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The Turtles Speak

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Hello people of Bob!

A few matters of business to announce today.

A few days ago FOB was informed of our cancelation of our MDoAP with them, the cancelation period has passed and that treaty is now considered void. Our alliances have drifted apart over time and while we still want to be friends, this treaty has lost a lot of its meaning. We wish FOB the best in the future.

A few days ago NOIR was informed that the BTA would be leaving that bloc. The reason is pretty simple actually; we like to have our own mind and don’t like being threatened. There are some quality alliances in NOIR but unfortunately the not so quality alliances seem to want to run the bloc. The threat itself occurred about a month ago and has been shown to various alliances across the world. While NOIR alliances have towed the party line saying it isn’t a threat and all is well, we have to agree with our friends and allies who all agree, it is a clear threat. The BTA won’t accept being threatened by supposed allies.

The BTA also will be leaving the Black color sphere. Our new color is……..blu……wait no. We decided to join the Purple sphere! It’s full of good alliances and has a very bright future ahead of it. We hope that the BTA can bring some more awesome to the sphere.

Lastly today the BTA has re-done our governmental structure. I am still the Oracle. Lord Gologthor is our Consul. And our Sage’s are filling up fast. A charter will be released on our forums once we have finished some of the polishing of it.

Party in #BTA!! Woo!


Oracle of the BTA

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You go through the trouble of changing color, yet you don't actually go to blue? Instead you move to purple?

I don't understand. Blue has some fine fellows on it that would likely help, and purple is currently a wrecked sphere. Oh well, your call. Have fun with it.

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Welcome to the sphere BTA, great to have you, lookin' forward to the possibilities.

We welcome you to our family. The booze is in the gilded cabinets. And the wooden cabinets. And the titanium cabinets. In fact, its pretty much in all of the cabinets.

Also, this.

Change the name of your alliance then.

I will die before I see a PTA in Planet Bob, please no. :facepalm:

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You go through the trouble of changing color, yet you don't actually go to blue? Instead you move to purple?

I don't understand. Blue has some fine fellows on it that would likely help, and purple is currently a wrecked sphere. Oh well, your call. Have fun with it.

Interesting seeing as Olympus moved from Aqua to purple and has more success and friends here than there....I digress...

o/ BTA you will find a great home here...If there is anything Olympus can do to assist please let us know.

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You go through the trouble of changing color, yet you don't actually go to blue? Instead you move to purple?

I don't understand. Blue has some fine fellows on it that would likely help, and purple is currently a wrecked sphere. Oh well, your call. Have fun with it.

The BTA debated blue but decided Purple was a better fit for us. Blue is a cool place don’t get me wrong, but Purple is just a much better fit for our alliance.

As far as our name goes. We are Blue Turtles. The color doesn’t depict the sphere we are on but the color of our shell.

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