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A Brief Announcement from the Orange Defense Network

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As easy and convenient as it would be for me to jump on the bandwagon and lampoon ODN for its past, I, unlike some of the others posting, realize it's just that: the past. You see, no one is bound by their past.

Total rubbish, you just spearheaded a war to get revenge for things that happened between 1 and 3 years ago. The world we live in post Karma war says people are judged and often crushed because of their past. ODN are bound by their past just like NPO and the section of the Hegemony that didnt jump a couple of weeks earlier. These are MKs rules and you dont get to change them after fighting a war with that at its core.

Saying that they can drop and sign any treaties they like, it seems the difference now is they are leaving themselves no back door out, which is their modus operandi until disproved by their actions and not their words.

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Total rubbish, you just spearheaded a war to get revenge for things that happened between 1 and 3 years ago. The world we live in post Karma war says people are judged and often crushed because of their past. ODN are bound by their past just like NPO and the section of the Hegemony that didnt jump a couple of weeks earlier. These are MKs rules and you dont get to change them after fighting a war with that at its core.

Saying that they can drop and sign any treaties they like, it seems the difference now is they are leaving themselves no back door out, which is their modus operandi until disproved by their actions and not their words.

Lovely spiel and all, however telling the Prince of the Mushroom Kingdom which of the many rules the Mushroom Kingdom sets on this fair world he can and can't change seems a bit silly really.. Don't you think?

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Lovely spiel and all, however telling the Prince of the Mushroom Kingdom which of the many rules the Mushroom Kingdom sets on this fair world he can and can't change seems a bit silly really.. Don't you think?

Figuratively speaking!. Telling people one alliance cant be judged on its past after taking part in the crushing of so many other alliances for their past will be ignored, he or anyone who fought in Karma doesnt get to tell people that after what they just did. No its not silly at all to tell people you will not follow their hypocritical wishes.

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Total rubbish, you just spearheaded a war to get revenge for things that happened between 1 and 3 years ago. The world we live in post Karma war says people are judged and often crushed because of their past. ODN are bound by their past just like NPO and the section of the Hegemony that didnt jump a couple of weeks earlier. These are MKs rules and you dont get to change them after fighting a war with that at its core.

Saying that they can drop and sign any treaties they like, it seems the difference now is they are leaving themselves no back door out, which is their modus operandi until disproved by their actions and not their words.

MK didn't spearhead anything, NPO did, in reality MK was but one of many shields that came together for a unified defense. I would also like to see evidence of any alliance that has been crushed because of their past post karma, because as far as I know that hasn't happened.

ODN isn't doing anything wrong here, they are merely trimming their foreign responsibilities to a level they are comfortable with. Everyone should stop being so damn anal.

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ODN isn't doing anything wrong here, they are merely trimming their foreign responsibilities to a level they are comfortable with. Everyone should stop being so damn anal.

I never said they did anything wrong, my issue was someone who recently waged war predominately for past issues saying past issues shouldn't be used to judge alliances.

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Total rubbish, you just spearheaded a war to get revenge for things that happened between 1 and 3 years ago. The world we live in post Karma war says people are judged and often crushed because of their past. ODN are bound by their past just like NPO and the section of the Hegemony that didnt jump a couple of weeks earlier. These are MKs rules and you dont get to change them after fighting a war with that at its core.

Saying that they can drop and sign any treaties they like, it seems the difference now is they are leaving themselves no back door out, which is their modus operandi until disproved by their actions and not their words.

You give us way, way too much credit.

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Why would you call the truth, which has repeated itself at least three times in the past, trolling?

Well a few reasons, really.

1. It's certainly not the truth. I'm sure you see it that way, but I would hardly consider you a reliable source.

2. This thread is about canceling 5 totally unrelated treaties. :awesome:

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Remember when alliances announced that they canceled PIATS and NAPs and the threads didn't reach 19 pages? I do too, why did this one reach 19?

I don't know, because ODN canceling treaties is a very normal occurrence.

Edited by Poobah
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Total rubbish, you just spearheaded a war to get revenge for things that happened between 1 and 3 years ago. The world we live in post Karma war says people are judged and often crushed because of their past. ODN are bound by their past just like NPO and the section of the Hegemony that didnt jump a couple of weeks earlier. These are MKs rules and you dont get to change them after fighting a war with that at its core.

Saying that they can drop and sign any treaties they like, it seems the difference now is they are leaving themselves no back door out, which is their modus operandi until disproved by their actions and not their words.

I spearheaded the Karma War? Neat!

Seriously though, I rather enjoy your fan fiction, but the truth is a bunch of alliances loosely coalesced under the Karma banner when certain alliances, that would later come to be known as the Hegemony, threw diplomacy to the curb and attacked an alliance mid-negotiations. Spin it as you wish, it doesn't change the fact that we merely took a reactionary stand. But that's a whole different topic, and one that is prone to an immense deal of varying, heated debate, so I'd prefer to bow out on this one.

Your little diatribe didn't really disprove my point though. Any alliance can at any point change - our pasts do not bind us in the sense that they prevent us from changing if that's what we so desire. We are not slaves to our past, as we all have reasonable free will here. If the NPO, if ODN, if anyone wants to or wanted to change, they can and they could. Nay-sayers claiming you're the same exact thing you once were doesn't make it have to be so. But ultimately, as has been said a few times by a few people, time will be the telling factor here, in ODN or in anyone else's case.

As for those complaining that this thread is still going on, your continued posting isn't going to help it fall to page 2. And really, seeing as how little is happening in CN at the moment on the public stage, god forbid members debate and participate in what little there is. We could all ignore this and all other threads, and let the game atrophy, but what would be the point?

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Of course MK spearheaded the Karma War. Archon is single-handedly the entire Coven, surviving down to the modern day. Do you think it a coincidence that he just "appeared" one day around the same time that the Coven was discovered and dismantled? Nay, he is a clone body into which all the Coven members transferred their collective consciousness to create the ultimate Puppet Master!

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Remember when alliances announced that they canceled PIATS and NAPs and the threads didn't reach 19 pages? I do too, why did this one reach 19?

For the same reason that GGA threads go on for longer than they should - people like poking fun at alliances who have done dumb things in the past. This may be an attempt to sort out ODN's sorry reputation but until that actually comes to fruition expect the jibes to continue.

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