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The United Purple Accords

Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact between

Purple Unity and UJA

Article I - Sovereignty

Both signatories shall retain their sovereignty and shall not take any action, directly or indirectly, that would threaten the sovereignty of the other signatory.

Article II - Non-aggression

Both signatories pledge to refrain from any attacks upon the other, be it directly or indirectly. Both signatories shall not condone any acts of aggression toward the other nor use sanctions upon the other. Both signatories also pledge that diplomacy shall be the first action taken in any incident.

Article III - Mutual Defense

An act of war upon one signatory is to be considered an act of war upon the other and will be responded to with all available force.

Article IV - Optional Aggression

If a signatory wishes to pursue a offensive war and a request for assistance has been sent to the other signatory, then the respective signatory is encouraged but not required to provide assistance in any way they can, be it militarily or otherwise.

Article V - Civility

Both signatories and its respective members shall remain civil to the other in any public area and any disagreements shall be solved through private channels.

Article VI - Communication

Both signatories shall remain in constant communication, either through forums or other forms of contact.

Article VII - Espionage

Neither signatory shall engage in any acts of espionage or conduct any acts malicious in nature toward the other signatory, including but not limited to condoning acts of aggression upon the other and aiding an enemy. If any information is found that concerns either signatory, the other shall provide said information immediately and without delays.

Article VIII - Termination

If either signatory wishes to withdraw from this treaty for any reason, they must inform the other 72 hours in advance where the treaty shall still remain active until the closure of the aforementioned period.


For UJA:

Rooman33, Speaker of UJA

Helga, Greenhouse Whip

Titodafarmer, Minister of Foreign Affairs

USMC123, Minister of Defense

For Purple Unity

Lord Fingolfin of Dorthonion, President

Kn1nJa of Soul Society, Vice President

Nascar8fanga of The Republic of Acturea, Temporary Director of Foreign Affairs

Nascar8fanga of The Republic of Acturea, Director of War

~Rudekker of Milwaukee, Assistant Director of War

Sniper620 of Pootertopia, Director of Internal Affairs

TI Bolt of Minnesnowda, Director of Trades

Edited by Rooman33
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Plus our color schemes look pretty rockin' together, if you ask me...

Congratulations and good luck to both parties.

Also on a personal note. Ryan Greenberg, you and I have exchanged words on several occasions, and I believe you are now a member of PU. I would like to personally and publicly bury that hatchet.

Do you mind if we do that here?

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Ryan Greenberg resigned from Purple Unity

Well congratulations are still in order, I'll find him another time, and I know he sees these forums. Thank you for the information. I am the head of Diplomatic Relations for TPF. May I invite both of your alliances to set up embassies with us? As you are both relatively new to the TE scene, at least as formal alliances. We would be happy to form stronger bonds of friendship with you both. Simply contact me in game by the same name if you wish to speak personally to me.

I do enjoy making new friends :)

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