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Pacifica: the reformed alliance?


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This is hilarious on several levels.

Why do people stay in the NPO if this is how their government behaves without any indication that they'll ever stop being so elitist and controlling?

Why does francesca think that exposing the truth has higher value than the public opinion on her character?

Fun stuff, and everyone loses. Except for the amused crowd, I suppose.

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You were admitted because we give people chances. When you were admitted you were told by your friends as well as myself to keep your head down and do what you were told. You could not do that; you had to argue about everything. I have no intention of listing the litany of your offenses; you would simply argue about them. It became clear that you have to do everything your way and you could not accept anything else. Whether you are an attention or a drama whore I will leave to others to decide, but it was clear that you had to be the center of attention. You were given several opportunities, more than most I might add; in the end, you were not a good fit for Pacifica and you were given the opportunity to go your own way with no hard feelings. Too bad you didn't do that.

No, you never did give me a chance. I never intentionally did anything wrong in Pacifica and you know it. You found reasons to kick me out.

These logs were hilarious the first time I read them. Frankly I'm surprised NPO even admitted you in the first place.

OOC: The whole DDOS part is really just sad Francesca.

OOC: I didn't realise that spamming would bring down the boards. I felt guilty about it too.

I looked through the logs a couple times and have yet to find anything wrong with what Pacifica did. It is their right to remove problematic members, and I have removed members before with less reasons given. They do not really need to give reaosn at all, like it or not.

It's their prerogative to kick me out. I don't disagree with that.

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NPO can make rules for their members and expect them to be followed, every alliance does it, its their sovereign right. I don't see why people would get all uppity at NPO for that, Athens itself has exiled members in past. If you're in an alliance, expect to follow their rules.

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NPO can make rules for their members and expect them to be followed, every alliance does it, its their sovereign right. I don't see why people would get all uppity at NPO for that, Athens itself has exiled members in past. If you're in an alliance, expect to follow their rules.

I broke nothing in their charter.

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NPO can make rules for their members and expect them to be followed, every alliance does it, its their sovereign right. I don't see why people would get all uppity at NPO for that, Athens itself has exiled members in past. If you're in an alliance, expect to follow their rules.

I agree, but monitor her own private channel?

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I broke nothing in their charter.

The charter isn't actually what dictates the behavior of the NPO. You broke the only real rule, which is "don't piss off the Emperor".

As long as the Emperor thinks it's funny, you can do whatever you want and abuse and insult anyone you want.

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Be fair here, I never said "Upstanding alliance member" I simply said I wouldn't kick them out or force them to resign. Going to private channels? Spamming it up with a few friends? Having a few jokes about a few things? Harmless. I've seen far worse.

Yeah, when you put it that way, it sounds harmless. It's not as if she used the Katzith nick to spy on another alliance by invading their private channel, posted an inordinate amount to the point it crashed a server, or proposed a "raid" on a website that would backlash in the worst way possible. Nothing like that at all.

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I agree, but monitor her own private channel?

This is where I draw the line as well. That rule goes OOC and inflicts on a person's sovereign rights as an OOC player of this game to go into channels on IRC that aren't strictly CN related (CN is discussed, though not that often, in that channel, but from an OOC perspective, not an IC one).

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Yeah, when you put it that way, it sounds harmless. It's not as if she used the Katzith nick to spy on another alliance by invading their private channel, posted an inordinate amount to the point it crashed a server, or proposed a "raid" on a website that would backlash in the worst way possible. Nothing like that at all.

I did not enter the private channels of any other alliance, except the old private channel of Crimson Guard. Katzith was not used to spy *at all.* This was !@#$%^&* invented by the NPO. The sole purpose of Katzith was to practice using an identity on IRC without having my true identity exposed, a skill that will serve me well in months to come. And a bit of fun, perhaps.

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I broke nothing in their charter.

According to your logs, Cortath gave you a set of rules to follow due to your erratic behavior, you didn't follow said rules so he kicked you out. Standard practice for most alliances having to deal with members who hurt their AA more then help it.

I agree, but monitor her own private channel?

NPO's choice what is ok and what isn't, for example gremlins doesn't let people in unless they are in the top 10% or have a MP. It's their own decision.

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According to your logs, Cortath gave you a set of rules to follow due to your erratic behavior, you didn't follow said rules so he kicked you out. Standard practice for most alliances having to deal with members who hurt their AA more then help it.

He gave me a set of rules and then I didn't break them, so they invented other stuff to get rid of me.

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Sorry if this is a double post

Yeah, when you put it that way, it sounds harmless. It's not as if she used the Katzith nick to spy on another alliance by invading their private channel, posted an inordinate amount to the point it crashed a server, or proposed a "raid" on a website that would backlash in the worst way possible. Nothing like that at all.

"Used the katzith nick to spy on another alliance by invading their private channel"

First off, any proof that she "invaded their private channel"? It doesn't say that anywhere. I'm also sure that the alliance that got "invaded" would have said something by now. No, the logs simply state that she used that nick in their channels, which implies public ones. She had access to other private ones, but that is not considered "invading" when you are openly admitted inside.

"posted an inordinate amount to the point it crashed a server"

This one, while it uses a boat-load of loaded-words, I cannot entirely disagree with, based on the logs, however she did state in those logs she did not know it would DDOS them, and has in this very thread, stated she felt very bad that it did, in fact, DDOS the forums, and she also stopped the action that caused the DDOSing, which implies that she did, in fact, feel remorse or at least wished to change or not let any more DDOSing be a result of her posting.

"Proposed a "raid" on a website that would backlash in the worst way possible"

She did propose a raid, yes, however she did make sure to clarify that it was a joke, several times, and didn't do it after the second time (the Ragnarok time, which was basically right after the first NPO one, IIRC).

I can tell you are trying to see fault with her, and yes, there is some for not following their orders exactly to the letter, however, do you see any fault with NPO for imposing such things as OOC channel restriction on IRC?

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