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Joint NATO/IRON/TOP Announcement


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You know....

I wouldn't have released any logs, I'd have just jumped them. Wait, I have a better idea. I'd have jumped them 5-1, with no warning and all my lackeys could have spewed their hollow moral righteousness for three days... Then I would have my pants pulled down to reveal my pink frilly thong that I wear 'cause it makes me feel pretty.

Funny thing is, I know Hoo, he wouldn't do this IMHO, but hey, I still will enjoy having new neighbors in the flaming ball pit of hell (hattip: KDW). Welcome, we have fun and games.

You missed the part about your allies waiting around for 5 days without actually defending and instead flooding the debate with words of no real value simply volume. I have this awful habit of seeing both side of the story unfortunately but just remember TPF was jumped 5/1 but with a 0/5 defense response.

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You're just mad cause you had to picture Hoo in a pink frilly thong.

Off-topic I know (sorry mods), but...

God damn you, sir. Now I'm thinking about it.


So it has been proven that RoK leadership was aware of this multi being used to spy scenario? I didn't read all the responses but clearly this was proven already right?

We can only wish the case was that good.

Edited by Aurion
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Ragnarok, you know no shame. Claiming yourself to be so righteous!

Going like: "WE WILL NOT TOLERATE SPIES AND BLAH BLAH BALH" while you spy on others.

ANd your allies aren't doing anything better, they go like "no, is not happening noooo I refuse to see it" or go like "What spy? you see any? I don't see any. I am freaking blind" or "NO! THATS YOUR SPY!" well is your mom too. XD

Prove RoK orchestrated this. Because right now common sense points to one of two answers: NATO organized this (all the convenient timings and AA changes right when a spy would become useless to them, then getting caught RIGHT when they needed dirt on RoK the most ;)), or, worst case scenario, something a former triumvir of RoK did on his own.

Stop being a Yes Man, please.

Edited by Penkala
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I know Unspeakable Evil posted this info before, but just want to get everything in one post. I'm going to post what I've preliminarily been able to find out (could be completely wrong, in which case please correct me!)

There is no evidence to suggest that, before this recent application's at NATO, IRON, where ever else that President Magee was being used to spy:

President Magee:

[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> Incoming:
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> +------------+-----------------+-------+-------+--------+-------+-------+-------+----------+--------------------------------------------------+
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> | Date	   | Ruler		   | Name  | NID   | NS	 | Infra | Tech  | Nukes | Senority | alliance_affiliation							 |
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> +------------+-----------------+-------+-------+--------+-------+-------+-------+----------+--------------------------------------------------+
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2008-06-27 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 25,611 | 5,800 | 700   | 0	 |	  672 | International Security And Commerce Organisation | 
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2008-07-03 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 25,611 | 5,800 | 700   | 0	 |	  678 | International Security And Commerce Organisation | 
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2008-07-04 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 25,611 | 5,800 | 700   | 0	 |	  679 | International Security And Commerce Organisation | 
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2008-07-05 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 25,611 | 5,800 | 700   | 0	 |	  680 | International Security And Commerce Organisation | 
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2008-11-03 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 29,775 | 6,200 | 1,050 | 11	|	   40 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-01-13 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 35,175 | 6,330 | 1,070 | 20	|	  111 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-01-14 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 35,175 | 6,330 | 1,070 | 20	|	  112 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-01-15 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 35,175 | 6,330 | 1,070 | 20	|	  113 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-01-18 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 35,175 | 6,330 | 1,070 | 20	|	  116 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-01-25 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 35,175 | 6,330 | 1,070 | 20	|	  123 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-02-01 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 35,348 | 6,330 | 1,090 | 20	|	  130 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-02-08 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 35,580 | 6,360 | 1,100 | 20	|	  137 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-02-15 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 37,105 | 6,380 | 1,100 | 20	|	  144 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-02-22 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 37,105 | 6,380 | 1,100 | 20	|	  151 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-03-01 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 37,105 | 6,380 | 1,100 | 20	|	  158 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-03-08 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 37,715 | 6,380 | 1,100 | 20	|	  165 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:41] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-04-18 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 38,106 | 6,448 | 1,120 | 20	|	  206 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-05-03 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 23,608 | 4,537 | 671   | 4	 |	  221 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-05-10 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 24,448 | 4,537 | 671   | 10	|	  228 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-06-28 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 25,969 | 4,557 | 671   | 20	|	  277 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-08-18 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 19,916 | 2,990 | 250   | 20	|	  328 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-08-23 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 20,348 | 2,990 | 250   | 20	|	  333 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-08-30 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 20,738 | 2,990 | 250   | 20	|	  340 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-09-06 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 20,238 | 2,990 | 150   | 20	|	  347 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-09-13 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 19,738 | 2,990 | 50	| 20	|	  354 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-09-20 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 21,138 | 3,540 | 0	 | 20	|	  361 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-09-27 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 22,011 | 3,790 | 0	 | 20	|	  368 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-10-04 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 22,682 | 3,990 | 0	 | 20	|	  375 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-10-09 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 22,682 | 3,990 | 0	 | 20	|	  380 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-10-10 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 22,682 | 3,990 | 0	 | 20	|	  381 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-10-11 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 22,682 | 3,990 | 0	 | 20	|	  382 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-10-12 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 22,682 | 3,990 | 0	 | 20	|	  383 | Ragnarok										 | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-10-18 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 15,841 | 3,740 | 0	 | 14	|		1 | Orange Defense Network						   | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-11-29 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 3,123  | 990   | 10	| 0	 |		2 | NATO											 | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-12-06 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 4,653  | 1,220 | 100   | 0	 |		9 | NATO											 | 
[19:42] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-12-13 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 5,508  | 1,380 | 100   | 6	 |	   16 | NATO											 | 
[19:43] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-12-20 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 7,358  | 1,460 | 100   | 14	|	   23 | NATO											 | 
[19:43] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-12-27 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 9,008  | 1,460 | 100   | 19	|	   30 | NATO											 | 
[19:43] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-12-29 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 9,458  | 1,480 | 100   | 20	|	   32 | NATO											 | 
[19:43] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-12-30 | President Magee | Masoa | 39590 | 9,598  | 1,480 | 100   | 20	|	   33 | NATO											 | 
[19:43] <UnspeakableEvil> +------------+-----------------+-------+-------+--------+-------+-------+-------+----------+--------------------------------------------------+
[19:43] <UnspeakableEvil> 40 rows in set (0.01 sec)
[19:43] <UnspeakableEvil> Let me know if that all showed up


[19:48] <Jyrinx[STA]> Rishnokof = nation ID 40591
[19:48] <Jyrinx[STA]> President Magee = 39590
[19:48] <UnspeakableEvil> okie doke
[19:48] <UnspeakableEvil> incoming:
[19:48] <UnspeakableEvil> +------------+-----------+---------+-------+--------+-------+-------+-------+----------+----------------------+
[19:48] <UnspeakableEvil> | Date	   | Ruler	 | Name	| NID   | NS	 | Infra | Tech  | Nukes | Senority | alliance_affiliation |
[19:48] <UnspeakableEvil> +------------+-----------+---------+-------+--------+-------+-------+-------+----------+----------------------+
[19:48] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2008-05-24 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 21,937 | 4,292 | 750   | 0	 |		8 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:48] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2008-06-01 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 22,303 | 4,330 | 800   | 0	 |	   16 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:49] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2008-06-22 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 22,714 | 4,430 | 800   | 0	 |	   37 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:49] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2008-06-27 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 22,714 | 4,430 | 800   | 0	 |	   42 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:49] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2008-07-03 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 22,714 | 4,430 | 800   | 0	 |	   48 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:49] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2008-07-04 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 22,714 | 4,430 | 800   | 0	 |	   49 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:49] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2008-07-05 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 22,714 | 4,430 | 800   | 0	 |	   50 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:49] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2008-11-03 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 25,106 | 4,221 | 1,200 | 0	 |	  171 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:49] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-01-13 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 27,806 | 4,241 | 1,700 | 0	 |	  242 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:49] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-01-14 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 27,806 | 4,241 | 1,700 | 0	 |	  243 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:49] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-01-15 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 27,806 | 4,241 | 1,700 | 0	 |	  244 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:49] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-01-18 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 27,806 | 4,241 | 1,700 | 0	 |	  247 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:49] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-01-25 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 28,056 | 4,241 | 1,750 | 0	 |	  254 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:49] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-02-01 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 28,467 | 4,241 | 1,850 | 0	 |	  261 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:49] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-02-08 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 28,967 | 4,241 | 1,950 | 0	 |	  268 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:49] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-02-15 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 28,967 | 4,241 | 1,950 | 0	 |	  275 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:49] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-02-22 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 29,717 | 4,241 | 2,100 | 0	 |	  282 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:49] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-03-01 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 29,717 | 4,241 | 2,100 | 0	 |	  289 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:49] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-03-08 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 30,217 | 4,241 | 2,200 | 0	 |	  296 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:49] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-04-18 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 31,717 | 4,241 | 2,500 | 0	 |	  337 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-05-03 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 16,191 | 1,278 | 1,914 | 0	 |	  352 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-05-10 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 13,565 | 829   | 1,846 | 0	 |	  359 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-06-28 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 5,650  | 148   | 1,002 | 0	 |	  408 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-08-18 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 11,975 | 1,990 | 951   | 0	 |	  459 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-08-23 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 11,975 | 1,990 | 951   | 0	 |	  464 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-08-30 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 12,225 | 1,990 | 1,001 | 0	 |	  471 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-09-06 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 12,475 | 1,990 | 1,051 | 0	 |	  478 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-09-13 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 12,725 | 1,990 | 1,101 | 0	 |	  485 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-09-20 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 16,706 | 2,990 | 1,251 | 0	 |	  492 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-09-27 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 16,796 | 2,990 | 1,251 | 0	 |	  499 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-10-04 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 16,796 | 2,990 | 1,251 | 0	 |	  506 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-10-09 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 16,796 | 2,990 | 1,251 | 0	 |	  511 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-10-10 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 16,796 | 2,990 | 1,251 | 0	 |	  512 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-10-11 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 17,046 | 2,990 | 1,301 | 0	 |	  513 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-10-12 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 17,296 | 2,990 | 1,351 | 0	 |	  514 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-10-18 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 17,296 | 2,990 | 1,351 | 0	 |	  520 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-10-25 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 17,296 | 2,990 | 1,351 | 0	 |	  527 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-11-01 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 20,296 | 3,990 | 1,351 | 0	 |	  534 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:50] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-11-08 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 20,646 | 3,990 | 1,401 | 0	 |	  541 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:51] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-11-15 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 21,396 | 3,990 | 1,551 | 0	 |	  548 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:51] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-11-22 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 21,396 | 3,990 | 1,551 | 0	 |	  555 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:51] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-11-29 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 21,526 | 3,990 | 1,551 | 1	 |	  562 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:51] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-12-06 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 22,851 | 4,000 | 1,651 | 8	 |	  569 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:51] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-12-13 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 24,611 | 4,000 | 1,651 | 15	|	  576 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:51] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-12-20 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 27,716 | 4,000 | 1,751 | 22	|	  583 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:51] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-12-27 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 32,780 | 3,825 | 1,805 | 25	|		0 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:51] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-12-29 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 28,328 | 3,346 | 1,670 | 23	|		2 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:51] <UnspeakableEvil> | 2009-12-30 | Rishnokof | Chingra | 40591 | 26,317 | 3,148 | 1,615 | 23	|		3 | Ragnarok			 | 
[19:51] <UnspeakableEvil> +------------+-----------+---------+-------+--------+-------+-------+-------+----------+----------------------+
[19:51] <UnspeakableEvil> 48 rows in set (0.01 sec)
[19:51] <UnspeakableEvil> He changed his AA for whatever reason between 12-20 and 12-27.
[19:51] <UnspeakableEvil> Came back on the 27th.
[19:52] <Jyrinx[STA]> Fantastic, thank you again :)

According to the CN wiki International Security And Commerce Organisation disbanded and merged into ARES.

Based on Unspeakable Evil's Data set, and the application images to IRON and NATO, there is no reason to think that Rishnokof/President Magee attempted any sort of spying or alliance infiltration, aside from the most recent attempt with IRON/NATO/whoever else.

Consequently, I believe it can be concluded that no alliance infiltration or spying occurred by Rishnokof during his terms as triumvir or holding of any government posts.

Based on Van Hoo's response and the fact that burden of proof falls on the accuser, I see nothing to suggest that Ragnarok Government knew of Rishnokof's attempted infiltration.

Conclusion:Again, this is simply what I've gathered as a preliminary investigation. Feel free to correct me or add more information, but from what I can see nothing done by Rishnokof against TOP, NSO, IRON, NATO, or Grey Council was in any way sanctioned by Ragnarok


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lol right? :P

The whole point is that Rish and Magee are/were a multi with one another. Magee had access to NATO for a month, and tried to enter other alliances and cause trouble even before that (i.e. attempting to enter IRON with a multi in November). Rish's nation was in RoK up until about a week ago it seems. So a former Trium and current Advisor (still in RoK up until 12/25/09) had a multi in NATO. Magee stated he was in RoK before we applied to NATO. I don't see a former Trium or even an advisor to the government of an alliance having access to another alliance via a multi as a good thing. It's pretty simple.

Unless no one had any idea they were doing it. Rish convinced us that Magee was an entirely different person when we met him in ISCO. Magee led that alliance and rishnokof was their FA guy. Rish came over to RoK by himself and Magee joined RoK many months later ... we had no reason to think they were multis. Magee never posted on the RoK forums and in fact had a grand total of eight posts.

Oh and hi there delgursh. :D

Silly NATO, didn't you know you should wait 4 months and then attack Rok without talking to them about the spying first?

This cute and witty post lost it's steam when I stated that had they just attacked us instead of coming to us ... we'd have been ok with that.

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So you have no proof that RoK govt knew of this, yet you know TPF govt talked to ZH about their operation.

I think they knew, alright. But I'm not accusing them and have no proof, only what is probable given the status of the person within their ranks. The message that Rish posted to the RoK membership sounds like the perfect cover to go spy on other alliances.

If they understand the true path of honor, they'll know what to do. If they do it, that's another story.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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Prove RoK orchestrated this. Because right now common sense points to one of two answers: NATO organized this (all the convenient timings and AA changes right when a spy would become useless to them, then getting caught RIGHT when they needed dirt on RoK the most ;)), or, worst case scenario, something a former triumvir of RoK did on his own.

Stop being a Yes Man, please.

Common sense point to that rok used spies and spy on others, and make up stories of other spying on them then attacking them in the name of spying.

Stop being nutty.

edit: grammer

Edited by wxyrty
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Except its been proved that he ran the nation and conducted false flag operations.

Against NSO, who oddly doesn't appear to be on his AA list that UE posted.

The accusations in the OP list spying on NATO and IRON for which there is absolutely no proof.

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Common sense point to that rok used spies and spy on others and attack others and make up stories of other spying on them.

Stop being nutty.

I'll stop being nutty and implying NATO gov orchestrated it with no proof when you stop being nutty and implying that RoK gov orchestrated it with no proof. ;)

See the point I'm trying to make, now?

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Against NSO, who oddly doesn't appear to be on his AA list that UE posted.

The accusations in the OP list spying on NATO and IRON for which there is absolutely no proof.

# Using the multi to attempt infiltration of IRON (it should be noted that he was unsuccessful).

# Using the multi to successfully infiltrate NATO; he was a member of that alliance until today.

Infiltration was listed.

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I'll stop being nutty and implying NATO gov orchestrated it with no proof when you stop being nutty and implying that RoK gov orchestrated it with no proof. ;)

See the point I'm trying to make, now?

Well we got prove, and is not only provable, it is the smoking gun. Rok spied and got caught.

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