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Quite Possibly an Endorsement

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that these Senate Treaties are all BS, take a lesson

Do note the 'mutual' part, which judging from posts here doesn't seems to be the case.

Orange did not feel the need for senate treaty, what other spheres decide and how they decide is thier decision to make.

Edited by shahenshah
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Do note the 'mutual' part, which judging from posts here doesn't seems to be the case.

Yea I got that after I posted it, silly me, however my point and Blacky's right, if you have the influence and the power to get your guy elected, then by all means go for it.

Look at The Brain, we vote for Shane every time theres an election, however RIA, MA and CSN, have the the juice, members and influence to have there person elected, will that deter us from trying, hell no !

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Sweet Zombie Admin, why does this persist?!

Seriously each thread has the same damn progression.

Stickmen: WE IS RUNNING FOR SENATE!!!!!!!!!


Stickmen: We can message who we want, you don't control the senate!

PEACE: We think messaging our nations is disrespectful, and you have disrespected all of us since you've been here

Stickmen: You didn't welcome us!

PEACE: Yes we did, you just didn't try to get to know us!

for(pages = 0; pages < 11; ++pages)


Stickmen: NOU!



Then someone brings up how haflinger said Stickmen sending a message similar to theirs could be considered imitating gov, and thus a CB.

The PEACE says they were always fine with letting Stickmen voting for their own senator.

Did I miss anything?

You can even make it shorter.


Stickmen: Not yet..

Or vice versa I don't really know anymore.

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I think deja was using sarcasm in the sense of you should just look at the AA of who sent the message, and if the message came from your alliance or known ally, it is trustable, and if it obviously came from someone else (SLCB, iFOK, FCO, random homeless guy), just ignore it or reply with a "nou" kind of thing. But the general opinion is that many inactivish members cba to do that kind of thing, or remember what alliance they are in, and more likely than the latter, know their allies.

Or, I've been up past my bedtime again and don't know what I'm talking about. Which isn't that rare.

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Sweet Zombie Admin, why does this persist?!

Seriously each thread has the same damn progression.

Stickmen: WE IS RUNNING FOR SENATE!!!!!!!!!


Stickmen: We can message who we want, you don't control the senate!

PEACE: We think messaging our nations is disrespectful, and you have disrespected all of us since you've been here

Stickmen: You didn't welcome us!

PEACE: Yes we did, you just didn't try to get to know us!

for(pages = 0; pages < 11; ++pages)


Stickmen: NOU!



Then someone brings up how haflinger said Stickmen sending a message similar to theirs could be considered imitating gov, and thus a CB.

The PEACE says they were always fine with letting Stickmen voting for their own senator.

Did I miss anything?

Yeah, you missed the part wherein one (1) Haflinger said that the real reason he's all chaffed in the wooley netherregion is that the messages we were sending out didn't disclose that they were coming from his perceived enemy and warn potential voters that by voting for the candidate they were aiding and abetting the enemy. Also, his version of CN is broken.

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Yeah, you missed the part wherein one (1) Haflinger said that the real reason he's all chaffed in the wooley netherregion is that the messages we were sending out didn't disclose that they were coming from his perceived enemy and warn potential voters that by voting for the candidate they were aiding and abetting the enemy. Also, his version of CN is broken.

Really? is that what happened?!? holy...wow. just wow. Thanks for that stellar enlightenment, captain.

Next time anything in the cyberverse confuses me, I'll be sure to ask you expert opinion. Praise be to porksaber!!@!!11@@21

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That is sweet man. My 9yr old son saw me playing CN today and tried it with me and liked it. I bought him an Xbox360 for his first system so I was surprised. Would never been able to afford the 360 if a drunk driver didn't hit me head on at over 100 mph. I got a trailer and 10,000 dollars in video games to keep me content now that I'm disabled from the accident. Now I go to schools to teach young adolescents why you don't drink and drive. I sometimes feel like a looser for accepting a settlement as I was raised old school and believe in making a living. Hope no one cares that I went off subject but I only have 2 or 3 beers a year and I'm on my fourth one tonight. Girlfriend died a year ago today.

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Do note the 'mutual' part, which judging from posts here doesn't seems to be the case.

Orange did not feel the need for senate treaty, what other spheres decide and how they decide is thier decision to make.

And who is PEACE to decide they speak for a whole sphere?

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That is sweet man. My 9yr old son saw me playing CN today and tried it with me and liked it. I bought him an Xbox360 for his first system so I was surprised. Would never been able to afford the 360 if a drunk driver didn't hit me head on at over 100 mph. I got a trailer and 10,000 dollars in video games to keep me content now that I'm disabled from the accident. Now I go to schools to teach young adolescents why you don't drink and drive. I sometimes feel like a looser for accepting a settlement as I was raised old school and believe in making a living. Hope no one cares that I went off subject but I only have 2 or 3 beers a year and I'm on my fourth one tonight. Girlfriend died a year ago today.

Cool story, bro.

On Topic, This thread is pathetic.

I mean really, which one of the stickmen thought this thread would be a good idea? lol.

Edited by scythegfx
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Cool story, bro.

On Topic, This thread is pathetic.

I mean really, which one of the stickmen thought this thread would be a good idea? lol.

This man just laid his entire life on the internet, and you throw him to the curb. You are a disgusting piece of amphibious !@#$.

Watch out for Karma, and drunk drivers.

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This man just laid his entire life on the internet, and you throw him to the curb. You are a disgusting piece of amphibious !@#$.

Watch out for Karma, and drunk drivers.

And I hope he's learned a valuable lesson: Never come to Internet looking for sympathy.

That, or "don't lie'

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And I hope he's learned a valuable lesson: Never come to Internet looking for sympathy.

That, or "don't lie'

Can you please stay on topic?

We're being oppressed by PEACE here and we need to keep the discussion moving forward so Invicta gov can keep saying more hilarious stuff.


Edited by porksaber
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