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An Address from the Grandmaster


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So TPF recognizing something automatically forces athens to recognize it? Man I should tell mhawk that he just needs to post a declaration of peace to end this war. I never knew these forums were so magically powerful.

A declaration of war isn't TPF recognizing a war, it's TPF declaring war. You're doing awful in this thread, Srqt. Actually up until these last few months you were one of my favorite posters.

Right now? This is semantic wordplay and not the kind you can even really persuade anyone you're winning at unless they're already die-hard TPF supporters.

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A declaration of war isn't TPF recognizing a war, it's TPF declaring war. You're doing awful in this thread, Srqt. Actually up until these last few months you were one of my favorite posters.

Right now? This is semantic wordplay and not the kind you can even really persuade anyone you're winning at unless they're already die-hard TPF supporters.

TPF could have easily posted "A Recognition of hostilities" instead of a declaration of war, since Athens technically declared war on TPF in TPF's eyes and Athens would still not be "forced" to recognize it.

This whole war is based on semantics, TPF surrendered and paid reps for the Karma war and are now being attacked for war plans that never even came to fruition let alone did any damage.

If you want to see semantic word play look at the very basis for this entire conflict.

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Not sure all I know is that TPF was told they were given peace by all of Karma. If Athen's allies lied to TPF that seems like it should be there problem and not TPF's

Did TPF notify Karma that they were actively plotting the infiltration and takeover of alliances when the peace talks went down?

Or are you not sure about that too?

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Did TPF notify Karma that they were actively plotting the infiltration and takeover of alliances when the peace talks went down?

Or are you not sure about that too?

They werent actively plotting at that point. According to the logs that ZH posted there was no longer an OP as of the time NPO surrendered. According to everyone TPF would not consider peace until NPO got peace. Therefore TPF was not actively doing anything at a time when they were interested in real peace talks and had nothing to disclose.

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But TPF still surrendered to Athens for the Karma war. Guess Athens and her allies should have been more thorough.

1) TPF didn't surrender to Athens.

2) How are Athens supposed to be more thorough about uncovering espionage attempts against them that they never had a reason to suspect we're being undertaken?

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They werent actively plotting at that point. According to the logs that ZH posted there was no longer an OP as of the time NPO surrendered. According to everyone TPF would not consider peace until NPO got peace. Therefore TPF was not actively doing anything at a time when they were interested in real peace talks and had nothing to disclose.

Seems like TPF's problem then, maybe full disclosure would have helped them a bit.

Or, ya know, you can just put your head back under the sand and squawk, whatevs.

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So TPF and Athens didn't have any peace talks for TPF's acts of war against Athens. Thanks.

I thought incompetence wasn't an excuse? Or does that not apply to your own alliance who either according to you,

a) lied to TPF

B) Infringed on one of it's closest allies sovereignty


c) both?

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Seems like TPF's problem then, maybe full disclosure would have helped them a bit.

Or, ya know, you can just put your head back under the sand and squawk, whatevs.

Oh so it's TPF's problem that they didn't feel the need to disclose a failed op that did no damage to anyone...yeah that makes sense.

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I thought incompetence wasn't an excuse? Or does that not apply to your own alliance who either according to you,

a) lied to TPF

B) Infringed on one of it's closest allies sovereignty


c) both?

So TPF and Athens didn't have any peace talks for TPF's acts of war against Athens. Thanks.

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Oh so it's TPF's problem that they didn't feel the need to disclose a failed op that did no damage to anyone...yeah that makes sense.

So, in your mind, regardless of the fact that it failed, you endorse the compiling of alliances with the express purpose of infiltrating and destroying another alliance from the inside?

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So TPF and Athens didn't have any peace talks for TPF's acts of war against Athens. Thanks.

So your alliance are two faced liars. Thanks

Considering they are now at war because of it, it seems it does indeed make sense.

Just because Athens made a nonsensical action to make your statement true does not mean that the statement makes sense.

Edited by KingSrqt
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So, in your mind, regardless of the fact that it failed, you endorse the compiling of alliances with the express purpose of infiltrating and destroying another alliance from the inside?

If it is a war time strategy I do not see it as a reason to go another war after the war is completed.

Would I do it myself? Probably not but it is not the HEINOUS ACT that some are making it out to be.

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If it is a war time strategy I do not see it as a reason to go another war after the war is completed.

Would I do it myself? Probably not but it is not the HEINOUS ACT that some are making it out to be.

So you endorse spying, subterfuge and covert attempts at the complete destruction of an alliance as opposed to only their nations. Interesting, and people call us terrible people.

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So your alliance are two faced liars. Thanks

Repeating a point that does not invalidate my point doesn't win you an argument but I can be just as stubborn as you.

Your argument is invalid because MK hasn't lied, and you failed to point out where they have. On the other hand:

So TPF and Athens didn't have any peace talks for TPF's acts of war against Athens. Thanks.

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So you endorse spying, subterfuge and covert attempts at the complete destruction of an alliance as opposed to only their nations. Interesting, and people call us terrible people.

I always highly thought of MK. :mellow:

Also, If it can protect peace, well : it's a necessary evil.

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Just because Athens made a nonsensical action to make your statement true does not mean that the statement makes sense.

TPF did not disclose the info, they were attacked because of this. Therefor, it is TPF who is suffering from not disclosing the info, thereby making it TPF's problem.

It's not exactly rocket science. You may disagree with who is to blame here, that's fine. What you cannot argue is that TPF could have prevented this with full disclosure months ago. You and I have both been around the game long enough to know they only would have gained good PR by doing this. Planet Bob appreciates honesty, if nothing else.

That being said TPF is now burning and the point is moot.

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