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So, uh, Athens...


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Oh don't even TRY to play that card.

Sure, you do have a choice to fight back, but if you do, the big bully will call in his mates to beat you into the ground some more.

you've been out of the raiding game for a long time haven't you?

I don't think i can recall anyone that rolls like that off the top of my head.

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you've been out of the raiding game for a long time haven't you?

I don't think i can recall anyone that rolls like that off the top of my head.

No need to call in allies anyway. Athens has 180 vs 39 if it came to that. Edited by F15pilotX
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you've been out of the raiding game for a long time haven't you?

I don't think i can recall anyone that rolls like that off the top of my head.

Athens rolls like that. Anyone they raid who retaliates is treated to 7 days of war.

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Might want to re-read the "it's a sovereign right to defend a friend" part of what you quoted.

But- is it all out war?

Because it's not all-out war?

You're forgetting that it's a right to defend yourself from a raid. Protip: You don't have to take it laying down.

Oh I guess it's not. Well, luckily I know that Athens would consider it an act of war and would probably have some other nations attack back in response. Your logic is lacking here.

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So guys, what's better in this situation? Approaching the alliance and telling them that you want 5,000 tech delivered to Athens nations in the next week or face a tech raid such as this... or just letting them raid without the ultimatum?

I've been puzzling over that for years, now.

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Have you ever heard of Knights of Ni? They aren't quite evenly matched with Athens.

You didn't answer the question. Yes, I've heard of KofN. KofN has a significant amount of nukes, so matched or not, they could still make it not worth Athens' while to raid.

Judging by your dodging of my question, I'd say that this 'NOAH' didn't have much in the way of nukes, if any at all.

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Because the point is not to destroy. We don't do things like you.

Oh please. We can look at stats. You're putting almost all of them into anarchy and taking their tech/destroying infra. Just because nukes aren't used doesn't mean you aren't destroying their nations.

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I can't resist. No, I simply stated my opinion. You then generalized it to be the NPO equivocating.

Yes, I just did a "no u." :P

This is what you posted:


This is the kindler, gentler world that was to exist after the NPO was defeated. Well, there isn't a war; this is just a war without the DoW. A few attacks are tech raids; 23 attacks on a 40-member alliance is far more than just a tech raid.

Nice new world, isn't it?

You brought NPO into this, as well as the motivation/ideology of Karma into this. You were also pretty obviously trying to make the argument, in a sarcastic manner, that this proves that this shows that the world isn't any better than when you ruled it. You didn't really think noone wasn't gonna challenge it did you?

Y'all can try to wrap your propaganda in sarcasm and cute sigs all you want, but it's still propaganda.

Edit: Grammar

Edited by Azaghul
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Athens rolls like that. Anyone they raid who retaliates is treated to 7 days of war.

if thats their official policy, that pretty dumb i guess, but i don't really see a reason to get too worked up about this whole ordeal. No one is going to do anything to Athens unless CnG drops them (which isn't happening) so this thread is more or less an exercise in futility.

I don't really care one way or the other tbh, but it does make for some interesting :popcorn:

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So guys, what's better in this situation? Approaching the alliance and telling them that you want 5,000 tech delivered to Athens nations in the next week or face a tech raid such as this... or just letting them raid without the ultimatum?

I've been puzzling over that for years, now.

Well, I'm sure the alliance would rather just "donate" the tech so they don't lose infra/soldiers etc :P
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You know, I was there when you had the previous rule where you couldn't raid an AA with 10 or more members. The rule worked fine and was enforced correctly. Athens specifically changed it because Londo and friends have just become raid hungry. I'm quite frankly disgusted by this showing.

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But- is it all out war?

Oh I guess it's not. Well, luckily I know that Athens would consider it an act of war and would probably have some other nations attack back in response. Your logic is lacking here.

On the other side of the coin, I'm sure KoN will treat it as an act of war. However, Athens hasn't let nukes fly, has it?

Athens rolls like that. Anyone they raid who retaliates is treated to 7 days of war.

Which is standard protocol in most alliances I've seen raiding.

Its no surprise that Athens is allied to Poison Clan.

I can't tell if that's a jab or a compliment.

You didn't answer the question. Yes, I've heard of KofN. KofN has a significant amount of nukes, so matched or not, they could still make it not worth Athens' while to raid.

Judging by your dodging of my question, I'd say that this 'NOAH' didn't have much in the way of nukes, if any at all.

Or I compared Athens at 90 nations to NOAH at 10 nations. NOAH actually had a few nukes and did use them. I don't remember the exact number, but it gave a couple members a good run for that week.

Edited by Unavailable Contact
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if thats their official policy, that pretty dumb i guess, but i don't really see a reason to get too worked up about this whole ordeal. No one is going to do anything to Athens unless CnG drops them (which isn't happening) so this thread is more or less an exercise in futility.
Try an exercise in how far they can push it before CN goes "wtf?".
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I am totally disappointed that Athens is killing the respect and dignity of CnG that we worked so hard to accumulate when I was there. It sickens me to no end that they are putting their allies and allies allies at risk like this. Seriously, I am beside myself.

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Does Athens realize that the copy of the charter posted in their embassy on the New Polar Order's forum yesterday by their Minister of Foreign Affairs contains the same clause Moo quotes.

I can provide screenies if needed.

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Its no surprise that Athens is allied to Poison Clan.

Yes it is no suprise, 2 great alliances being friends

o/ Athens great job.

Also just a note, where is all the hate and threats of war like when IS raided CG, oh yeah thats right Athens is 180 members and well connected. Way to stick to your guns.

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Oh please. We can look at stats. You're putting almost all of them into anarchy and taking their tech/destroying infra. Just because nukes aren't used doesn't mean you aren't destroying their nations.

Oh my.

You sir are a visionary. My quest to take tech from someone leaves them with less tech. How couldn't i have seen it.

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