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1st Triennial Report of the 6th Year of Order

Sir Paul

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1st Triannual Report of the 6th Year of Order

Delivered on Friday, this 1st Day of January in the 2010th Year of Our Lord before the Assembled BODY REPUBLIC Six Years and 4 Months after the Day of Order.


My Emperor, Imperial Officers, Councilors, and Fellow Members of the Body Republic:

As Imperial Clerk, it is my duty to issue the triannual report on the progress made achieving the goals set for in His Imperial Majesty's Most Gracious Speech to the Body Republic of the Order. The People's Government has laid out several ambitious objectives and Pacifica has risen to the occasion, working hard to spread Peace, Strength and Prosperity through our works. The first trimester of the sixth year of Order has seen many accomplishments and great changes for Pacifica, and this report organizes the progress the People have made on the measures put forth before the Body Republic.

Rebuilding the Order into a shining City on a Hill

As situations change, so do personnel, and the Order strives to have the best person for the job at that time. To rebuild the Order, we must have a master craftsman at the helm, and on September 29, 2009, 29 Days after the 6th Day of Order, Comrade Blackbird was elevated to Emperor of the Order. He has spent his first trimester reorganizing Pacifica into an Order that can adapt to the changing environment of Planet Bob. With retirements and appointments, a new Council with new responsibilities, and the dissolution of the Imperial Advisory Committee, the Order's internal governance has been streamlined, redundancies eliminated and a foundation for growth has been laid.

However, it is difficult to build when one's work is continually knocked down. It was under that spirit that the Order and the G15 agreed to work more closely together to ensure that raiding of Pacifican nations would be at a minimum. According to our twitter feed, 209 nations flying the NPO name have been raided. Since the November 22, 2009 understanding that G15 and NPO would work more closely in ensuring retribution for raids, there have been 16 attacks upon Pacifican nations. Nine of those NPO nations (56%) were raided without any Karma defense (November 22, 2009 - December 12, 2009). Two notable attackers include AugustusX of Sunrise Rome (NS: 1,805.021) and 061mozart123 of Mozartia (NS: 4,398.294), both well within the well within the G15's response strength level. If the G15 is unwilling or unable to defend all Pacifican nations, we hope they will send aid to the attacked nations and allow them to temporarily rearm so they may defend themselves.

Timely Payment of Reparations

Reparations payments began on August 1, 2009 and the peace terms contain three categories of reparations.

Type 1: 350,000 tech, to be paid only by NPO nations with greater than or equal to 1000 technology on July 19th ("1k+" nations).

We have paid 141,750 of the original 350,000 "1k+" tech as of December 2. This number is just over 40% of the total.

Type 2: $3 billion in cash, which we can convert to tech.

All $3 billion in cash was converted to 100,000 tech, which was completely paid by the Tech Corps by the second week in November.

Type 3: $7 billion in cash, which the G15 can decide to convert to tech, in whole or in part.

Of the $7 billion cash, $432 million has been allocated to tech conversions so far. This tech has been completely paid by the Tech Corps as of this announcement. Of the remaining $6,568 million, our bankers have paid $3,047 million (over 46%) as of December 2, 2009.

As payment of the Type 2 and Type 3 reparations has progressed much more quickly than Type 1 reparations, the limiting factor in our speedy payment of reparations has been the 1k+ tech restriction. On December 2, 2009, Londo Mollari of Athens has graciously offered to ask the G15 if they would be willing to remove the tech restriction as its purpose of divesting technology from the Order's nations has been served. The Body Republic eagerly awaits the G15's decision. However, regardless of the outcome, if current trends continue, I will hopefully be reporting on Pacifica's completion of the terms of surrender during my next triannual report.

Rebuild the New Pacific Order into a top-tier sanctioned alliance

The Order, despite crushing reparations, has been able to continue its growth. We have gone from the bottom of the sanctioned alliances to a solid tier-two group.


Recently, the Order has passed 8 million strength, despite restrictions on our military as well as technology dealing, meaning the Order is relying heavily on infrastructure for score, more so than any other sanctioned alliance.


Upon the exiting of surrender terms, the Order suspects that an increase in our military strength as well as internal technology dealing will propel the Order into the top tier before the 7th August Revolution.

Working with Red Team alliances for Economic Security

Despite the G15's refusal to allow the New Pacific Order to join the Red Dawn Treaty Organization (an economic bloc formed for trading and red senate purposes) the Order has been cooperating with Red Dawn and currently holds two of three red senate seats, with Red Dawn signatories hold the third (with the full support of the Pacifican Empire). Because of the importance of the Red Sphere, with it being our home, the Emperor has tasked the Office of the Regent with overseeing the multiple departments that handle red team issues, from trades, to diplomacy, to senate security. Part of the Red Team focus includes the Imperial Office of Foreign Affairs Task Force 141, a force lead by the team of Charles, Necoho and Brennan. Task Force 141 will be tasked with keeping and building relations with all Red Sphere alliances and strengthening Red Dawn. It is the hope of the Emperor and Body Republic that all alliances on the Red Sphere become full partners in its success through affiliation in Red Dawn.

The creation and dissemination of Pacifican Culture, Art, Literature, and Media

While the Order does not currently have an Imperial Officer of Media Affairs, the Media Affairs department of the Order has been restructured and is producing quality work to further the enlightenment of Pacificans and the world. The Department of Media Affairs is currently divided into four groups, each with a clear mission and dedicated individuals:

Wiki: The New Pacific Order has arguably the most extensive wiki of any alliance in the game. Those curious about Pacifican history, culture, or organization can find their comprehensive work here.

Writing: Responsible for The Pacific Press and Tabloid Tribune, the writing division is dedicated to keeping a jackboot on the pulse of world events and staying one step ahead of the truth. While the Tabloid Tribune has been consistently published externally, the Emperor's mandate on a more outward-facing order will mean that the Pacific Press will start publishing in an area visible to non-Pacificans.

Graphics: Responsible for avatars, signatures, standards and other graphics, this division has increased activity an has been fulfilling difficult requests with an average turn-around time of two days, often with various options for the end user. Lord Valleo has been instrumental in this and deserves special recognition.

Broadcasting: With the death of CN Radio after Mushroom Kingdom pulled out of the Joint Powers Authority, Radio Free Pacifica has soldiered on, providing a wide range of music and programing options. The Clerk congratulates station manager TrotskysRevenge for his Marconi award for his expose on the Beef Industry.

Grow our community and ensure the personal and professional development of all our members

The Order, despite being under military restrictions, has averaged 20 new nations per month in the first trimester of the sixth year of Order. In the trimester prior to the war, we were averaging 61 new recruits per month. While our quantity is less than antebellum levels, it is consistant with our our wartime recruiting numbers (20 per month) and we know that each new member will be dedicated to the hard work that is needed in the coming year. While the Order may be forced to sit on the sidelines under a foreign yoke, these new recruits are bullish on the prospects of a resurgent Pacifica and have embraced our mission of Peace, Strength, and Prosperity.

In addition to growing our numbers, the Order has been diligent in growing the quality of our recruits. During 2009, 471 members of the New Pacific Order participated in the mentoring program, teaming our green members with more seasoned personalities who teach them about our organization, culture, chain-of-command, and way of life. This has been the most successful calendar year for the mentor program, and the Clerk's Office salutes them and the Council who have been instrumental in the personal development of our membership.

Avoid the entangling affairs of the continentals

Recent events has confirmed the wisdom of this statement. The Order has but one pact, with our eternal friends, the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization. We wish them well in this new year and ask that the blessings of Admin be upon the Assembly Chairman.

As we continue to fulfill the goals of the sixth year of Order, we must not rest because there is much work to do. Those Pacificans who are sending reparations must continue to do so every cycle until the terms have expired. Those who are members of our military must continue to work with the G15 to ensure that Pacifican nations are protected. If you feel that you can do more, many departments, such as media, foreign affairs, technology and banking, are looking for Pacificans to take up the mantle of responsibility and aid in our progress. Many hands make light work, and as we march forward into the new calendar year, let us not forget the goals of the Pacifican year.

I pray that the blessing of Almighty Admin may rest upon your counsels.

Sir Paul

Imperial Clerk

New Pacific Order

Imperator Populusque Pacificus

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If my memory serves me correctly, your peace terms were to last for a minimum of six months, which would have been Dec. 19, 2009. When does Pacifica believe their reparations payments will be completed?

6 months will actually be on Jan 18th, 2010 although payments did not commence until August 1st, 2009. Completion date is to be determined but was estimated around April up until this recent conflict started.

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If my memory serves me correctly, your peace terms were to last for a minimum of six months, which would have been Dec. 19, 2009. When does Pacifica believe their reparations payments will be completed?
if current trends continue, I will hopefully be reporting on Pacifica's completion of the terms of surrender during my next triannual report.
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