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Announcement from Dark Fist

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We have been working very hard to ensure this would not lead to war....

Just because we didn't bend over to your threats don't invalidate our efforts.

Do tell what those efforts were, SCM. Because, to me, making a baseless allegation and then refusing to retract it or provide evidence to support the accusation is not working to prevent a war but to try and incite one. Other than that you have done nothing that would constitute work, let alone work towards a peaceful resolution to a situation you created.

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DF will have no trouble surviving this. I wager you 100 tech on the fact that DF will come out on top if NSO were not too cowardly to back up their threat

When I say surviving this I don't mean in a war, I mean falling apart after your leadership does something so stupid you become Planet Bobs latest punching bag. The most harm NSO can do to DF is just let them keep making fools of themselves in public.

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And for the record, he didn't do it either.

I know not enough of that story to pass judgment on it


Multiple accounts = ooc. I don't know how having another nation is by any means IC. Feel free to enlighten me, however, if you can prove it is.

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Do tell what those efforts were, SCM. Because, to me, making a baseless allegation and then refusing to retract it or provide evidence to support the accusation is not working to prevent a war but to try and incite one. Other than that you have done nothing that would constitute work, let alone work towards a peaceful resolution to a situation you created.

1. You are implying that the "baseless allegation", which we disagree is baseless is a legitimate CB - which it is not. It is entirely immoral to go to war for such a reason.

2. I have spoken with all willing NSO/FB individuals attempting to explain our point of view and clear up any misconceptions they may have.

3. I have made it abundantly clear that we do not want war.

4. We have been very understanding with NSO in regards to their rogue issue, and let them take back a member of theirs who quite frankly attacked us because another person in NSO told him to.

As far as we are concerned, this issue is over and done with. It is only being perpetuated by NSO and FB constantly throwing insults and allegations our way (and guess what, we haven't threatened you for it!) in this discussion, thus I am led to believe that it is in fact you lot who want war.

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No, it's more like this - Corinan stupidly threatened two alliances with war in two days, and did nothing to follow those threats up.

Unless I am missing something, why does this concern you?

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When I say surviving this I don't mean in a war, I mean falling apart after your leadership does something so stupid you become Planet Bobs latest punching bag. The most harm NSO can do to DF is just let them keep making fools of themselves in public.

The same is true of NSO however. Public opinion is seeing NSO hanging itself again and again. DF is an extremely tight bunch and they all work together really well, I can't see them going anywhere in a hurry

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1. You are implying that the "baseless allegation", which we disagree is baseless is a legitimate CB - which it is not. It is entirely immoral to go to war for such a reason.

It is baseless as it comes without any supporting evidence. I did not say it was a CB, legitimate or otherwise, I said you bring this public was designed to incite conflict, not avoid it.

2. I have spoken with all willing NSO/FB individuals attempting to explain our point of view and clear up any misconceptions they may have.

Denying everything is not working towards a peaceful resolution. Nor is refusing to take responsibility for your words and actions.

3. I have made it abundantly clear that we do not want war.

So, why did you make this public announcement? Surely you realised it would incite a response from the NSO? If you really didn't think it would you are incredibly naive. If you knew it would then you are lying to me here.

4. We have been very understanding with NSO in regards to their rogue issue, and let them take back a member of theirs who quite frankly attacked us because another person in NSO told him to.

All well and good, but you have not done a single thing to address your actions which instigated the entire episode.

As far as we are concerned, this issue is over and done with. It is only being perpetuated by NSO and FB constantly throwing insults and allegations our way (and guess what, we haven't threatened you for it!) in this discussion, thus I am led to believe that it is in fact you lot who want war.

Heh, so the guy that creates a thread for no reason making wild and unsubstantiated accusations is now complaining that those he libelled are complaining about the accusations made against them. There in a nutshell is how you perceive the world. You do something to someone and then when they respond you go into the foetal position and cry about how mean they are to you.

If it has not already dawned on you (and if it hasn't now then it never will), you created this situation by by-passing normal diplomatic protocols and making public accusations you cannot prove. You then complain that the NSO did not cater to your diplomatic sensibilites when they came to you demanding an apology and reps. Diddums.

Perhaps next time you'll extend the same courtesies you demand from other dealing with you. I won't hold my breath because, as I said, you seem completely oblivious to the fact that you excuse everything you do while making as much noise as possible about the responses to your words and actions. You are not a victim of anything here other than your own stupidity.

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No, it's more like this - Corinan stupidly threatened two alliances with war in two days, and did nothing to follow those threats up.

Was Dark Fist one of the two alliances in question? If so, was it the first? If not, was it threatened perhaps because you interjected haphazardly where you obviously had no reason to? If Dark Fist wasn't threatened at all, then what the Hell are you going on about?

We have been working very hard to ensure this would not lead to war....

Just because we didn't bend over to your threats don't invalidate our efforts.

I will take Tygaland's view of that as the real interpretation of that statement.

If the OP is crying, what is the other 50 pages of NSO and FB? I think you lot "cried" more than anyone.

I don't give a damn about anything that happened in the discussion after the initial declaration when it comes to such a display. You posted a half rant, half sob story without any proof. With even the slightest bit of intelligence you would have known that a hostile response against baseless and false claims would be forthcoming. That is your fault for being a jerk.

I've pretty much covered my position already, but we did not ask for reps for mobilization costs.

Then what, exactly, were you asking for reps for?

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Maybe you are missing the fact that my alliance is one of which was threatened?

I didn't miss that but why does the other threat concern you?

If you are threatened why coming out here telling the NSO and the rest of us that you want them destroyed then doing nothing about it?

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I didn't miss that but why does the other threat concern you?

If you are threatened why coming out here telling the NSO and the rest of us that you want them destroyed then doing nothing about it?

Well, the "threat" against DF was made in response to the accusations SCM made in this thread.

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Was Dark Fist one of the two alliances in question? If so, was it the first? If not, was it threatened perhaps because you interjected haphazardly where you obviously had no reason to? If Dark Fist wasn't threatened at all, then what the Hell are you going on about?

Are you saying you don't know who your own alliance threatened to go to war with?

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If NSO ever finds itself on the losing side of a war, I wouldn't be surprised to see a Dark Fist Bandwagon DoW on them.

I have a feeling that's how this little grudge is going to end.

I suspect they wouldn't be the only ones.

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It is baseless as it comes without any supporting evidence. I did not say it was a CB, legitimate or otherwise, I said you bring this public was designed to incite conflict, not avoid it.

We did not and do [/b]not[/b] wish to incite any conflict.

Denying everything is not working towards a peaceful resolution. Nor is refusing to take responsibility for your words and actions.

I do take responsibility for it.

So, why did you make this public announcement? Surely you realised it would incite a response from the NSO? If you really didn't think it would you are incredibly naive. If you knew it would then you are lying to me here.

We did not think at all that NSO would consider it a legitimate reason for war.

All well and good, but you have not done a single thing to address your actions which instigated the entire episode.

Unfortunately because of the way NSO approached us in regards to the issue, we are able to do little to appease them. NSO should have been more diplomatic.

Heh, so the guy that creates a thread for no reason making wild and unsubstantiated accusations is now complaining that those he libelled are complaining about the accusations made against them. There in a nutshell is how you perceive the world. You do something to someone and then when they respond you go into the foetal position and cry about how mean they are to you.

You are welcome to complain, but do you not believe that 40 pages would suffice?

If it has not already dawned on you (and if it hasn't now then it never will), you created this situation by by-passing normal diplomatic protocols and making public accusations you cannot prove. You then complain that the NSO did not cater to your diplomatic sensibilites when they came to you demanding an apology and reps. Diddums.

This is quite a flawed assessment - NSO escalated the issue, not us.

Was Dark Fist one of the two alliances in question? If so, was it the first? If not, was it threatened perhaps because you interjected haphazardly where you obviously had no reason to? If Dark Fist wasn't threatened at all, then what the Hell are you going on about?

Is interjecting in matters a CB-worthy offense in the eyes of the NSO? If not, then why were we slapped with demands and an ultimatum with threats to escalate the issue?

Then what, exactly, were you asking for reps for?

We were not.

Does NSO consider the issue resolved or not?

Edited by Starcraftmazter
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Oh, I'm not saying they didn't. I'm just pointing out the timeline that SCM omitted.

Well thank you. ^_^

I still don't get why DF is talking about the other threat when it has nothing to do with them.

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If NSO ever finds itself on the losing side of a war, I wouldn't be surprised to see a Dark Fist Bandwagon DoW on them.

I have a feeling that's how this little grudge is going to end.

Deja Vu in the making!

btw, greetings from NEW to everyone....

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

SCM, sorry for hijacking your thread for the holiday wishes....

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