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The Orange Review


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As per the ODN surrender terms, I will be making an orange review. However I will not be speaking about oranges I did not have, yet oranges I did have. For I am not a hypocrite. So sit back, relax and let me take you on a tripe full of citrus.


[color="#FF8C00"][b]The Navel Orange[/b][/color]

The navel orange is the most common eaten orange around the world. It's known because of its navel-like center. It is usually peeled and compartmentalized into convenient little pieces that are already slit for you. Another way you can eat oranges is by cutting it in half and in quarters and making wedges. During halftime in soccer, we used to eat wedged oranges. MMmm what a treat! The nectar of this orange tends to be more on the sweet side making for a tingling sensation in your taste buds.


[color="#FF8C00"][b]The Valencia Orange[/b][/color]

The Valencia Orange is known for its perfect look. Why does it look perfect, you ask? It's because it is perfect silly! It's built from the best orange trees in Southern California brought straight to your door. It may take a bigger bite out of your wallet, but it sure makes for a good taste on your pallet!

Before I continue with my orange review, it's time for a...

[color="#FF8C00"][b][size="3"]Did you know?[/size][/b][/color]

Did you know that the orange is one of the few major crops in the world eaten on very continent? Since the earliest of times it has been cultivated and grown around the world. Its origins begin in Southeast Asia and has been carried to all four corners of the world. Oranges are usually grown in more tropical and warm areas and exported from nation to nation. In fact, it is the second most popular fruit in the world second only to the apple.


[color="#FF8C00"][b]The Tangerine[/b][/color]

The tangerine is smaller than the average orange. It is easily peeled and tends to be sweeter rather than sour. It is most popularly taken along in picnics and packed in lunches. It is very delicious and great to eat any day. If you're not in the mood for a larger sour orange, and would like a smaller sweeter one than the tangerine is your fruit!


[color="#FF8C00"][b]The Clementine[/b][/color]

The Clementine is an even smaller version of the orange, smaller than even the tangerine. They're even sweeter than the tangerine, and my personal favorite. I can go through six of them in an hour because they're so addictive. If you ever want to get addicted to a fruit, then try a clementine. You can't have just one.

I hope you enjoyed my review! :D

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' date='19 February 2010 - 06:28 AM' timestamp='1266560886' post='2191704']
A root or something. I forgot :(

It's the male reproductive part. :unsure:

Anyways, glad you guys enjoyed the review. Eat an orange before nuking. :D

Edited by The AUT
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