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The Phoenix Federation Response to war.


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We're all waiting for your proof. You must have the only copy.

you have proof otherwise?

I'm working with information available, and not just making stuff up and repeating it over and over.

ZH said they ceased operations.

Both sides admit to relations breaking down in July.

Why would ZH continue to work mHawk's rather stupid plan once they ceased being friendly?

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I'm not the one that brought up the fact that TPF and Athens hadn't specifically declared war on each other. I agree and don't find it relevant to the CB, but someone did bring it up so I just commented. Yes, I waste my time and go off point like that /shrug ;)

They declared war then when they were at peace with each other then through their acts to harm Athens.

Were CB's manufactured from acts taken during prior wars?

Not that i can remember.

I know you're trying to separate Athens from C&G, but that's largely irrelevant, Athens was likely seen as a weak link and thus would become the best target for this type of action. As part of C&G, even if they weren't actually on the TPF front, they were still a hostile entity and a viable target and a possible access point with which to damage C&G as a whole.

Actually yes, they were manufactured in the past.

Also no, Athens had no say in the peace terms that TPF would get. Actually that whole argument is crap as TPF had terms throughout near the entire war anyway.

Would seem likely this happened in mid July when relations between ZH and TPF broke down.

That doesn't absolve mhawk of responsibility from his actions or obvious intent to harm an alliance he was not at war with.

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you have proof otherwise?

I'm working with information available, and not just making stuff up and repeating it over and over.

ZH said they ceased operations.

Both sides admit to relations breaking down in July.

Why would ZH continue to work mHawk's rather stupid plan once they ceased being friendly?

Hey cutie, you remember when you guys attempted to blackmail Hyperion in an effort to drag MK into a war? Good times. Making up crap to drag alliances into wars is ok in your book, but an actual act of an aggression against an alliance isn't.

As I stated on page 20 or so, if you were in Athens place, you would do the same thing and if you contradict me you are lying.

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you have proof otherwise?

I'm working with information available, and not just making stuff up and repeating it over and over.

ZH said they ceased operations.

Both sides admit to relations breaking down in July.

Why would ZH continue to work mHawk's rather stupid plan once they ceased being friendly?

Fine, I accept ZH didn't want to do this. It's too bad Athens DoW'd ZH... oh wait.

So, again, how does this absolve Mhawk and TPF?

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I'll make this really easy since alot of people seem to keep missing the point here.

Karma war starts here.

TPF made a group that was supposed to sabbotage and spy on athens and the group was planted. This wasn't just on a planning stage. This actually happened. This was during the war though and if things had ended here then at best athens could demand some reps for acts of war against them during the war if they could even get that.

Karma war ends here.


A month later ZH shuts down the operation by themselves.

and finally ZH tell athens the truth and here we are

Can you see where the cb is now? It's in the ??? part. We all agree by now that it was ZH that shut down the operation. We also know that ZH shut down the operation a month after the karma war was over. This proves that TPF let this operation run for a month after the war was over ie. they had a group made specificaly to spy/harm athens active a month after the war was over.

Athens have all the right in the world to retaliate after TPFs agression here.

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1. He should've shelved it, we all are saying that.

2. Athens never declared war on TPF.

Here, reach again:

Athens never declared war on TPF? You wanna take another look at what's going on right now. Cause last I checked, Athens did declare war on TPF for the very reason that this discussion is taking place.

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you have proof otherwise?

I'm working with information available, and not just making stuff up and repeating it over and over.

ZH said they ceased operations.

Both sides admit to relations breaking down in July.

Why would ZH continue to work mHawk's rather stupid plan once they ceased being friendly?

are you intentionally ignoring my posts? it was stated by Jbone that ZH ended the operation in August not July. thus showing that the argument that the operation ended in July being false.

second, if TPF knew that ZH ended the op in August, that shows that the argument they ceased relations in July to also be false.

this also proves that the argument that mhawk/TPF ended the op is also a lie. now with three lies building up, you really think that TPF is telling the truth or just covering their @#$%?

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Athens never declared war on TPF? You wanna take another look at what's going on right now. Cause last I checked, Athens did declare war on TPF for the very reason that this discussion is taking place.

you truly are dense aren't you. he was talking about the Karma war, not this one. seriously, keep stretching their and you may reach 50 feet tall soon.

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Athens never declared war on TPF? You wanna take another look at what's going on right now. Cause last I checked, Athens did declare war on TPF for the very reason that this discussion is taking place.

I was referring to during the karma war, which is when mhawk should have held such a conversation with Athens ;)

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I know I'm late to the party, but just so I'm clear:

During the Karma war, TPF comes up with this brilliant plan to infiltrate and sow dissension in two alliances it isn't a war with, the plan falls apart before it's barely out of the starting gate, 4-5 months pass and here we are.

That about right? Or is there anything else that makes this not the dumbest war ever?

Thanks in advance,



Edited by Sal Paradise
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I know I'm late to the party, but just so I'm clear:

During the Karma war, TPF comes up with this brilliant plan to infiltrate and sow dissension in two alliances it isn't a war with, the plan falls apart before it's barely out of the starting gate, 4-5 months pass and here we are.

The alliance was created and had already signed a protectorate with its target, that's hardly "barely out of the starting gate"

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I know I'm late to the party, but just so I'm clear:

During the Karma war, TPF comes up with this brilliant plan to infiltrate and sow dissension in two alliances it isn't a war with, the plan falls apart before it's barely out of the starting gate, 4-5 months pass and here we are.

That about right? Or is there anything else that makes this not the dumbest war ever?

Thanks in advance,



Nope! I think you pretty much nailed it.

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First I saw this was over plans made during Karma War and I thought it was a !@#$%^&* reason for a war.

Then I saw that it was about a long term plan that seems to have been playing out post Karma War? Is that true? If that is the case then it seems very much like a suitable defensive war. Have always hated these huge protection blocs anyways.

Kind of Ironic that an alliance that practices using a large protection bloc for increased power projection was almost screwed over by that practice by an alliance that uses that same style of protection/projection bloc. That is actually the first time I could speak positively about those projection blocs. It actually caused something interesting to happen.

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Here is TPF's new flag. Free of charge of course.


That would be excellent propaganda, but TPF's courage, bravery, spine, etc aren't in question here. Gotta do that with someone who breaks a treaty or something.

Edited by SpoiL
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