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CN alliances Make Love

Cyber Nationz

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I have an idea.
I tried to ask Significant alliances who are the main part of this War. If they could call a "Nuclear Cease Fire", An effort to start peace talks. [i](I know some of you folks still want more destruction, but there are quite a few who are tired of this mess)[/i]

But both are against the Idea because it will put their side in jeopardy and disadvantage. Each Side wants the other Side to start. Nobody wants to be selfless.

Well The Nuclear Cease Fire plan didn't go well, so I am thinking of an alternative.
Idea: Call a one day Nuclear Cease Fire on Valentines Day[/b]

It is Valentines day, when people get fat eating chocolates. Give dead roses to each other and end the day with Love Making only to start tomorrow like any regular old day. "Go to work, drink coffee, work, 9-5pm, come home, eat and sleep".

I think if all forces agree to call off Nuclear Attacks for this one day. It will be a decent change of pace of all nations. Kinda like an award of their loyalties and one less day of infra/tech/land lost.

It will also show a bit of humanity in this brutal War. Will show hope and will give everybody a moment to catch thier breath from all this atomic haze.

So what do you all think.
I am welcome to the people who think alike
and am looking forward to critiques :wub:

Hopefully This can be achieved. All it requires is a member from each alliance raising a "pitch Fork" in their forum. governments think about it and decide what is the best and BOOM.... chain reaction, BOOM BOOM BOOM. every alliance agrees and we all can have a Nuclear free day on the 14th day of February 2010

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Valentine's day has been commercialized for sales. I wouldn't have any of my men cease nuclear productivity.

Plus, it would require too much effort which is impossible for over 11k wars or whatever to follow through with.

Edited by Ejayrazz
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As well-meant as this might have been, notifying everybody not to nuke and expecting there to be even 75% efficiency would be tough. There's be too many misfires, and one side would claim the other is trying to take advantage of this.

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We nukeholics like to go omnomnomnom on incoming nukes, fire nukes back at the nukeholics who fired the nukes at us, drink radioactive beer, like to watch mushroom clouds grow, and gamble on how high the GRL will hit.

Our only form of gifts are nukes, mushroom clouds, destruction, and radiation. :awesome:

Edited by HHAYD
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