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Announcement from \m/

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I don't believe so. This is called 'bum'-covering 101.

Actually, Yes had I been there I would have told these members to STFU and apologized on the spot (as I am sure anyone else in .gov would have if they had been active when it happened). I have tried to explain many times and I must be doing a poor job of it as people just don't get what I am trying to say.

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[OOC] As a minority I have faced racism my entire life. As a member of \m/, I know that the statements made by my alliance mates are all in good fun. Don't take their statements seriously, otherwise you will become a very twisted individual.[/OOC]

Good show \m/. Haters gonna hate.

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And that's what they're apologizing for, for crossing that line. Now do you see why you're just looking like you're grasping for an argument?

It actually does make sense to me the way you've explained it. The OP conveys a different message though, and both you and the OP seem to assume \m/'s typical conduct is acceptable. Also, the line that \m/ crossed cannot be uncrossed, and the consequence of this action is up to Polar.

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I am extremely amazed at the outcry over this. For heaven's sake, this is the Internet; stuff gets said on a continual basis, that is usually not directed personally at someone. But no, there are those of you who are so serious that you take every comment as a personal attack on your own person, rather than on a character based in a political simulation. It's you people that are the cause of the schizophrenic society we live in now, with its so-called political correctness and general distrust of a fellow human being.

Seriously, calm down, light a joint or something, and mellow out. \m/ is probably one of the most chill alliances I know in this game, and isn't out on a mission to offend and demean anyone personally. If any of you are taking anything that was said seriously, you're just ruining the vibe for everyone else.

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It actually does make sense to me the way you've explained it. The OP conveys a different message though, and both you and the OP seem to assume \m/'s typical conduct is acceptable. Also, the line that \m/ crossed cannot be uncrossed, and the consequence of this action is up to Polar.

The OP conveys the same message, maybe not worded the right way for you, but that is why we've had clarifications on it in this thread and they've also clarified it in private to anyone interested. Their typical conduct amongst themselves is acceptable to them, and I don't see where there is anything wrong with that. Their conduct to foreign diplomats is not acceptable however, and there you have the reason for the apology.

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They're apologizing because Grub was offended and that is not the way \m/ wishes to communicate with foreign dignitaries, especially when they were not warned of the happenings in #\m/. the rest of the apology goes out to the general populace of CN, as a courtesy to them, stating that they should stay out of #\m/ if they are offended by racist jokes, etc. so they don't have to make this apology over and over again.

Edited by Aeternalis
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They're apologizing because Grub was offended and that is not the way \m/ wishes to communicate with foreign dignitaries, especially when they were not warned of the happenings in #\m/. the rest of the apology goes out to the general populace of CN, as a courtesy to them, stating that they should stay out of #\m/ if they are offended by racist jokes, etc. so they don't have to make this apology over and over again.

Oh, come on. This is the most half-assed "apology" I can remember. Even the GWI apologies were more convincing.

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I disagree about how "half-assed" this is having talked to them about it. You're entitled to your opinion however.

They say that such inflamatory comments happen on their channel on a regular basis and visitors should be forewarned etc, it can't be much of an apology if there is no attempt to restrain their members. Apologies need to come with an intent to change or they are meaningless

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They say that such inflamatory comments happen on their channel on a regular basis and visitors should be forewarned etc, it can't be much of an apology if there is no attempt to restrain their members. Apologies need to come with an intent to change or they are meaningless

I think you're misunderstanding. Visitors should be forewarned that it is what goes on in their channels. However foreign officials when requesting a formal discussion being met with that is not tolerated and that is what the apology was for.

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[OOC] I'm Jewish, and I get crap all the time, obviously. My friends IRL and in DT will make jokes, but I know they don't mean any harm by it, so I take it in stride. I doubt the good folks over at \m/ are hateful. Besides, it's OOC. If someone calls me a dirty Jew on IRC, I'm not going to attack them in-game over it. IC and OOC stay separate. [/OOC]

This is being blown way out of proportion in one of these ridiculous chases for a "valid CB", whatever that is. If you really dislike \m/ that much, attack them for that reason and be honest about it. I'm sure we'll all tack off a few respect points for that, but it's better than you attempting to insult our intelligence by feigning outrage.

(This "you" character refers to any group that may be considering an attack on \m/)


It's clear what \m/ means here.

When they make "racist" remarks, they mean them more as "racial comments" rather than "racial slurs". In other words, they involve race/gender/orientation/genus/species/planet of origin/whatever in their idle chatter, and even if they say something derogatory, they mean it in good humor, not with any malicious intent.

Frankly, IMO, this oughtn't even be in [OOC]this section of the forum

EDIT 2.0 :

Post # 1337


Edited by MaGneT
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I think you're misunderstanding. Visitors should be forewarned that it is what goes on in their channels. However foreign officials when requesting a formal discussion being met with that is not tolerated and that is what the apology was for.

I suppose its too much to wish that such juvenile behavior wouldn't occur in any venue whether in public or in official chats? But I suppose an alliance like this purposefully cloaks itself in 13 yr old boy antics, where saying dirty words and bigotry is "cool". Whatever, up to them it is their channel, I don't ever intend to go there anyway.

I still find their OP to be a contradiction as was pointed out by others as well, which I haven't caught a response to (though I admit I had no desire to examine all the posts in this thread)

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I suppose its too much to wish that such juvenile behavior wouldn't occur in any venue whether in public or in official chats? But I suppose an alliance like this purposefully cloaks itself in 13 yr old boy antics, where saying dirty words and bigotry is "cool". Whatever, up to them it is their channel, I don't ever intend to go there anyway.

I still find their OP to be a contradiction as was pointed out by others as well, which I haven't caught a response to (though I admit I had no desire to examine all the posts in this thread)

Well, that's your own opinion. I suppose you don't like visiting #mushroom and others as well, but because that affects your sensibilities doesn't mean the rest of us shouldn't be allowed to joke when we want.

And well I've pointed out the lack of a contradiction to you and others several times in this thread, so I'd recommend actually reading this whole thing before making an uniformed opinion as you just have.

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\m/ is an alliance that tolerates humor and remarks that other alliances do not. We do not apologize for our senses of humor. We apologize for failing to deal with a foreign dignitary with the appropriate level of professionalism. That is all we apologize for.

So you're condoning racism now? Perfect.

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Well, that's your own opinion. I suppose you don't like visiting #mushroom and others as well, but because that affects your sensibilities doesn't mean the rest of us shouldn't be allowed to joke when we want.

And well I've pointed out the lack of a contradiction to you and others several times in this thread, so I'd recommend actually reading this whole thing before making an uniformed opinion as you just have.

The OP itself is a contradiction, I suppose one could find some smooth way to wave that off, to explain away reality but whatever. I don't find this issue to be important enough to argue about so I'll just leave you all to it ;)

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The OP itself is a contradiction, I suppose one could find some smooth way to wave that off, to explain away reality but whatever. I don't find this issue to be important enough to argue about so I'll just leave you all to it ;)

It wasn't a contradiction at all if you read it properly, but whatever you say.

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