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An Address from the Grandmaster


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I would think that someone who so proudly wields the too inappropriate for these forums moniker that you do would understand that war is war. The only evidence provided shows war time planning against an enemy alliance that was cancelled upon the NPO getting peace. Due to the quickness in which ZH cancelled you have no way of knowing if TPF would have carried out this plan post war and have 0 evidence that they would have.

I do not understand why everyone expects war to be all puppydogs and rainbows, Athens attacked TPF's ally and TPF responded in teh only way they were really capable of responding. If you can't take the heat of war you should not enter it in the first place. Coming back and attacking an alliance for acts of war committed during a war which they have already paid reps for and surrendered for is ridiculous.

did you know that if a covert military operation during a war fails and later after the war the victorious nation finds out about it that they do not come back with bombers and guns?

Edit: But even if you want to go the criminal court route "Conspiracy to commit a war act during war" doesnt sound like much of a crime to me and that is the ONLY thing you could possibly get them on.

Ever heard of "war crimes"

Just pointing out that IRON does not have a MADP with TPF.
IRON does not have an MADP with TPF, it's an MDoAP. IRON does not have any MADPs.

Would that mean that soon MK will be attacking IRON because IRON could have fought MK if things turned out differently during the Karma war? Of course knowing that IRON never fought MK in Karma, and knowing that IRON didn't make plans.

Just hypothetically, since I am curious whether this means new wars will be started based on hypothetical acts of war in earlier wars, basically giving each and everyone a blank CB for any alliance that ever opposed them (especially indirectly) at one point in time.

Fair enough, my bad. I figured I posted that so late that by the end of the thread Id be putting my foot in my mouth, but oh well. If that is the case I stand corrected on that point. IRON has no reason to be ridiculed for not defending an MDoAP partner as that is explicit in the treaty. props to Doitz for the great taunt though, you gotta give em that.

As for TPF and some of the other arguments going around, i think it boils down to whether or not we as a community are going to accept "war crimes" as a valid CB after the war in question. I have to admit I dont think I would be willing to take it that far. I kinda feel sorry for TPF in a way, but at the same time I am hearing that TPF has taken similar actions against others, so maybe a war with this sort of CB is justified. I really dont care. I dont hate TPF, nor do I hate IRON in any way.

What I dont think is justified is bringing the whole planet to the brink of war over the "war crimes" of TPF(lol, war crimes). In which case I think that IRON may be doing the right thing in not defending TPF. If IRON doesnt jump in then I cant see this escalating any further. TPF will get beat down, hopefully not too bad, and we can all look forward to the next "real" conflict. Funny thing is though, we almost might as well do this now since the sides seem to be the same and the same people who fought with TPF and NPO still seem butthurt over the whole ordeal and if there is going to be another major conflict, the sides appear as if they will remain much the same, although the winners might not be the same next time, damn fence sitters have power over all of us, lol.

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Do you not the see the joy from most IRONers here? They've given him utmost respect and 1 dollar bill.

Doitzel, We WANT MOAR!

Actually I did, which is why Im not quite understanding the posts from TOP. You'd think they were the ones accused of being cowards or infra herders. The whole OP was great satire, whether or not it is true is irrelevant, when is satire ever 100% true.

@Doitzel - I think your skills are being wasted in such a small alliance. You need to be in an alliance with some drama going on, like NSO maybe, lol. On second thought that might not work out so well, :huh:

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I've actually thought about joining NSO; it seems the most straightforward way to utterly destroy the alliance.

Also I notice an absence of declarations of war tonight. Again.

We're pretty much impossible to destroy through traditional means.

Stop throwing your puppets at us, and take to the field yourself.

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Ever heard of "war crimes"

WAR CRIMES: namely, violations of the laws or customs of war. Such violations shall include, but not be limited to, murder, ill-treatment or deportation to slave labor or for any other purpose of civilian population of or in occupied territory, murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war or persons on the seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity;

In an alliance there is no civilian population, every member is a member of the armed forces and thus there are no real war crimes possible on this planet.

(OOC: the only possible war crimes here would be OOC in nature such as DDoS attacks)

Edited by KingSrqt
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WAR CRIMES: namely, violations of the laws or customs of war. Such violations shall include, but not be limited to, murder, ill-treatment or deportation to slave labor or for any other purpose of civilian population of or in occupied territory, murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war or persons on the seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity;

In an alliance there is no civilian population, every member is a member of the armed forces and thus there are no real war crimes possible on this planet.

(OOC: the only possible war crimes here would be OOC in nature such as DDoS attacks)

i could think of quite a few other things you could do which might be classified as war crimes but most of them happen in the OOC area around the game instead of inside the game per se. If one wants to be pedantic on the other hand, a direct attack on a community might be a suitable analogy for "wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages not justified by military necessity" but frankly that analogy is problematic (as is the phrase "war crimes" in general in regards to CN)

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i could think of quite a few other things you could do which might be classified as war crimes but most of them happen in the OOC area around the game instead of inside the game per se. If one wants to be pedantic on the other hand, a direct attack on a community might be a suitable analogy for "wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages not justified by military necessity" but frankly that analogy is problematic (as is the phrase "war crimes" in general in regards to CN)

OOC: I did make special exception for OOC acts at teh bottom of my post and am in full agreement with you.

I am also in full agreement that "War Crimes" is a problematic phrase considering the nature of Planet Bob I would disagree with your analogy regarding the "Wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages not justified by military necessity" for the fact that it was war time and those "villages" could easily be seen as "military bases" and the military necessity would be the need to disarm the Athens military to defend TPF's allies.

The analogy is problematic which is why I hate using terms from beyond this world but when others bring them in to the debate it is hard to counter without also using them.

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TOP needs a mention in here. 40% of them are in peace mode. I know that pales in comparison to IRON having 60% in peace mode, but it's an honorable mention.

Shameful. Who cares how many are in peace mode, and how they will be doing their exits from peace mode. Ask anyone that has the slightest know how on how to fight an uphill battel, how peace mode rotations works, how you can bill lock some and get keep them at war as your nations come out of peace mode to take their slots, with no cost to those nations, essentially destroying infa and tech for no cost to you.

Your taughting is reminisent of those clowns from TPF, and 1V. I'm glad to see that nothing really changes.

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Man, this is hilarious.

I taunt IRON and Citadel because I don't like them. The immediate responce is for IRON and Citadel to turn around and gnash their teeth and C&G and SF for trying to provoke them into war. What's even funnier is that they're using the "Karma" label applied to all of us. It's fascinating: 1) I'm not even involved in this war, nor is the only alliance I'm allied to; 2) the exact same people that kept me out of Karma are the ones now using the moniker to encompass my words; 3) they took the bait hook, line, and sinker.

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Doitzel, didn't you propose a plan to form a Hippy tree hugging block while you were in IRON's Gov? Didn't it almost split the alliance? As I recall IRON almost went in the war against the NPO (GASP) when we thought they had hit Orange Shadow Force. Turned out, OSF had hit them and we stayed out. But that was under your leadership. You left when you saw that IRON was shifting towards entering the world stage to fight. You should have stuck around for my rise to power. We have been in every major war since.

But, good roast. I got a chuckle.

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Man, this is hilarious.

I taunt IRON and Citadel because I don't like them. The immediate responce is for IRON and Citadel to turn around and gnash their teeth and C&G and SF for trying to provoke them into war. What's even funnier is that they're using the "Karma" label applied to all of us. It's fascinating: 1) I'm not even involved in this war, nor is the only alliance I'm allied to; 2) the exact same people that kept me out of Karma are the ones now using the moniker to encompass my words; 3) they took the bait hook, line, and sinker.

Give yourself a pat on the back and stroll right along then.

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