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A joint announcement between MHA and GO


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It's just some wording. Technically white peace should be completely term-less, but in this context we mean that we are not imposing any terms apart from the act of peacing-out itself, which is required in order for both sides to be at peace anyway. The important thing is that once TUF have peaced-out, there will be no terms, reps, or restrictions posed on them at all. As long as we're returning to status quo with TUF, that's all that matters.

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Pssst! TUF! Do not accept those! Pudge has [b][i]lots[/i][/b] of trucks - not just [i]one[/i]. This is not worth it! And they're covered in snow, too!

/me wants to go back to fighting TUF :( TUF nations had proper balls, and knew what to do with them.

I [i]guess[/i] I should be happy for everyone who has had harsh time on his nation. But as a combatant - I'ill miss your involvement. The TUF nation that has attacked me was one of two during this entire conflict that gave me some hard time.

o/ TUF!

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[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' date='07 February 2010' post='2166357']A "white peace" with terms?


EDIT: Well, I guess you did say that they surrendered so it technically wouldn't be white peace regardless.[/quote]
[quote name='Teriethien' date='07 February 2010' post='2166369']That sounds very contradictory.[/quote]
Yeah, we agreed that we would have been at peace with each other ("term" 1), but we needed to stop fighting first without starting again ("term 2") and to release the prisoners ("term 3"). We also added that, should they attack us, we'll be at war again.
What's wrong with calling this "white" peace? Should we call it as that only if we continue to fight, or if we allow them to attack us again without consequences? I'm really not following you two.

(Yes, we could have called those with some other term than "term" [/pun], and maybe it isn't exactly a "surrender"... But if you want to debate the semantics please get the right terms (lol) to argue about... Or whatever, of course, this post doesn't make much sense either, anyway...)

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