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King Death II

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[quote name='Arcturus Jefferson' date='06 February 2010 - 01:12 PM' timestamp='1265483545' post='2164887']
As a wise (if crazy) lady once said, "People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome."

And yet this whole CF of a war has come down to people meddling (this time not even TOP meddling). While I agree to that, I do believe that some practices should not be condoned by any, such as EZI, abuse of senatorial power, viceroys, disbandment, or anything that is so overly restricting that it forces or contributes to people leaving.

EDIT: She was definitely crazy, yet so awesome.

Edited by LiquidMercury
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[quote name='Gairyuki' date='06 February 2010 - 02:15 PM' timestamp='1265483749' post='2164896']
I like this war. So much destruction, so many treaties broken.

When we emerge from this cluster$%&@ (if we emerge from it), CN will be the closest it has ever been to garnering a clean slate. The playing field has been leveled.

the field will be leveled to a point. its going to be interesting to see what dose happen after this

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[quote name='Gairyuki' date='06 February 2010 - 01:15 PM' timestamp='1265483749' post='2164896']
I like this war. So much destruction, so many treaties broken.

When we emerge from this cluster$%&@ (if we emerge from it), CN will be the closest it has ever been to garnering a clean slate. The playing field has been leveled.
Dont be fooled, thats what people said about Karma. The field is not bieng leveled, it never will be. Were simply in the process of replacing one set of prejudices and alignments for another.

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This is an interesting war to say the least, but people won't be changing. They will act the same as they have been, childish, immature, disrespectful.

What needs to change it the leadership that have run Bob forever. not alliances, but the leaders of those alliances. New leaders, willing to step up and reforge friendships, which the old leaders refuse to do because of their dislikes of each other and grudges. The grudges and hate of each other has brought this game to an all time low with regards to respect and maturity.

People can still have a good time without making everything a joke, and while still being respectful. I hope all the wars from henceforth begin because of the only valid CB we have really seen in a long time. "We deem you as a threat, so we will attack you". That is how wars should be started, not because you scheme and scheme to figure out a way get in behind and alliance, and make them seem like the bad guys. And that would be possible if people actually respected one another. Hate for each other just makes you scheme of ways to take them down, rather then respectably fight them head on

Enough of the scheming, Enough of the hate, Enough of the treachery.
Be respectful, honorable, and honest with each other for once.

Edited by Guffey
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[quote name='Guffey' date='06 February 2010 - 01:29 PM' timestamp='1265491788' post='2165143']
Enough of the scheming, Enough of the hate, Enough of the treachery.
Be respectful, honorable, and honest with each other for once.

How about we focus on making things [i]less[/i] boring.

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[quote name='LiquidMercury' date='06 February 2010 - 05:36 AM' timestamp='1265452592' post='2164193']
Sad but I actually agree with everything here. In this war we (the collective community) have shown:

Treaties don't mean anything
People's word doesn't mean anything
Any discussion deteriorates into a troll fest, even when you agree with someone you're still wrong
MP has made strategy very limited
SDI's are broken (at least mine is)
There is a lack of respect for pretty much anyone these days. People you were buds with the day before harass you for being on the other side, people you are at war with tell you to [ooc] "dieeeeee" [ooc] when you nuke them, people you are in a coalition with together go back on their word.

When I set out upon making a new world and a new type of ideology with Karma I never imagined anything like this. An utter lack of self-control, or anything that resembles a modicum of respect for differences.
Not everyone behaves as you have put it here.

Also, not everyone supported the idea of a "brave new world" as it resulted from the Karma conflict. Most of the issues present today stem from a lack of an ideologically strong hegemonic authority. Having a world run by the lulz alliances will forever result in this type of perpetual crap fest.

Maybe next time someone tells you that "grand scheme" warfare planning that takes days to set up and only minutes to completely screw up are not the best way to go you will listen. Hopefully the folly of some in regards to allowing this to progress as it has will not eventually lead to the collapse of those of us who voiced dissent over these courses of action.

I am in an awkward position of agreeing with the RIA guy on the first page. How very odd.

Edited by Ivan Moldavi
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just because your respectful does not make things boring. You can still war, you don't have to figure out some made up or setup CB to do so. Fight for the real reasons, like, "we don't like you", "we see you as a threat."

Those kinds of wars would make things interesting as well. There would be no notice, just suddenly war.

Part of the problem are those kinds of attitudes like yours Sal.

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[quote name='Guffey' date='06 February 2010 - 02:03 PM' timestamp='1265493807' post='2165193']
Part of the problem are those kinds of attitudes like yours Sal.

I'm trying to say that there isn't a problem at all. Part of the problem is my attitude that there isn't a problem? That's a fair enough point for the whiners. But I'm sure you can see how it doesn't affect me in any way.

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[quote name='Guffey' date='06 February 2010 - 05:15 PM' timestamp='1265494539' post='2165203']
I was referring to you statement that things would be boring otherwise. Respecting one another does not constitute boredom.

If we all just sat around patting each other on the back as we passed NS milestones, that would be incredibly boring.

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[quote name='Guffey' date='06 February 2010 - 09:29 PM' timestamp='1265491788' post='2165143']
Enough of the [b]scheming[/b], Enough of the hate, Enough of the treachery.
Be respectful, honorable, and honest with each other for once.

That is the best part of CN

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[quote name='Lord Brendan' date='06 February 2010 - 04:24 PM' timestamp='1265495090' post='2165210']
If we all just sat around patting each other on the back as we passed NS milestones, that would be incredibly boring.

respect does not mean agreeing with what they do, or how they act. Respect does not mean you can't fight as i said in a previous post . They would be allot more wars if people actually decided to attack when they felt threatened. Not focusing so much on getting the other guy subverted so that they will get curbstomped. Have a honest fight for once.

[quote name='steodonn' date='06 February 2010 - 04:31 PM' timestamp='1265495479' post='2165219']
That is the best part of CN
Then nothing is going to change.

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[quote]The playing field has been leveled. [/quote]
Repeating it won't make it true. SF is still largely untouched and the sides are far from being even. I have to agree with the gentleman from the NPO: this is merely an uneven struggle for the throne.

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[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' date='06 February 2010 - 03:59 PM' timestamp='1265493552' post='2165189']
I am in an awkward position of agreeing with the RIA guy on the first page. How very odd.

:v: definitely sig'd

oh and LM, you screwed up big time

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' date='06 February 2010 - 02:42 AM' timestamp='1265452927' post='2164203']
If you think that all people are like what you listed, perhaps you need to look around by your feet. Honor is alive and well in those that have no need for trickery to secure their position.

QFT - Unfortunately the more honorable one is the less likely they will make their voices heard in these halls.

[quote name='Gairyuki' date='06 February 2010 - 11:15 AM' timestamp='1265483749' post='2164896']
I like this war. So much destruction, so many treaties broken.

When we emerge from this cluster$%&@ (if we emerge from it), CN will be the closest it has ever been to garnering a clean slate. The playing field has been leveled.

As a few others have pointed out - this is wishful thinking. This will only level the opposition to the next big power bloc. Post-Karma saw too many blocs close enough in power to qualify as parity, so now we have our current war and the ones that come out victorious will have every incentive to consolidate their dominance to prevent things like this current war. This was NPO's incentive for their dominance and I eagerly await the next set of villains to bring peace to our planet.

[quote name='Guffey' date='06 February 2010 - 02:03 PM' timestamp='1265493807' post='2165193']
just because your respectful does not make things boring. You can still war, you don't have to figure out some made up or setup CB to do so. Fight for the real reasons, like, "we don't like you", "we see you as a threat."

Those kinds of wars would make things interesting as well. There would be no notice, just suddenly war.

Part of the problem are those kinds of attitudes like yours Sal.

Truth in politics? say it isn't so.

I rather doubt that your ideal of honesty in CBs will ever come to pass.

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[quote name='Firkked' date='06 February 2010 - 08:16 PM' timestamp='1265516210' post='2165968']
QFT - Unfortunately the more honorable one is the less likely they will make their voices heard in these halls.

As a few others have pointed out - this is wishful thinking. This will only level the opposition to the next big power bloc. Post-Karma saw too many blocs close enough in power to qualify as parity, so now we have our current war and the ones that come out victorious will have every incentive to consolidate their dominance to prevent things like this current war. This was NPO's incentive for their dominance and I eagerly await the next set of villains to bring peace to our planet.

Truth in politics? say it isn't so.

I rather doubt that your ideal of honesty in CBs will ever come to pass.

This is ridiculous, SuperFriends has been the largest bloc in the game for a while now, and SF hasn't gone around bullying people or telling them who they can or can't ally with. We didn't start either of the conflicts in which we have recently fought, and ironically it was your side in the conflict that tried to "take out" an opposing power bloc, not ours, and yet it is your side that whines about it.

Just because some people only care about consolidating all global power around themselves doesn't mean that's what SuperFriends wants. SF isn't structured in a way that is very conducive to oppression or suppression even if they did want to form a global hegemony, which we don't.

The same people who were "concerned" about how Karma was the new Hegemony are now repeating basically the same tired old line about how we're the new Hegemony. Give it a rest, already.

Edited by James Dahl
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[quote name='James Dahl' date='09 February 2010 - 04:14 AM' timestamp='1265652855' post='2168884']
This is ridiculous, SuperFriends has been the largest bloc in the game for a while now, and SF hasn't gone around bullying people or telling them who they can or can't ally with. We didn't start either of the conflicts in which we have recently fought, and ironically it was your side in the conflict that tried to "take out" an opposing power bloc, not ours, and yet it is your side that whines about it.

Just because some people only care about consolidating all global power around themselves doesn't mean that's what SuperFriends wants. SF isn't structured in a way that is very conducive to oppression or suppression even if they did want to form a global hegemony, which we don't.

The same people who were "concerned" about how Karma was the new Hegemony are now repeating basically the same tired old line about how we're the new Hegemony. Give it a rest, already.
It's going to take more than words to prove this claim to be false, SF will have to demonstrate that it is nothing like the Hegemony in its deeds to prove this to a sceptical world.

Edited by Prime minister Johns
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[quote name='Prime minister Johns' date='09 February 2010 - 09:03 PM' timestamp='1265778182' post='2171956']
It's going to take more than words to prove this claim to be false, SF will have to demonstrate that it is nothing like the Hegemony in its deeds to prove this to a sceptical world.

You can't prove the non-existence of a trait any more than I can conclusively prove that UFOs don't exist.

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[quote name='LiquidMercury' date='06 February 2010 - 02:02 PM' timestamp='1265482949' post='2164873']
I set out in my mind to make things like horrible terms being given out a thing of the past, disbandment abhorred against, a general sense of fun for all, and a way to make every action not born out of hate (yes I still get messages telling me to die and have seen others as well). I wanted a world where a small alliance could indeed mean something and it wasn't always a world of curbstomps. This had the possibility that last one, but instead politics have degenerated to a point where there is very little modicum of respect, control, or politics other then o/, spam, shared channel, treaty, opportunism. Essentially I went out to stand against all the heinous things that NPO and others had done, but we're all full circle now only without the interesting debate and discussion.

You may say you set out for these things, but I fail to see where you delivered on any of it. And you did nothing single-handledly, and even when you tried all you did was make things worse.

CN is not a game for one man to try and make the difference you claimed to be making. I'd really appreciate if you stopped trying to act like this is the last stand for justice because everyone else happens to be just not as good as you.

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[quote name='LiquidMercury' date='06 February 2010 - 02:02 PM' timestamp='1265482949' post='2164873']
I set out in my mind to make things like horrible terms being given out a thing of the past, disbandment abhorred against, a general sense of fun for all, and a way to make every action not born out of hate (yes I still get messages telling me to die and have seen others as well). I wanted a world where a small alliance could indeed mean something and it wasn't always a world of curbstomps. This had the possibility that last one, but instead politics have degenerated to a point where there is very little modicum of respect, control, or politics other then o/, spam, shared channel, treaty, opportunism. Essentially I went out to stand against all the heinous things that NPO and others had done, but we're all full circle now only without the interesting debate and discussion.

I haven't seen any horrible terms given since Karma. This war isn't a curbstomp and neither would the TPF one had been.

A small alliance can mean something, just most small alliance leaders are not good enough to make it so.

Really you're only looking for negatives LM.

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I respect all my opponents and this war is fun.

I think the biggest reason people are afraid of this war is because of it’s unpredictability; most humans hate not having control and fear the unknown.

I can see why those who feel they have the most to lose in terms of infra, influence, power are nervous right now.

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War is not half as fun when you're not fighting for a clear purpose and where there isn't a lot at stake. This whole thing just seems completely random and pointless.

It also makes attempts at PR more annoying, transparent and ultimately pointless.

Edited by Kindom of Goon
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