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Imperial Decree from the New FAIL Order

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Well, today the nations of FAIL have found themselves sanctioned by GATO. I have been informed by GATO that they only do this to nuclear rogues. I, however, am the leader of a sovereign alliance. I am no rogue. CoJ and FAIL are currently involved in an alliance war. A micro-alliance war but alliances nonetheless, and FAIL has legitimate grievances with CoJ. First, they attacked our friends in ARES. When they entered that last war they made themselves a target. Second, Schattenmann is Vox scum.

To CoJ, if you wish for peace I ask only that Schattenmann accept his irrelevance. Is that really such a high price to pay for peace?

To GATO, your sanction is completely pointless. As the sanctioned nation in question has uranium as a base resource, and a sizable amount of funds on hand, the only nations you are truly harming are those brown nations that were trading with said nations. Rulers such as the esteemed Goon II have expressed their frustration with the situation.

Hugs and Kisses,

Rebel Virginia, God Emperor of FAIL

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maybe it was 7 months.............

GATO congress takes long is the joke.

Shatt had said he was a nuke rogue. Told RV to talk to Kevlar.

<&Kevlar> RV is gonna want to talk to you, magic :P

<&magicninja> Eh mess with him a little and then give it back and when he gots his trades full again do it again

<&magicninja> Then say nah just playin

<&Kevlar> lol

Edited by magicninja
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I don't see how he is a rogue, I look at this alliance and see two nations. Technically that's an alliance and your sanctioning him just cause someone told you to?

Sounds like you've been tricked by someone who couldn't handle fighting him fairly. Now that I've pointed out FAIL has two members do you still consider him rogue? ;)

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I don't see how he is a rogue, I look at this alliance and see two nations. Technically that's an alliance and your sanctioning him just cause someone told you to?

Sounds like you've been tricked by someone who couldn't handle fighting him fairly. Now that I've pointed out FAIL has two members do you still consider him rogue? ;)

\m/ does.

My fellow citizens. I'm pleased to announce that I've signed legislation outlawing FAIL. We begin tech raiding in five minutes.


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One man and his bank. That's still one man.

I don't know what kind of idea you have, but MasterK is a member of FAIL. A member with the full rights and privileges entitled to a member state of FAIL. He is indeed a member. That makes FAIL and alliance of two nations.

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\m/ does.

My fellow citizens. I'm pleased to announce that I've signed legislation outlawing FAIL. We begin tech raiding in five minutes.


Then I will sign legislation that 2 people are recognized as an alliance, so I announce your tech raid an alliance war. :smug:

An alliance is hereby defined as 2 or more nations sharing an AA


King Methrage

Once I sign it into law it cannot be undone by you. :excl:

Edited by Methrage
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