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House of Lords surrenders


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[quote name='Xiao Weng' date='11 February 2010 - 10:48 AM' timestamp='1265914135' post='2175225']
...Words cannot describe my confusion and disbelief to this whole chain of events.

I think it would be best for all involved parties if you both sat down in private and had a cask of wine and a long talk.
I think this about sums it all up.

I will say that as soon as I was made aware of an issue between our two alliances, I made a point of increasing communications. I think it's clear Echelon and HoL will not be maintaining a treaty in the future, but that doesn't mean we can't still try to maintain a friendship.

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[quote name='Death666Angel' date='11 February 2010 - 12:13 PM' timestamp='1265890385' post='2174549']
Also, lolhefe.

*Insert something about coming back and biting you in the $@! here*

[quote name='Death666Angel' date='18 June 2009 - 11:16 PM' timestamp='1245366992' post='1628485']
I, Death666angel of DeathTopia, hereby surrender to the forces known as Karma.

Seems like your director has the same view as you as well though, so don't worry

[quote name='Solidus117' date='23 June 2009 - 07:23 AM' timestamp='1245741838' post='1637203']
I, Solidus117 of Militaria, hereby surrender to the forces known as Karma.


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[quote name='memoryproblems' date='11 February 2010 - 10:19 AM' timestamp='1265912370' post='2175145']
Yeah, just wait until your on the losing end of a war or he runs out of money.

And when that day comes that we take a beating I will take great pleasure in shoving those words down your throat. You can quote me on that Sunshine ;)

El Hefe is one of the finest players in this game and someone who I would stand beside regardless the odds. You and your members have seen fit to comment on El Hefe whenever you have a chance... get over it break ups happen. Just please stop the whole clingy needy thing, we can agree that its him, not you if it makes it easier?

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[quote name='EvilCam' date='10 February 2010 - 10:05 PM' timestamp='1265857548' post='2173769']
No matter, House of Lords can rest assured that they proudly stood up and fulfilled the letter of our alliance until they had to, and then they terminated it, even as they entered to fulfill it. GREAT SHOW CHAPS and Tally-ho! and Muckity Muck! Etc.
Remember that time when Echelon stabbed an entire bloc in the back?

You have no right at all to talk down to HoL. At least they did [i]something[/i].

Edited by MaGneT
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[quote name='KaitlinK' date='11 February 2010 - 02:02 PM' timestamp='1265918546' post='2175354']
And when that day comes that we take a beating I will take great pleasure in shoving those words down your throat. You can quote me on that Sunshine ;)

El Hefe is one of the finest players in this game and someone who I would stand beside regardless the odds. You and your members have seen fit to comment on El Hefe whenever you have a chance... get over it break ups happen. Just please stop the whole clingy needy thing, we can agree that its him, not you if it makes it easier?

Why don't you ask El Hefe what he did April 21st, 2009, I too used to like El Hefe a whole lot, but that day he did things that I will never agree with. I can understand him leaving, although I don't appreciate the manner in which he did it or the time frame. He's a nice enough guy, and generally I like him, but to be frank, the more I think about it, I'm glad that he's not in Echelon anymore.

Edited by memoryproblems
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[quote name='SpiderJerusalem' date='11 February 2010 - 08:37 PM' timestamp='1265917031' post='2175307']
Seems like your director has the same view as you as well though, so don't worry
Oh yeah, you got me there now! I am exactly like Hefe, seeing as how I got Echelon in that war from the start, fraternized with the enemy while being an absent leader, just to join their ranks before that ridiculous peace was signed. Damn.
[quote]Remember that time when Echelon stabbed an entire bloc in the back?
How many times does Echelon have to say it was a mistake before you drop it? But I guess we have been way too straight forward since then for NpO, they seem to likes dem some flipfloppy, ey?

[quote]get over it break ups happen. Just please stop the whole clingy needy thing, we can agree that its him, not you if it makes it easier?[/quote]
He trashes Echelon, we trash back. Breakups happen, and we can forgive that (see how we are friendly with TOP and most our other former members?). But as Hefe can attest, he is a very special case for most of us. So no. At least _I_ can't drop it. But it's not like I'm following him around, just to trash him. So you keep him away from me and get him not to run his mouth over stuff that concerns Echelon, and I'm fine, thanks.

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[quote]Remember that time when Echelon stabbed an entire bloc in the back?

Wow.. one mistake years ago. Get the hell over it. I mean since then we have had karma war "honoured treaty even though we knew we were in for a beating" and this war which is pretty much the same.

But I guess some people will never drop a grudge

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[quote name='KaitlinK' date='11 February 2010 - 08:02 PM' timestamp='1265918546' post='2175354']
And when that day comes that we take a beating I will take great pleasure in shoving those words down your throat. You can quote me on that Sunshine ;)

El Hefe is one of the finest players in this game and someone who I would stand beside regardless the odds. You and your members have seen fit to comment on El Hefe whenever you have a chance... get over it break ups happen. Just please stop the whole clingy needy thing, we can agree that its him, not you if it makes it easier?
Kait, aren't we allowed to be pissy about it if the ex cheated on us?

Also, I still :wub: you Hefe, even after most of the stuff you did when you left. :)

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[quote name='Death666Angel' date='11 February 2010 - 08:50 PM' timestamp='1265921424' post='2175443']
Oh yeah, you got me there now! I am exactly like Hefe, seeing as how I got Echelon in that war from the start, fraternized with the enemy while being an absent leader, just to join their ranks before that ridiculous peace was signed. Damn.
Don't forget a government position as well. :)

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[quote name='Death666Angel' date='11 February 2010 - 02:50 PM' timestamp='1265921424' post='2175443']
How many times does Echelon have to say it was a mistake before you drop it? But I guess we have been way too straight forward since then for NpO, they seem to likes dem some flipfloppy, ey?

Remember, this is politics. Image is [i]everything[/i]. It's a constant fight to maintain, and it's easier to break that image down in a fit of anger than it is to build it back up with years of beneficial activity befitting a Paragon of virtue.
He trashes Echelon, we trash back. Breakups happen, and we can forgive that (see how we are friendly with TOP and most our other former members?). But as Hefe can attest, he is a very special case for most of us. So no. At least _I_ can't drop it. But it's not like I'm following him around, just to trash him. So you keep him away from me and get him not to run his mouth over stuff that concerns Echelon, and I'm fine, thanks.

Refer to previous. Trashing someone because they trash you just makes you both look bad.

What you [i]had[/i] here was an opportunity to be gallant and gracious in the face of adversity. Now it's an opportunity to extricate one's self from the verbal pile you seem intent on digging you and yours into.

Tread carefully, gentle peoples.

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[quote name='Otherworld' date='11 February 2010 - 04:00 PM' timestamp='1265922011' post='2175454']
Wow.. one mistake years ago. Get the hell over it. I mean since then we have had karma war "honoured treaty even though we knew we were in for a beating" and this war which is pretty much the same.

But I guess some people will never drop a grudge
I don't mind Echelon now. You've conducted yourselves respectably since the betrayal. I just think that it takes a bit of nerve to criticize an alliance for backing out of a war too soon for your liking given your history.

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[quote name='EvilCam' date='11 February 2010 - 05:48 PM' timestamp='1265906917' post='2174923']
Just curious, how many nukes were exchanged in this war?

We engaged 12 nations with 9 nuclear armed nations, the window of opportunity for nuking was approximatly 3 days. So it must have been around 60 possible nukes fired. This is of course a little bit high as some FOK nations were nuked by opponents from other alliances and people like me who actually forget to nuke an opponent. So 50 nukes fired in this conflict sounds about right.

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[quote name='SpiderJerusalem' date='11 February 2010 - 06:27 PM' timestamp='1265889453' post='2174529']
For your information, El Hefe has been one of the most active and aggressive chaps of all our soldiers in this war. He has throughout my time in Ragnarok shown that he is very reliable and an all around great guy.[/quote]
To be fair that is a turn up for the books. I fought him in the Karma war and he did nothing, the war was a curbstomp as he put up zero defence.

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[quote name='MaGneT' date='11 February 2010 - 08:30 PM' timestamp='1265920245' post='2175407']
Remember that time when Echelon stabbed an entire bloc in the back?

You have no right at all to talk down to HoL. At least they did [i]something[/i].

Are you referring to the CoC thing? This was admittedly before my time, but from what I know we made a mistake and flipfloped for a couple hours and then were the first ones to re-declared on the proper side again....and your point is???

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[quote name='Xiao Weng' date='11 February 2010 - 09:46 PM' timestamp='1265924791' post='2175543']
That you're not giving your organization any good public relations points. Let sleeping dogs lie.

You might be right, but I've been reading the OWF for some time and have noticed that if a lie goes unchecked or a point goes unsaid then you never get the facts out. I don't deny that Echelon in the CoC thing acted poorly but to have that come up time and time and time again when most of the players aren't even here anymore gets old.

I think you can agree that whatever Echelon's actions in years past, it doesn't justify someone else doing wrong today.

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[quote name='EvilCam' date='11 February 2010 - 04:06 PM' timestamp='1265926017' post='2175600']
You might be right, but I've been reading the OWF for some time and have noticed that if a lie goes unchecked or a point goes unsaid then you never get the facts out. I don't deny that Echelon in the CoC thing acted poorly but to have that come up time and time and time again when most of the players aren't even here anymore gets old.

I think you can agree that whatever Echelon's actions in years past, it doesn't justify someone else doing wrong today.

I can, but this is a point you can make with less anger, and more logic. I don't deny that you have an argument, the trouble here is the style used to wage it. Your point's been made; those minds made up now base it on the presentation of the argument and not the argument itself.

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[quote name='Xiao Weng' date='11 February 2010 - 10:42 PM' timestamp='1265928175' post='2175714']
I can, but this is a point you can make with less anger, and more logic. I don't deny that you have an argument, the trouble here is the style used to wage it. Your point's been made; those minds made up now base it on the presentation of the argument and not the argument itself.

You're absolutely right. Your point is well taken. I'm glad we could come to agreement. ^_^

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Hey, uhm, Gents? Listen. We at The House of Lords have gone back to our OWF-ignoring (except for myself, that is), scotch-drinking, high-class wenching haze. Could you guys go back to ignoring us now? This conversation is done. Echelon has been, publicly and privately, informed of where we stand with them, and with the exception of my coming up with some kind of vegetarian version of sheep, some extra garlic, and some rosemary, there's nothing else to say here. I thank those of you whom support us. We really appreciate it. To those of you consider us cowards and !@#$%^&* for our reluctance in this war, I suggest to you this: come by our forums, or our channel, and get to know us. Maybe, just maybe, if you do, you'll find yourself one of two things. A few good folk, whom live life a little slower on Planet Bob, or just a place to go to get hoards of free high-class liquor & classy serving girls.

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[quote name='SilvioArjunza' date='11 February 2010 - 04:42 PM' timestamp='1265935353' post='2175939']A few good folk, whom live life a little slower on Planet Bob, or just a place to go to get hoards of free high-class liquor & classy serving girls.[/quote]
And really, what more can you ask for? :D

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[quote name='SilvioArjunza' date='12 February 2010 - 12:42 AM' timestamp='1265935353' post='2175939']
Hey, uhm, Gents? Listen. We at The House of Lords have gone back to our OWF-ignoring (except for myself, that is), scotch-drinking, high-class wenching haze. Could you guys go back to ignoring us now? This conversation is done. Echelon has been, publicly and privately, informed of where we stand with them, and with the exception of my coming up with some kind of vegetarian version of sheep, some extra garlic, and some rosemary, there's nothing else to say here. I thank those of you whom support us. We really appreciate it. To those of you consider us cowards and !@#$%^&* for our reluctance in this war, I suggest to you this: come by our forums, or our channel, and get to know us. Maybe, just maybe, if you do, you'll find yourself one of two things. A few good folk, whom live life a little slower on Planet Bob, or just a place to go to get hoards of free high-class liquor & classy serving girls.

Sounds great. Cheers!

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