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The TPF Conflict


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I believe NPO Athens and Co. attacked FAN TPF not because of terms but out of fear of them being allowed to rebuild and gain the potential to exact revenge.

TPF hasn't been relevant since the Karma War, they're pretty much the new GGA.

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TPF hasn't been relevant since the Karma War, they're pretty much the new GGA.

TPF was no less relevant than FAN, and even if they were, that wouldn't change anything.

It's okay to stomp on an irrelevant alliance but not a relevant one? Might makes right? Say whhha?

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TPF was no less relevant than FAN, and even if they were, that wouldn't change anything.

It's okay to stomp on an irrelevant alliance but not a relevant one? Might makes right? Say whhha?

You're not making any sense. As you can read in the post lcdt94 quoted Stonewall Jaxon believes TPF was attacked due to Athens and RoK feeling threatened by them. Lcdt94 pointed out TPF hasn't been of any relevance since the karma war and thus it's rather unlikely anyone was feeling threatened by TPF. How you came to a might makes right and it's ok to curb stomp irrelevant alliances conclusion I honestly have no idea.

Perhaps you should take a deep breath and stay off the OWF for a while, old friend. :)

Edited by der_ko
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I don't get why people are so obsessed with "naming" conflicts that are currently in progress, like giving the name for the conflict as fast as possible is their one shot at internet nation game immortality.

I would like to name the apparent conflict between Lamuella and the naming paradigm the LamNam Conflict. Any other takers?

As for this war... well it seems apparent that we have a large alliance picking on a smaller alliance for the sake of it. Does might make right? Well, I am a bit too individualistic to make a decision there, so I will instead defer all further comments to the Dread Cthulhu. :rolleyes:

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The Leftover Christmas Turkey Dinner War because this is a sort of continuation of the Karma War (hence, "leftover"), because the conflict is taking place shortly after Christmas, and because the cooked turkey is now being finished off (phoenix, turkey, whatever).

I like my idea. You may immortalize me now.

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Ok, just two hours till update and I'M EXCITED!

Who do you think will join TPF?

My personal bets are every MADP partner and MDoAP partner except IRON cos they are !@#$%*^. scared easily

OMG your words cut so deep because anyone with half a mind takes what you say so seriously. Please Jack, don't say anything bad about us!

Edited by Tushar Dhoot
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I don't get why people are so obsessed with "naming" conflicts that are currently in progress, like giving the name for the conflict as fast as possible is their one shot at internet nation game immortality.

Um...because it is their one shot at internet nation game immortality... :wacko:

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So let me get this straight? In the Karma War the Hegemony fights Superfriends / C&G and ends up losing. Pacifica is still in terms, TPF was ground down significantly and overall the war was one of the most destructive in history.

Now TPF gets hit by Athens (a C&G member), while GOD and Ragnarok represent Superfriends (not to mention RoK MDoAPS leading to Frostbite) and people are shocked the Hegemony isn't falling for this a second time? Pacifica as mentioned above is in terms, so they're out, which would lead to what's left of the Hegemony, plus Citadel if they rolled in.

Sure it is fun to call out IRON, but has TPF even officially requested aid yet? Personally if I'm TPF I'd fight solo, as opposed to pulling IRON's high infra nations into the war, and instead ask IRON for help rebuilding post war. As the GW era showed us, there is no gain to feeding your nations and those of your allies into the meat grinder every 6 months. Rather than get defeated in detail, the Hegemony alliances best interest is to rebuild, to wait for Pacifica to exit terms and then get a somewhat capable defensive bloc going if they ever want to be world powers again.

If you know your history this entire war reads a lot like GWIII. Select WUT alliances hit GATO over the Vincent_Xander episode, while the rest of the WUT alliances hang back and wait to jump the southern half of the web as it comes in piecemeal.

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The I'm so embarrassed, this has never happened to me before War

The Fashionably Late War

The Americans are planning this, hence the late entry into a possibly Global war War.

The I dunno guys, I thought you were bringing the beer annd bullets to the Party, Gee I guess I'll have to go to the Mart War..

Edited by Hymenbreach
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