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Concerning the use of the Karma moniker


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I don't see what the "apologists" of a war-time coalition from a long-gone conflict have to do with this discussion.


That made me laugh, though I am sure it was not its intended purpose. Of course, it is a !@#$%* to wash your hands from the logic your side produced in rallying the troops to hit on your opponents, now that you are failing it and your own standards from "long-gone" which is actually quite recently.

Your line will not do it. You just will have to deal with people painting you as bad going by the things you produced from "long gone times" :lol1:

Anyway, Mk, thrust me, funzies teenie pictures, GO FOR IT

Edited by Branimir
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They were not the spies.

They were founded for the sole purpose of spying on Athens.

They were to report to TPF. TPF came up with the idea to spy, therefore they are responsible.

You do realise that you just contradicted yourself in the worst possible way?

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It's rather funny that Karma claims to not exist despite the chain of treaties that binds most of the supposedly one time war coalition together. Should a global war break out (god forbid) we will see former Karma alliances one the same side claiming to no longer exist.

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It's rather funny that Karma claims to not exist despite the chain of treaties that binds most of the supposedly one time war coalition together. Should a global war break out (god forbid) we will see former Karma alliances one the same side claiming to no longer exist.

Fair chance we'll see "Karma" alliances on the opposite side too. What then?

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There are a few things I find that puzzle me. Karma is the current power that exists over us today, however they do not exist by their own words, however they work together to ensure that they remain in power, however they don't exist in public. It seems to be instead of calling them karma, they should be the Illuminati

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Keep telling yourself that. Obviously this discussion cannot be continued if you wont even recognise ZH as partners in crime. Good day to you.

Think of it as this OOC scenario:

Two criminals kill a man. One criminal offers to testify against the other criminal. He gets life in prison while the other gets the death penalty.

I'm not saying that ZH is absolved of guilt, but they have less guilt due to coming clean.

With this, I take my leave. You do not appear to listen to reason.

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There are a few things I find that puzzle me. Karma is the current power that exists over us today, however they do not exist by their own words, however they work together to ensure that they remain in power, however they don't exist in public. It seems to be instead of calling them karma, they should be the Illuminati

Tupac rest in peace.

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3 days is so unbearably long... Will you burst into tears publicly if it takes another week? Would 10 days of frustration lead to mass deletions and pandemonium in the streets...? :lol1:

THERE BE MORE BAITING AND RETARDED ANALOGIES,.....please dont take a whole week lawl :(

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Keep telling yourself that. Obviously this discussion cannot be continued if you wont even recognise ZH as partners in crime. Good day to you.

They came clean with it and as such dont deserve the same punishment TPF does

and the whole "they were stuck in an endless war" (which is just false, link here "TPF refused the surrender terms presented to them on the basis of the reperation amount being too high and the fact some of it's members did not want to give any reparations to Poison Clan due to their history." ) doesnt justify sending spies with the intent to use Drama "tactics" to destroy alliances that weren't at war with them...

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There are a few things I find that puzzle me. Karma is the current power that exists over us today, however they do not exist by their own words, however they work together to ensure that they remain in power, however they don't exist in public. It seems to be instead of calling them karma, they should be the Illuminati

You're assuming that this is some sort of plot to destroy your alliances, or pick you off one by one, but it's not. TPF did something bad, and now they're reaping the rewards. If you would like to march into the fray and get yourself killed, be my guest.

If any other alliance had done this, rest assured that their nations would meet the same fate as TPF, regardless of past affiliations.

Edited by Commisar Gaunt
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Why are you starting a whole new scenerio? None of that happened. No one claims it did. Not even Athens.

No, I'm fairly certain that's exactly what this war began over; TPF developing a large-scale espionage venture in an attempt to destabilise Athens.


That made me laugh, though I am sure it was not its intended purpose. Of course, it is a !@#$%* to wash your hands from the logic your side produced in rallying the troops to hit on your opponents, now that you are failing it and your own standards from "long-gone" which is actually quite recently.

Your line will not do it. You just will have to deal with people painting you as bad going by the things you produced from "long gone times" :lol1:

Anyway, Mk, thrust me, funzies teenie pictures, GO FOR IT

I'm willing to offer $3m for anyone that can make sense of this post and tell me how it was, in any way, a reply to anything mentioned in this thread.

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Think of it as this OOC scenario:

Two criminals kill a man. One criminal offers to testify against the other criminal. He gets life in prison while the other gets the death penalty.

I'm not saying that ZH is absolved of guilt, but they have less guilt due to coming clean.

With this, I take my leave. You do not appear to listen to reason.

if you are going to use ooc refrences then think of it like this: one of the murderers gets death penalty(war), the other gets a reward(protectorate with Athens).

I dont listen to reason? You are the one saying an alliance created with the intent of spying, full of willing spies, are not spies, I'd like whatever you are smoking.

Edited by silentkiller
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