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World War III


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Imperialism, expansionism, unwanted control and influence. Once again, the British Empire has flown it's true colors, annexing countries on different continents and on the other side of the world. This gave way to their most recent act, an unwarranted, aggressive action against the American Confederation, a nation which has brought nothing but stability to the world. Together with Russia, these aggressors hope to enslave the world by killing the good people who will not stand for such atrocities.

As a sovereign state which has always promoted diplomacy before violence, we are disgusted with the actions of Russia and the British Empire, and their allies should any be wicked enough to support their vile actions. Not only did the British Empire start an unjust war, they have launched nuclear weapons on major population centers - yes, killing innocent civilians.

It is with no regret, and much satisfaction - for the well-being of the global community, that the Kuwaiti Empire recognizes itself in a state of war with the British Empire. We ask Russia to immediately halt its actions to preserve its honor and dignity.

We hold no paper treaties with any other nation, this is true. However, we are vocal anti-imperialists and have been willing to give our lives to protect the oppressed. We call upon all reasonable nations to support us and likewise remove these villains from the face of the Earth. If nothing else, the first strike nuclear attack implemented by the British Empire should be grounds enough for the planet to unite in defense.

All oil has been cutoff to Britain. Coupled with Canada's embargo and India's appetite for the black gold, we predict they will run out in the next few months. Having tanks that cannot move and airplanes that cannot fly should make for an interesting military. We call upon all nations to likewise embargo Britain.

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"It is with mass concern that Greece reads this announcement from Kuwait however the Empire of Greece has no conflict with the Kingdom of Kuwait and wishes that it remain as such and as such a diplomat has been sent to Kuwait to organize talks with Kuwait to best preserve Greek-Kuwaiti peace and amity considering that the Greek Government has no wish for war"

In addition despite any political backlash that may occur due to this announcement the Empire of Greece will not be honoring the Buckingham treaty, not because we do not consider the English our friends and comrades but because the Greek Government does not view this war as our war to fight.

Edited by graniteknight
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Declaration of War

Canada has never known a truer, more loyal, and more dependable friend than the United States and its successor, the American Confederation. In recent years, Britain has become the most despicable country to ever exist on the face of the planet, and in support of our allies in the Confederation, we do hereby declare war on the British Empire, Russia, and whoever the hell else is attacking America.


William Alfred "!@#$@#$ Commies" Apps

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OOC: Wait, he actually launched the nukes?


***Official Announcement***

Indonesia has been a staunch anti-Imperialist. The aggressive actions of the British Empire have been in direct opposition to our policy. We do not seek to force our will upon our neigbors, especially those we once called allies. However, we have no choice but to declare war on those who would attack the American Confederacy.


And make life a living hell for any enemies who wish to test our mettle. The Americans had a bloody time of it in Japan, the same must happen to any counter-invasion force.

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OOC: Wait, he actually launched the nukes?


***Official Announcement***

Indonesia has been a staunch anti-Imperialist. The aggressive actions of the British Empire have been in direct opposition to our policy. We do not seek to force our will upon our neigbors, especially those we once called allies. However, we have no choice but to declare war on those who would attack the American Confederacy.


And make life a living hell for any enemies who wish to test our mettle. The Americans had a bloody time of it in Japan, the same must happen to any counter-invasion force.

OOC: He claims so, but I'm disputing it. The nukes he used aren't technically his.

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Imperial Declaration of War

It is with great regret that we must declare a state of war between the nation of Brasil and the British Empire, as well as Russia.

Today, a day which shall live in infamy, the British used the weapons system they had joint control of with the Americans, to

launch a nuclear strike against several cities on the East Coast of the American Confederation. This attack on a fellow American

nation is intolerable, and will be responded to with all force at our disposal. We will not rest until the King of Britain stands trial for

his for his horrendous crimes.

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Afghan Declaration of Neutrality

Afghanistan does not wish to be involved in this conflict. However, if any nation is to enter Afghanistan's borders, war will be declared on the country that disrespected our borders.

Edited by lordliam
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The Republic of Viet Nam Declaration of War

It is a truly sad day in Independence Palace. After hearing constant news about British imperialism and Russian aggression against our ally The American Confederation, The Republic of Viet Nam officialy recognizes a state of war between itself, The British Empire and Russia. May God have mercy on your souls, becase we will show none.


275,000 troops have been moved to the Viet Nam-India border for attack.

**Classified to Allies**

Feel free to put troops in Myanmar to take India.

Edited by KingChris
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500,000 troops have begun to be moved across the ocean in regular troop transports and commandeered civilian transport. They are escorted by two sub packs of three subs each, which have been transferred away from the submarine fleet patrolling the Carribean. Their destination is Myanmar, to assist the Vietnamese against the British and India.

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An announcement from the Federative Republic of Yugoslavia

"The Yugoslavian people hereby declare neutrality in the conflict. Our borders are open to civilian war refugees and provisional camps are being set up to accommodate them."

OOC: Graniteknight, you've changed sides three or four times in the timespan of a few days... just sayin'.

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***Classified (sort of)***

Roughly half (250,000) Napoleon’s personal military, La Grande Armée is being redeployed from Paris to the border with the Low countries.

ooc: Ze missiles are coming, fire our missiles!

But I am le tired.

Well take a nap, but then FIRE ZE MISSILES!

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The Republic of Viet Nam Declaration of War

It is a truly sad day in Independence Palace. After hearing constant news about British imperialism and Russian aggression against our ally The American Confederation, The Republic of Viet Nam officialy recognizes a state of war between itself, The British Empire and Russia. May God have mercy on your souls, becase we will show none.


275,000 troops have been moved to the Viet Nam-India border for attack.

**Classified to Allies**

Feel free to put troops in Myanmar to take India.

***Classified to Vietnam***

We will move approximately 200,000 troops into the region you have opened up for us. it will take a few weeks at least to get them all there, but they will come. We also request permission to station several squadrons of aircraft there.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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***Classified (sort of)***

Roughly half (250,000) Napoleon’s personal military, La Grande Armée is being redeployed from Paris to the border with the Low countries.

ooc: Ze missiles are coming, fire our missiles!

But I am le tired.

Well take a nap, but then FIRE ZE MISSILES!

OOC: And Australia's still like 'WTF, mates? ^^'

Also, Subtle, do you mean Viet Nam?

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***Classified to Vietnam***

We will move approximately 200,000 troops into the region you have opened up for us. it will take a few weeks at least to get them all there, but they will come. We also request permission to station several squadrons of aircraft there.

**Classified to Indonesia**

We await their arrival. Your request to station aircraft has been granted.

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OOC: Let's have fun with this.

IC: The British fleet carrying a rough 200,000 men land in New York City. Sadly they are unable to depart their vessels just yet, as the city has been completely devastated by a nuclear blast and the radiation concerns are rather high.

The Empire has noticed all oil has been cut off to us from our suppliers. Firstly, the Empire can obtain a significant amount of oil from rigs in the North Sea. Secondly, we switched to Hydrogen Fuel years ago, and in the time since then we have completed the full transition - including military vehicles. Some are even electrically powered.

The American capital and largest city were completely obliterated, according to witnesses. Two of the shells fell into the sea while the others scattered across more suburban areas of the nation.


Over in India, the frontline defences are finally prepared with a now 3,000,000 troops guarding the border. The main defensive line is with Vietnam, where 1,000,000 men are safely sealed inside huge bunkers, behind electrified barbed wire, tank defences, land mines, general concrete obstacles and hundreds upon hundreds of machine gunners prepared to cut down assaulting enemies. Numerous fighters and several bombers are on standby ready to take-off to assist with defence at the border.

Over in Bermuda, every single vessel that was on there has already reached its target, and awaits the probable invasion launched by the AC.

Across the Empire, all SDIs are ready to automatically sink any nuclear missiles that may pose a threat to any of our territories. The land based nuclear weapons in India have been previously activated. And now, they are ready to be used.

*End Classified*

"We are getting breaking news in that numerous areas of the Kuwaiti Emirate including the capital have been devastated by nuclear blasts. We'll give you more on this story as it develops but current sources suggest the British Arsenal stationed in India was the source of the warheads."

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In addition despite any political backlash that may occur due to this announcement the Empire of Greece will not be honoring the Buckingham treaty, not because we do not consider the English our friends and comrades but because the Greek Government does not view this war as our war to fight.

OOC: Since we are effectively the aggressors, you are under no obligation.

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