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Concerning the use of the Karma moniker


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Well I dunno how they got tangled up and called out, but I do believe its really safe to assume when we are talking about TOP members and this medium that they get tangled here with something only when summoned.

Why they are, and why PI games response times to treaties and TOP embassies got mentioned here by Archon unprovoked, is another question.

That is a thread about IRON, not about TOP. Only people who have brought TOP up in both threads are TOP members and then it snowballs. Archon was really just responding to things already said.

Edited by AirMe
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That is a thread about IRON, not about TOP.

Half truth. You are better then that.

Only people who have brought TOP up in both threads are TOP members and then it snowballs. Archon was really just responding to things already said.

Archon response here about TOP embassies and PI games, was his own initiated thing previously not mentioned.

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That is a thread about IRON, not about TOP. Only people who have brought TOP up in both threads are TOP members and then it snowballs. Archon was really just responding to things already said.

I don't see IRON being mentionned a single time in Archon's original post.

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If you call TOP out, they're going to come. But, they were mentioned, not really called out per se.

"And no, I don't care if you were secretly just waiting/hoping/praying to get the support of TOP as a number of folks have claimed quietly in back channels."

They have the right to be here like anyone else.

Also, hi TOP. Even if we're on opposite sides, can you please blow everyone the $%&@ up?


Edited by Ejayrazz
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Where in the OP is TOP mentioned? I can't seem to find it.
Whether you win or lose does not change this fact. And no, I don't care if you were secretly just waiting/hoping/praying to get the support of TOP as a number of folks have claimed quietly in back channels. It's still pretty damn sad.

That also answers my previous question.

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Are you just pretending to be an idiot or are you actually one. You might end up being the 2nd person ever on my ignore list.

I was responding to Branimir's comment you dolt.

So your answer is "you're an idiot".

Way to stick to logics.

Edited by Alter Leader Nabla
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you're right Archon, Karma doesn't fit ... yet.

It will when these shenanigans you and your friends are orchestrating will come back to bite you in the rear.

That is the way the world works though. If it didn't, none of us would want to stick around too long. The same logic also applies to TPF in this situation.

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Half truth. You are better then that.

Please, continue to push the delusion that this was about someone other than TPF, coming from you it only further validates my previous comments on TOP being an unwitting party to those with a long, long history of manipulation.

No one cares who comes, just do it in good fun and for the right reasons.

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He was not off topic, and if you felt he was you should bring it to the proper place not here.

This thread is getting a bit rowdy, I suggest you all stop the baiting and name calling before I have to take out my modding stick.


The thread is designed to encourage name calling if you want to stop that then lock the thread. Beside the point the how is asking someone a question name calling? If your going to make ridiculous accusations then perhaps you should quote the relevant parts to at least appear nearly nuetral.

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The thread is designed to encourage name calling if you want to stop that then lock the thread. Beside the point the how is asking someone a question name calling? If your going to make ridiculous accusations then perhaps you should quote the relevant parts to at least appear nearly nuetral.

Funnily enough most of the name calling was directed to someone on "your side", the first part of my statement was directed at the person I quoted the second was at the thread in general as there has been much use of words like "stupid" and "idiot" thrown around here.

Claims of bias are not tolerated, enjoy your vacation.

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That is the way the world works though. If it didn't, none of us would want to stick around too long. The same logic also applies to TPF in this situation.

See the problem is though that the Karma War was advertised as the end of what's happening to TPF right now. So I guess that makes everyone hypocrites all around.

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Earlier in the thread I referred to Archon as a "Fine Gentlemen." I have been informed that this is internet slang for something rather naughty. Since CN forums and D&D forums are the only ones that I frequent, I was very much unaware. I have already contacted Archon privately and explained this. The rationale for my post goes something like this:

I actually quite like Archon and very much appreciate his endeavor to explain his position fully and elevate the level of discourse. Simultaneously I thought that this was a rather silly thing to have to explain much less make an entire thread about. My post was intended to communicate both of these things. In my effort to achieve pithiness, I boiled it all down to four words.

"Cool Story" --- Not really a necessary thread, boy are folks going to come after you for this.

"Fine Gentlemen" --- I have seen MKers (and their ilk) use this term to refer fondly of one another in the past. I assumed that it was some manner of inside joke or pleasantry that they exchanged with one another. Thus to lighten the mild sting of my post, I included this term to demonstrate the fondness I have for Archon.

Having now been fully informed of the origin and connotation of this term, I can only say this: Long ago Potato told me that I did not know how to speak GOONish. Apparently this goes for MKish as well, and I shall refrain from doing so in the future.

Just putting that out there, and I apologize to all offended parties.


Edited by WalkerNinja
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Earlier in the thread I referred to Archon as a "Fine Gentlemen." I have been informed that this is internet slang for something rather naughty. Since CN forums and D&D forums are the only ones that I frequent, I was very much unaware. I have already contacted Archon privately and explained this. The rationale for my post goes something like this:

I actually quite like Archon and very much appreciate his endeavor to explain his position fully and elevate the level of discourse. Simultaneously I thought that this was a rather silly thing to have to explain much less make an entire thread about. My post was intended to communicate both of these things. In my effort to achieve pithiness, I boiled it all down to four words.

"Cool Story" --- Not really a necessary thread, boy are folks going to come after you for this.

"Fine Gentlemen" --- I have seen MKers (and their ilk) use this term to refer fondly of one another in the past. I assumed that it was some manner of inside joke or pleasantry that they exchanged with one another. Thus to lighten the mild sting of my post, I included this term to demonstrate the fondness I have for Archon.

Having now been fully informed of the origin and connotation of this term, I can only say this: Long ago Potato told me that I did not know how to speak GOONish. Apparently this goes for MKish as well, and I shall refrain from doing so in the future.

Just putting that out there, and I apologize to all offended parties.


Are you serious?

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So you aren't just calling them out, you're calling them out and explaining why?

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See the problem is though that the Karma War was advertised as the end of what's happening to TPF right now. So I guess that makes everyone hypocrites all around.

But TPF committed a punishable offense. (Please lets not start that chain in here. We have other threads for it.) No one ever said punishable offenses would go unpunished.

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See the problem is though that the Karma War was advertised as the end of what's happening to TPF right now. So I guess that makes everyone hypocrites all around.

And whats happening to TPF right now? They are being attacked for what many consider to be a valid CB? Just because you personally dont agree does not make it ludicrous (i.e. many of the situations of the past were in fact ludicrous). The sheer number of people that find the CB a perfectly acceptable cause for action out side of those who are allied with the engaging alliances proves this. When something is so wrong it's impossible to ignore, everyone knows it.

People need to learn that reasonable minds can differ on things, but there is a very large gap between what was and what is.

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