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Is anyone else suffering from this malady?


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Also its always fun to hear you rag on the Corner when I probably still have PMs of you asking me to write about stuff, not to mention your thread begging me to return to the world stage by leaving "Karma's Closet" or whatever you called it. You just need to make up your mind on myself and my work once and for all, I think it would be good for everyone.

You already know any PMs and posts were a result of you complaining in a more private setting about your own sides actions during the war while the war was still ongoing, I just wanted to see you say it in an issue of your corner which you did. So post them here if you like, I could care less. :lol1:

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You already know any PMs and posts were a result of you complaining in a more private setting about your own sides actions during the war while the war was still ongoing, I just wanted to see you say it in an issue of your corner which you did. So post them here if you like, I could care less. :lol1:

I have no intention of posting them anywhere. The point was you need to make up your mind on and stop bouncing around between dissent and approval. Or you can continue, like you, I honestly don't care.

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Am I the only one who isn't really bothered by any of this? I don't really play this game for the game itself anymore, I play simply as an excuse to hang out here with all you fine guys and gals. It's times like these that are great because then I don't have to worry about who's going to war with who, if certain political issues are going to require my attention, etc, and I can just focus on enjoying myself with everyone.

Seriously, give peace a chance. There's nothing wrong with everyone getting along.

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Hey, Feanor, TOP sucks. What now? Watcha gonna do? Wanna fight about it?

So, this is how it's going to be?

burnt eggs (frack) (stumpy jung Il) - You cannot declare war on this nation because they are not within your range of nations to declare war on. View your My Ranking screen to find nations within your range.


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So, this is how it's going to be?

burnt eggs (frack) (stumpy jung Il) - You cannot declare war on this nation because they are not within your range of nations to declare war on. View your My Ranking screen to find nations within your range.


Check and mate old friend. Check and mate.

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I've noticed it too. The run up to Karma war was fun because of the politics and the relatively high level of discourse. Now it's a bunch of small alliances I don't particularly like making pointless posts about things I don't care about and having to resort to sex jokes to do it.

It's like the Karma War took out not only the NPO, but also all intelligent and refined discourse here.

I must contradict you! CoJ makes no sex jokes.

wakka wakka

Yeah, I'm so bored I can't stand it. I told Doitzel the other night that I feel absolutely useless post-Vox. I have no clue who any of these people are, I can't seem to understand what the Hell they're talking about half the time, and every time I want to do something I find I haven't got enogh NS behind me to do it.

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I don't agree that the "moral" crusade has hindered anything;

folks are trying to stay quiet for a reason so stay tuned..

Agreed, on these two points especially. I'm far from bored. It's just that all the action is happening off the world forum.

If anything, the question to ask is why that is the case.

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The problem before the end of the NPO era was that the game was mostly stagnant. Alliances were banded into two major groups: the central power structure, eminating from the treaty web associations with WUT/1V/Continuum et al, and those outside that group. The atmosphere of paranoia was strong; to hold on to their power, the reigning hegemony stamped out opposition and used its threat to get many on its side. The general discontent and identification of 'the enemy' was heavy amongst many players and the end objective, thus, was clear: rise up and defeat the NPO and its allies. What did the idealists and dreamers expect after the war? I don't know but it seems like some kind of paradise.

We have progressed from a hyper-power world to a multi-power world. Since the enemies are not defined, everyone is suspect. Because of this uncertainty, the need for security is even higher than before. If the alliances of the world are divided and more worried about their own safety, they will tend to play out safer strategies. The result of these four facts is that the system is more stagnant and potentially unstable than it has been the last two years.

For those craving war, I imagine it will come in time. For now, the major political actors are satisfied with the new paradigm and its implications. However, I have seen some discontent and I suspect that are certain factors and variables that are still at odds and alliances at contention, though it is not obvious. The multi-polar world could become a very dangerous place.

Edited by Eamon Valda
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If the alliances of the world are divided and more worried about their own safety, they will tend to play out safer strategies. The result of these four facts is that the system is more stagnant and potentially unstable than it has been the last two years.

I beg to differ

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