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Official Umbrella Announcement

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The People of the Land of Kortal are thankful this day for this continued success of our most cherished alliance, Umbrella.

Having been a part of this fine group for generations, we feel humbled by this continuation of greatness and look forward to many more such announcements gracing this fine hallowed place of discourse.

We will drink tonight in celebration and our merrymaking will reach unrivaled levels of gaiety and good spirits.

Umbrella, we salute you. And to the rest of our brothers in this world, we thank you for your continued well-wishing and ourselves wish you nothing but the best in these joyous times.

With love and respect, His Imperial Majesty Emperor Alexandr Tarkatan, First of the noble twelve and beloved ruler of prosperous Kortal

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Defroster removes his top hat and gives a gentle nod in the direction of the Open World Forum. Slowly gazing around the room he spots the waiter and hails him.

"What can I get for you sir?" [Essenia]

"I'll have the cranberry tea, with a fruit scone." [Defroster]

"Yes, Sir." [E]

Essenia busied himself behind the counter preparing the order as requested. In the meantime Defroster moves to the newspaper rack located to the right of the door. Sifting through the widespreads, a look of concern spreads accross his face.

"Waiter!" [D]

"Yes, Sir?" [E]

"Are these the only papers you have today?" [D]

"No Sir. I believe there are some located on the table to the right of the counter Sir." [E]

"Ah right you are my good man. Thank you." [D]

"My pleasure Sir." [E]

Defroster moved across the bustling tea room towards the counter. As he drew nearer he could see the paper of which he wished to peruse. Sliding off the covering papers, he picked up the copy of the Daily Umbrellian and returned to his table. Sitting down he immediately flicked towards the centre page to indulge in the main feature.

"Ah, excellent. 'Umbrella's Birthday'." he mused to himself, "What should I get her?" [D]

"Sir, your cranberry tea and scone." the waiter said placing the plate and saucer before LJ Scott, "Can I get you any jam or butter for your scone Sir?" [E]

"Yes, I'll have the strawberry jam" [D]

"Right away Sir." [E]

Defroster took a sip of his tea and returned to his paper.

Edited by defroster
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