevitible with our successes on the battlefield when several of our allies were peaced and freeing those alliances they were engaged with to move to our front door.

Personally, I'm glad this war is over for us.. Best of luck though to our allies IRON is finding a solution to this mess.. Thank you NpO for your help in making BOB completely screwed up again :P

oo/ TPF
oo/ WAPA
oo/ PEACE (and Peace :P)

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[quote name='The Big Bad' date='23 February 2010 - 03:56 PM' timestamp='1266958820' post='2199548']
I only take shots at alliances that set themselves up for them. GLOF, VE, \M/ etc. You don't want me shooting at your alliance do something other then bangwagoning into already won wars, talking smack and the declaring victory. Then complaning eveyone picks on VE. You wander into this and as many other wars you are not needed in to sign on and claim victory. Unlike many others in this war you not only have you not gained any respect from you enemies but, you continue to loose it with your allies who seem to have taken a "eh its VE what can you do" attitude. I myself am quite enjoying it.

Frankly I'd be more worried about you agreeing with us than taking pot shots, you are clearly a bitter little man who never got over some perceived slight in the past.

Now I understand you might not do so well with the whole grand strategy part that major coalition wars involve so let me spell it out.

While it is true that these fronts were ongoing before we got there, we cannot take sole credit for their outcomes(and have not tried to), however, and this is the important part.

They were ongoing [i]before[/i] we got there.

If our involvement however brief was what was required to tip that front over into victory and force a surrender then our involvement was a good strategic move. Because while shooting nukes at people is fun, my primary concern, and duty, is to secure my allies against attack, so pardon us for actually conforming to a strategy, but it does seem to be pretty effective at this point doesn't it?

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I enjoyed a good, respectful fight, and had a lot of fun fighting opponents with superior wonder sets and equipment. I'm only disappointed that someone felt the need to take it personal where it didn't have to be.

o/ Vol Navy, JBone, and that Italysoccer guy I fought.

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Congrats TPF on finally getting some peace. Hopefully one of these days we can join you in recovery....although, it doesn't look like it'll be any time soon. ;)

While I'm not a fan of a lot of the alliances bailing out early, I'm definitely glad to see you all getting a well-deserved rest.


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I do think the "surrender" stuff is a little petty, but I think people are complaining a bit too much about it.

TPF obviously fought very well in this war, rightfully better than they should have just a month removed from a really painful war. That VE's war machine needed to mobilize to engage them to secure this withdrawal/surrender is a testament to their fighting ability.

The real winners in this war is WAPA, who held on after taking quite a licking because they saw the light at the end of the tunnel and the greater good that hanging in their accomplished. VE's role in this was to relieve them and to help secure peace on this front, and I am very honored to have been able to do that successfully.

I do wish TPF well and hope their rebuilding goes well, because the world needs adversaries and you have proved to be one of the best adversaries amongst your coalition.

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