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Countdown to Athens Rep Payment


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Omfg get over it our ally is trying its hardest to work with an INACTIVE alliance and they don't need a "attention whore" from NPO causing problems let Athens do thier thing and the sitiuation will be over with in fact it is already over with.

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I also agree with Chairman Hal, which in itself is scary enough, Athens should have had each of their nations who participated in the "tech raid" send 3 million dollars to the nation they attacked and then worked out a final agreement with the government of Knights of Ni

Splendid grasp of economic organisation, maybe thats why GGA is slowly recovering from your leadership. Takes a while to shake off such splendid ideas I bet.

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Once again, that absolutely doesn't advance your argument with my post whatsoever. I never said people cared, I don't myself and I agree with Heft that really no one does.

OK, I'm not really arguing with you here on this, we are in agreement. I'm really not sure what you're going on about.

Not kicking someone from a channel is not a reasonable CB. Editing someone's post on private forums is not a reasonable CB. Please show me where there was any threat at all to the NPO the necessitated the use of aggressive action, please. It was a tech raid on a 700-man alliance. Which brings me to...

Sorry about that. My mistake, my computer displays your name as Jonathan Brookba... so I don't see it very often.

Anyway the point I was making, and apparently didn't make clear enough, was that the posting of a DoW is really not all that important provided that there isn't a casus belli to begin with. It was a tech raid because Athens declared in order to attempt to gain tech. It's disappointing to see that you have to extrapolate from a single, if perhaps unclear, post into an insult.... and what exactly do you mean by "you people?"

Yes, when an alliance declares war on an alliance in the manner that this situation surrounds, a declaration of war is something expected. And by "you people" I meant everyone in here who has resorted to name calling, mudslinging, and character attacks rather than the message itself. It wasn't necessarily pointed at you unless you have done one of the above things.

Splendid grasp of economic organisation, maybe thats why GGA is slowly recovering from your leadership. Takes a while to shake off such splendid ideas I bet.

As someone in the GGA when Bilrow was there, Bilrow is not the one responsible for the GGA's current ineptitude, unless you take it all the way back to when he kicked me out at Moo's behest which started the whole revolving Triumvir door of idiocy, which is why the GGA is currently in its terrible position. Bilrow had next to nothing to do with the bank in the GGA during his time there, as I was the one running it for a good portion of the time, and once I became a Triumvir it was my deputy that took over. The only thing Bilrow did with the bank was not get along with anyone in it, but that's to be expected. I hired a bunch of stubborn people, so when they went up against Bilrow, also a stubborn person, it didn't go well.

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Yes, when an alliance declares war on an alliance in the manner that this situation surrounds, a declaration of war is something expected. And by "you people" I meant everyone in here who has resorted to name calling, mudslinging, and character attacks rather than the message itself. It wasn't necessarily pointed at you unless you have done one of the above things.

Sure it's expected, so is it not being purely for the purpose of gaining tech and land, but I'm not entirely sure why the former is of such importance to you, when it seems like the latter is what most everyone else has a problem with.

Edit: Oh, and I appreciate the backpedal on the insult. Apology accepted.

Edited by NoFish
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OK, I'm not really arguing with you here on this, we are in agreement. I'm really not sure what you're going on about.

Go back and read your own first response to my post. I really don't know how you managed to forget what you were arguing about.

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Go back and read your own first response to my post. I really don't know how you managed to forget what you were arguing about.

No one cares about the Knights of Ni! in this situation, that's why it doesn't matter who brought this message to the forums. But now that Athens has explained they are waiting on a response and once they get a response they will be paying with their own nations, there is literally nothing at all to argue about.

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There never was anything to argue about in the first place, yet some individual decided there was...

In the beginning there was the question about whether or not Athens planned to pay their reparations and whether their reparations would be paid by their own nations, so, yes, there was something to discuss.

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In the beginning there was the question about whether or not Athens planned to pay their reparations and whether their reparations would be paid by their own nations, so, yes, there was something to discuss.

Athens had already discussed the matter internally as so many others have said in this thread. Yet some person who shall not be named decided to stick his nose in something that had nothing to do with him and then wondered, along with a few others, why his nose was burned. Thats why that nameless person was ridiculed, for making a fuss about something he had no idea about and had nothing to do with him whatsoever.

Edited by Imperator Hades
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You know, I completely agree with the people who said that no one in here really cares, save for a few who are actually involved via treaties et. al. Honestly, what stake do most of us have? None. As I said before, this is just another issue for people to BAW about and make someone out to be the ebil aliancezorz. It's a non-issue now, and why people continue to argue about the ordeal is quite astonishing.

And yes, that includes me too. Blame my hypocrisy. :ph34r:

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19 Days And Still No Reps From Athens

Over the river and thru the wood,

To Knight of Ni's house we go;

The horse knows the way

To carry the sleigh,

Thru the white and drifted snow, oh!

Over the river and thru the wood,

Oh, how the wind does blow!

It stings the toes,

And bites the nose,

As over the ground we go.

Over the river and thru the wood,

To have a first-rate play;

Oh, hear the bell ring,


Hurrah for reps to pay-ay!

Over the river and thru the wood,

Trot fast my dapple gray!

Spring over the ground,

Like a hunting hound!

For this is Athen's Day.

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Athens had already discussed the matter internally as so many others have said in this thread. Yet some person who shall not be named decided to stick his nose in something that had nothing to do with him and then wondered, along with a few others, why his nose was burned. Thats why that nameless person was ridiculed, for making a fuss about something he had no idea about and had nothing to do with him whatsoever.

Yeah, sorry I don't just sit around and assume everyone is going to do the right thing. As I have said numerous times, Bilrow's methodology was wrong here, but it is not a crime for someone to ask a question.

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I have a silly question !!

Are you going to do one of these silly posts for every alliance that owes reps or are you so in love with Athens that we are the only ones you can concentrate on?

This thread has been very amusing and enjoyable!

Thank you to all that contributed!

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Athens had already discussed the matter internally as so many others have said in this thread. Yet some person who shall not be named decided to stick his nose in something that had nothing to do with him and then wondered, along with a few others, why his nose was burned. Thats why that nameless person was ridiculed, for making a fuss about something he had no idea about and had nothing to do with him whatsoever.

Not everyone here is present when athens discusses things internally. When they PUBLICLY announced they would pay reps yet showed no signs of paying them, the public has a right to ask weather it has been lied too. Now that the questions have been answered the topic can die. But dont bash the original point because it was a legitimate question

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Not everyone here is present when athens discusses things internally. When they PUBLICLY announced they would pay reps yet showed no signs of paying them, the public has a right to ask weather it has been lied too. Now that the questions have been answered the topic can die. But dont bash the original point because it was a legitimate question

I will read before responding.^100

Edited by rsoxbronco1
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3 Days and NPO Still Sucking At Logic And PR, And Whining About Irrelevant Matters Regarding The Timing Of Athens Reps

Oompa Loompa doompadee doo

Bilrow's got some pointless whining to do

Oompa Loompa doompadah dee

He runs away from defending it as fast as a flea

What do you get from an NPO treatise?

A pain in the neck and an IQ of three.

Why don't you try simply reading a book?

Or could you just not bear to look?

You'll get no

You'll get no

You'll get no

You'll get no

You'll get no smart posting!

Edited by Azaghul
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Not everyone here is present when athens discusses things internally. When they PUBLICLY announced they would pay reps yet showed no signs of paying them, the public has a right to ask weather it has been lied too. Now that the questions have been answered the topic can die. But dont bash the original point because it was a legitimate question

A legitimate question that should have been posed directly to the Knights of Ni! in private instead of being dragged out into a public spectacle with a distinct accusation involved.

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It brings a tear to my heart to see Bilrow standing up for the oppressed and downtrodden. Through his entire career in CN he has latched on to the strongest thing he can find; maybe this is the start of a whole new man.

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The best way to let a thread die is to not post in it. Spamming the thread is not going to accomplish your goal of making it go away and will only result in your warn level going up.

Every time Bilrow posts about Athens reps to Ni in this thread or any other thread, 3 million dollars will be subtracted from the final amount. This is to give Bilrow an opportunity to prove that he really cares about Ni's welfare.

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