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Ragnarok Announcement

Van Hoo III

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Maybe I missed it, but I havent noticed them actually doing that yet.

Perhaps you should save the opprobrium for after they make up their minds at least?

C'mon, man, give peace a chance. Thought you were all about that these days? :rolleyes:

I'm afraid you have no idea what I'm all about.

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TPF and TPF's allies (in this case, their little bitty wannabe TPF's known as OPP and former OPP alliances) have a unique history of lying and truth distortion when it comes to just about anything of note. They also have a unique history of denying things even when presented with overwhelming proof to the contrary.

So, I say let them all burn in hell for being foolish enough to follow TPF once more.

Only thing has been Hoo's word against Warbuck's. Do correct me if I am wrong. Everything else has been pretty much semantics spin plays and people from all around showing off how capable they are of writing books out of few lines.

These logs have been floating around for at-least 2 days, nobody bothered to do anything about them until only something perhaps changed recently.

Also AJ, Whatever happened to your peace and love gimmick? The way it pissed some people off was hilarious.

Edited by shahenshah
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No one is trying to claim the logs were hacked, and it was implied that if it was deleted it was done by Hoo himself. This has already been addressed. This is SF/CnG just trying to discredit and distract. Trying to 'gotcha' Warbuck.

What has C&G got to do with this?


The answer is nothing.

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Only thing has been Hoo's word against Warbuck's. Do correct me if I am wrong. Everything else has been pretty much semantics spin plays and people from all around showing off how capable they writing books out of few lines.

Also whatever happened to your peace and love gimmick? The way it pissed some people off was hilarious.

I managed to strangle the peace and love version of myself and put it in the closet. It's trying to get out right now, but it's locked in there pretty good.

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I managed to strangle the peace and love version of myself and put it in the closet. It's trying to get out right now, but it's locked in there pretty good.

Awwww is someone off his meds?

Edited by Sigrun Vapneir
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Athens is in this war as well, and well, you guys haven't exactly been supportive of anything that goes against the idea of Hoo the Angel.

He prefers Hoo the gerbil eating emperor thankyouverymuch.


This is SF/CnG just trying to discredit and distract

And this is you doing the same thing. Har.

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Only thing has been Hoo's word against Warbuck's. Do correct me if I am wrong. Everything else has been pretty much semantics spin plays and people from all around showing off how capable they writing books out of few lines.

Exactly that.

No one except Warbuck and Hoo will ever know who did what, everyone else will interpret it depending where he/she stands on the current conflict.

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Athens is in this war as well, and well, you guys haven't exactly been supportive of anything that goes against the idea of Hoo the Angel.

Wrong. C&G has absolutely nothing to do with these logs. This is between Ragnarok and ADI...

Everyone else is just here to see how this develops...

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Exactly that.

No one except Warbuck and Hoo will ever know who did what, everyone else will interpret it depending where he/she stands on the current conflict.

Wise words from a wise nation. I give it...one response for noone to listen.

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I saw these logs shortly after a rather lengthy conversation with MistaHoo regarding the events of the last several days.

Suffice to say, they do not mirror that conversation.

....although suckups and toadies, VHIII <_<

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I managed to strangle the peace and love version of myself and put it in the closet. It's trying to get out right now, but it's locked in there pretty good.

You'd do well making friends with good old Ivan Moldavi, since you're "Peace now, Peace Forever" was technically a lie now

"Peace is a lie" etc

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I believe if he has talked to VanHoo after the incident, it will show that time and date as the buffer will be updated and inserted into the log file.

You're absolutely correct. However, let's be honest here. The chances anyone actually edited the source directly are slim. They would paste it elsewhere and edit the new copy. This means they would then have to edit the source prior to the screenshots, which breaks the modified time. Either that or both screenshots will show accurate times and differing contents and we'll have gained nothing. It's certainly worth them doing it, unless they are afraid of the truth coming out, which they should be. As has already been mentioned, this is the problem with attempting to use text based logging. Unless there are multiple sources that can provide layers of evidence or the subjects of the logs all verify their content, it's all just plain text. For anyone to sit here and argue blarghmysideistruthyoursislie at this point is just spinning your wheels.

For the future, mIRC does offer an option that allows date based log files that would create a vanhoo__rok_12172009.log (or however his name would work out) file, etc based on the date the conversation starts. This makes text logs significantly easier to verify.

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TPF and TPF's allies (in this case, their little bitty wannabe TPF's known as OPP and former OPP alliances) have a unique history of lying and truth distortion when it comes to just about anything of note. They also have a unique history of denying things even when presented with overwhelming proof to the contrary.

So, I say let them all burn in hell for being foolish enough to follow TPF once more.

Thanks for clearing your intensions again that you just wanna destroy us. You call us liars simply but you don't have a proof. Hoo call that these logs are faked but he doesn't have a proof. We have your words what agree with his words about our destruction. You can bring here more and more poster who could say that "OMG faked logs" but it won't help you.

Now we know that we will fight for our survival. We will do what we can.

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You'd do well making friends with good old Ivan Moldavi, since you're "Peace now, Peace Forever" was technically a lie now

"Peace is a lie" etc

I do believe we have a mutual respect for each other... ... maybe a mutual disdain...

okay, maybe we don't think anything of each other at all.

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Thanks for clearing your intensions again that you just wanna destroy us. You call us liars simply but you don't have a proof. Hoo call that these logs are faked but he doesn't have a proof. We have your words what agree with his words about our destruction. You can bring here more and more poster who could say that "OMG faked logs" but it won't help you.

Now we know that we will fight for our survival. We will do what we can.

Again, as I've said before, I find it insulting (this time highly so) that you'd give others credit for work done by myself and myself alone.

[edit:] to hell with it, I'll just spell it out. It's insulting that you would attribute something said by me to the whole of Superfriends, or to the whole of the alliances currently at war with TPF. It's also insulting to assume that I speak for everyone, thereby giving them credit when they deserve none, not that they'd want to take credit for my words, but it's insulting nonetheless

Edited by astronaut jones
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I do believe we have a mutual respect for each other... ... maybe a mutual disdain...

okay, maybe we don't think anything of each other at all.

True, but you have more in common with ChairmanHal, you both have it in for a Frostbite leader, and will usually argue any point they make, even when they are right.

Grub needs his own personal *insert descriptive word here for above part,* he's probably feeling left out.

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Ignored the comments, so this is probably outdate, just going off the OP. Van Hoo appears to be doing exactly what he said he does, talking and giving his opinion. It doesn't look like there's any planning going on. We learned from Kuru that Van speaks his mind freely (and as someone that has personally been looked upon unfavorably by him in dumped logs, I should know). If the logs were altered to add the bit about CDT being wiped out, that's poor form on whoever is passing the logs around or originally altered them.

Van, why you would want to see CDT destroyed is a mystery to me, but so is your animosity towards me and NATO. After your protectorate with us we helped you join CDT and we even quit because you didn't feel you were in enough control. I offered to get you into the Continuum to try and bridge the distances between us and SF, but you lied to me and strung me along. SF was never interested in bridging any distances, it seems. It is all water under the bridge to us, but it hurt when you started going against us after everything we had done for you in your first year. If you're not down with Whitey Ford, just say you're not down with Whitey Ford, that's all you had to say and you would have never had to be in contact with us.

Fake edit:

/everything above was written in the context of personal IC emotions and do not reflect any OOC feelings towards RoK or Van Hoo, both of whom I enjoy and respect OOC.

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