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no other option I guess


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Let's be honest, ghosting an alliance with whom you have a have a bad history and then telling a member of government that you won't get off their AA until some unspecified time is asking to be attacked. You cannot lay this ridiculous feud entirely at MHA's door (particularly as I know that they are reasonable people), and this particular episode you seem to have brought upon yourself.

The sanction is an overreaction, but this is not an isolated incident and I find it hard to summon the usual outrage I have over misplaced sanctions.

You need to get off the MHA AA, agree to a peace, and join another alliance with nothing to do with MHA. Stay away from their forums, their IRC and their allies until you are over the pain of your initial exit.

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Yesterday, after a pretty horrendus day I had a long chat with Jadoo1989[MHA]. He repeatedly said that he demanded I "go away and forget all about MHA" I agreed we should have some time out and let him know i'd stop ghostimg as soon as I felt up to applying elsewhere.

I followed it up via PM and he had the chance to get back to me with any problems.

He didn't

MHA has now decided to sanction me and has since launched 2 spy ops. I have tried to contact them, but they refuse to acknowledge my queries. I was hoping today would be calm and we could start to move on. But it seems, despite their protests otherwise, MHAs hatred of me will never abate. I feel I have been left with no chance of peace from this mob. I have no other option than to quit and reroll into MHA to inflict maximum damage.

I really liked you MHA. I wanted to peace out, you chose this, not me.

You have made an excellent case for PZI Following Rerolls being acceptable.

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You have a chance at peace foolish person, wait until your nation auto-deletes and start again under a new ruler name/forum name (remembering to apply for a name change on the forums) in an alliance unrelated to MHA in any way. Generally forget about them. You never win arguments against alliances. Ever.

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You have a chance at peace foolish person, wait until your nation auto-deletes and start again under a new ruler name/forum name (remembering to apply for a name change on the forums) in an alliance unrelated to MHA in any way. Generally forget about them. You never win arguments against alliances. Ever.

Who needs peace when they have me on their side. That's a sure ticket to victory right there.

And yes, NR, I do never run out of nails. Also, nice to see you. How have you been?

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Why don't you tell me why I ought to apologize to your alliance?

I can answer this: you don't need to apologize.

IMHO everybody is entitled to her/his own opinions, speeches and compulsive repeating of mantras, I don't see why you should be an exception.

Again everybody (and Bob): this has quite little to do with the ghosting itself and it's more akin to the proverbial "last straw"...

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Ok, i will state this, you can say what you want, do what you please, but if you dare attack this alliance, you will have to deal with the consequences that will come with.

anyone who attacks anyone will have to deal with the consequences.....and they can say what they want, do what they please anyway......

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i expect to hear an apology from you personally to the alliance of MHA.

I don't know what happened between RV and MHA but I really don't think you have the right to ask for an apology, people are entitled to think what they want and you have no right to make them stop on a forum that you do not own.

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You know what, im sorry, MHA for my actions that i just showed. That was wrong of me and i am not going to reply on this topic about emily anymore.

Its done, and it is over with.

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You know what, im sorry, MHA for my actions that i just showed. That was wrong of me and i am not going to reply on this topic about emily anymore.

Its done, and it is over with.

You demand an apology from me yet end up apologizing yourself. Another victory for Rebel Virginia. Let this stand as a warning for those who dare challenge me.

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