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Of War Flags and Wordy Policies

Lord Boris

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Embattled Primarchy of Independent Citizens

Official Dispatch

Firstly, I'd like to present the first war flag of EPIC, painstakingly crafted from 4 zebras, 3 fruit bats, 11 suburban Americans, and 3 mongoose young:


Secondly, I prevent the first edition of the EPIC Policy Omnibus:

On Raids:

  1. Raiding is forbidden within the Embattled Primarchy of Independent Citizens
  2. Members caught violating this policy shall be obligated to peace out and pay 125% reparations or risk expulsion

On ZI, PZI, and EZI:

  1. Eternal Zero Infrastructure (EZI) is defined for the purpose of this policy as the practice of keeping a person at ZI through re-rolls under the same or a different identity.
  2. Permanent Zero Infrastructure (PZI) is defined for the purpose of this policy as the practice of keeping a person at ZI until deletion of their nation.
  3. The practices of PZI and EZI are expressly forbidden by the Embattled Primarchy of Independent Citizens.
  4. Zero Infrastructure shall be used sparingly, and only for severe cases, such as rogue attacks against EPIC.
  5. Under no circumstances may EPIC sentence a nation to more than a single ZI for an offense.

On Team Color:

  1. EPIC shall, at the time of the publishing of this policy, be considered a multi-colored alliance, with emphasis on the colors of Aqua, Blue, and White.
  2. EPIC shall decide upon one of these colors within 14 days of the publishing of this policy.
  3. In the event that EPIC is taken in as a protectorate of an alliance before this 14 day period expires, EPIC shall move to the same team color as their new protectors.

On 'Cake or Pie'...

EPIC remains neutral on the confection war. EPIC further believes that both sides shall be consumed by the vodka-crazed Solamnic Knights.

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