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On the Current State of the 'Verse

Augustus Autumn

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Fellow National Rulers,

I'll take a moment and drop some of the charades I've adopted over the course of the past two years in an effort to do something shocking within the 'verse and actually offer an honest opinion. Bear in mind that I trend toward sarcasm naturally so if you read something and get offended take a moment, breathe deep and read again before you commence flaming - you might save yourself some time and wasted energy. Also, to those looking for an argument of some sort you won't be getting it from me. This will be my last input within the Open World Forum (hold your applause, please). Without further ado, we move on.

Having entered the 'verse with eyes big and wide approximately two years ago or so (I think) it's been a long while to sit, watch and actually attempt to fathom the workings of what passes for politics 'round these parts. I've come to the conclusion that the following driving forces are what propel the 'verse forward constantly and what have, ultimately, led all of us (soon to be you) to the current idiotic war which is going on.

[b]1. Dishonesty[/b] -or- [b]The Passing of Information[/b]
I, for one, simply [i]adore[/i] the amount of so-called spying which goes on. Nothing is sacrosanct, trust is an absolute joke and the idea that operational security can be preserved for more than a week at this point is beyond ridiculous. Time and again I've seen supposed friends stab each other in the back, hand out information and then lie about it, slander their closest or simply look out for number one (them) while claiming otherwise. Sure, lots of people talk about integrity and honor and whatever else but the majority of persons who populate these venerable forums have, at one point or another, screwed someone because it got them ahead. I'm damned certain I've done this a few times, going out to make friends because I'd been asked to mislead them to get some piece of information (Nordreich, my apologies though it did come out well in the end). This consistent distrust and back-stabbing is one of the critical driving forces which keeps [i]THE DRAMA[/i] going and leads to the turbulence of politics in this hallowed realm. Unfortunately, it also means people get screwed along the way but, hey, no one will remember them anyway.

Where does dishonesty/passing of information ultimately lead? Utter and complete lack of trust for anyone you don't know coming to speak to you. Are they a spy? What is their angle? Could they really be a friend or are they using you? This cloak-and-dagger stuff actually got very fun very fast for me and I imagine the same for others as well. People always perk up when rumors of so-and-so go around that they may have been less-than-truthful about what they're up to. Big draw to political participation, tons of fun all 'round, go team.

[b]2. Cowardice[/b] -or- [b]National Development[/b]
Like it or not, everybody likes their infrastructure, land, technology, soldiers or whatever else goes into calculating how strong your nation is when it comes time to do battle. To all of you crying "Friends Before Infra!" and claim that your NS doesn't matter, you're a bunch of frauds and you know it the second you preen about how big and bad your nation is, how strong your alliance is or whatever else since you obviously care. There are two people aside from myself, Moldavi and Opethian, who have demonstrated they truly [i]do not[/i] give one iota of a moment about their NS or their infra. The rest of you, do your tech deals and hug your infra.

"But wait, hold up, I'm offended! I'm no infra-hugging jerk!" I hear you say. Why in the nine hells aren't you? Loving your infra, accumulating your infra, making it better and bigger and more pretty is the point I thought. That's why we have a Top 10 Nations ranking, is it not? Good lord, but one day hopefully someone will find the person who started the "Friends Before Infra" movement and deliver a big pretty shovel to the back of their presidential chair while they're sitting in it. Stop posturing and be honest - national rulers get into the job because we're all power-hungry, we desire citizens to rule over and we want to eventually blow up someone else's front yard. Hug your infra, be proud of hugging your infra and stop being a liar because of some garbage peer pressure flying around. It's moronic and you're better than that.

[b]3. Narcissism[/b] -or- [b]Good Press[/b]
The first time you join an alliance you're inundated with how cool it all is, what it stands for, its values blah blah blah. Once you make it in the lobby you'll be shown around and introduced to the heavy hitters, usually the boss(es). Because the 'verse is a club sort of place you'll basically be told in kind words to shut up, speak when spoken to and basically not argue with your betters since they've been around since before Admin was out of diapers and they're way smarter than you. About three to six months later (depending on how quick you are with the uptake) you'll actually realize most of the people in positions of authority are idiots, creeps, liars, scumbags or Canadian[sup]1[/sup] and you'll bail your alliance in search of something more interesting while being a little more jaded. Rinse, wash, repeat.

Now, if these people really are so utterly awful, why are they still in charge? Better, why in the name of all that is holy does anyone listen to them? Simple. Name recognition and fame. Everyone likes a celebrity. Be it Tygaland, Almighty Grub, mhawk, Trotsky's Revenge, Ivan Moldavi or whoever else it's thrilling to get to chat up one of the 'verse's more recognizable personalities. Better yet, what happens if you get to buddy up with one of these fine folks? That's the tops! Suddenly you're hanging with the cool kids and get to toss your spitballs down at the uninitiated masses you just departed from. And, better, what if you knocked someone over while making it to the top? That's just splendid. Mind you, where you came up the ladder some other person is right behind you kicking the faces of those behind them and maybe angling to get a grip on your pantleg. At the end of the day you're a national ruler which means you have a thing for being top dog and there's nothing quite like being [i]the[/i] top dog. Incidentally, this applies as much on the inter-alliance level as it does on the personal. Sanction Race fans, here's looking at you.

[b]4. Boredom[/b] -or- [b]Tension[/b]
This might be the most important driving factor but I like the number four so it lands here. Anyone with more than one brain cell (and even them, possibly) realizes that the 'verse is actually a very boring place when there is no war on and no war being built up. The common consensus seems to have been that between the end of the Karma War and the beginning of whatever this current disaster is called things were pretty lame. Then the shooting started, people got interested and suddenly you have tons and tons of (albeit circular) discussion going on with tons of posturing, lots and lots of self-aggrandizement (see Point #3) and general hubbub where before you had what passes for the Cyberverse's media conducting unscientific polls about everything from the number of nations you've commanded over time to how many poodles Doitzel shaved to make his slippers[sup]2[/sup]. Mind you, I will always love any poll started by TheAUT because he's an institution but that's beside the point.

Suddenly [i]THE DRAMA[/i] starts up, usually because boredom hit a critical level and someone hit the big fancy red button which launched attacks on someone else. The entertainment goes on for a while, stuff explodes, people preen and generally soapbox more than a drunk Communist on May 1st before it dies down when one bunch or another decides they're sufficiently entertained and goes home with their toys. When everyone actually goes home you have the usual rotation of more posturing, more preening and (in my case) more consumption of alcoholic beverages before boredom settles back in and the process recycles. Boredom, kids - boredom is key to getting the fun started. Make everyone bored enough and you'll be able to light up the 'verse faster than a a methane-filled outhouse after Rosie O'Donnell[sup]3[/sup] is done with it.

So, once more, where does this all leave us? I have no idea. Really, this is all a set of views I felt I'd share before I buggered off and did something more important with myself. Hope it was a good read, have a laugh, keep it real and remember:

[b][i]There is no such thing as bad publicity[/i][/b][sup]4[/sup]

Keep safe, keep it fun, take care of yourself and each other.

Shogun Tokugawa Mitsukuni, Commanding Officer of the Pyramid Scottish Assault Squadron
[i]Former Imperial Citizen of Germany[/i]
[i]Former Scorpion[/i]
[i]Former Pacifican[/i]
[i]Former Killer Turtle[/i]
[i]Current Escapee in Bad Standing[/i]

[sup]1[/sup] While my name is of Japanese origin, I was born in the city of Toronto, Canada. So, yes, I can make fun of Canada. Sue me.
[sup]2[/sup] I actually have no idea of Doitzel wears slippers or if they're made from poodle fur. It fits my mental image, however.
[sup]3[/sup] A local female entertainer who has been granted asylum within my borders after she was convicted by several other nations of trafficking in illegal wheel barrows.
[sup]4[/sup] The James Dahl Principle - see what I did there?

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[quote name='New Reverie' date='12 February 2010 - 12:08 AM' timestamp='1265933287' post='2175866']
I've tried, its true.
You seem to make the mistake of assuming reciprocation.

That being said, I enjoyed the read, it was very good, but I really do enjoy being more of a loudmouth rather than a nation ruler...Explains a few things, to be honest.

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[quote name='Tokugawa Mitsukuni' date='11 February 2010 - 02:13 PM' timestamp='1265912022' post='2175130']
About three to six months later (depending on how quick you are with the uptake) you'll actually realize most of the people in positions of authority are idiots, creeps, liars, scumbags or Canadian...

Sir, I do not appreciate this [s]insightful observation[/s] slander you throw upon alliance leaders. Also, I thought I smelled something faintly Canadian on you.

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I would like to know why you hold the idea the friend>infra is such a bad idea.Infra can be rebuilt in a matter of a few short weeks, friendships take longer and much more difficult to rebuild and honour is irreplaceable once lost.

In terms of my ability to replace it Infra is something I do not mind losing, I would rather spend a few short weeks rebuilding with my friends beside me and my honour intact than take the easy way out and lose the last two of these things.

From a purely practical standpoint putting friends and honour first does more to ensure the health of a nation than a singular obsession with infra. After all friends will help you rebuild afterwards if you stick by them.

Edited by Prime minister Johns
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[quote name='Prime minister Johns' date='12 February 2010 - 11:52 PM' timestamp='1266036744' post='2178623']
I would like to know why you hold the idea the friend>infra is such a bad idea.Infra can be rebuilt in a matter of a few short weeks, friendships take longer and much more difficult to rebuild and honour is irreplaceable once lost.

In terms of my ability to replace it Infra is something I do not mind losing, I would rather spend a few short weeks rebuilding with my friends beside me and my honour intact than take the easy way out and lose the last two of these things.

From a purely practical standpoint putting friends and honour first does more to ensure the health of a nation than a singular obsession with infra. After all friends will help you rebuild afterwards if you stick by them.
I think you missed the point...

Very good read, as all your threads are Tokugawa Mitsukuni.

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And I wonder why I jump on every thread you start. Nice writing :)

And YES I love my infra but I also like to spend it. There's no point in having it unless you are also wanting to blow stuff up with it (or the money that come from having it anyways).

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