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Good thiings must come to a end


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it is sad to announce that the Empire of Lu will be leaving DE ,because the Emperor himself decreed so but we would wish to keep in good relations with DE's members and hope that the Lu Empire wish's DE good luck for their country.

~Minster of Foreign Affairs :Zhuge Huang


(OOC:this is Lu from a outdated map the color is really brown .)

Edited by lutai
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Dragon Empire accepts with sadness the news of Lu Empire's secession. We do recognize that the ideas of Dragon Empire may not be fully compatible with yours and hence you feel the need to reassert yourselves.

We respect the decision of Lu Empire and wish you a period of continued peace and prosperity. We do hope we could maintain the excellent relations we have between our two nations.

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Sarah looked up at the sky, the midday sun was breaking through the clouds as her comrades sat around her over the grassy hill looking out into the town below them. These fifteen minute breaks in training were a godsend as she closed her eyes and lay back against the grassy hill and looked at the clouds.

"You hear. The Lu Empire is withdrawing from the Dragon Empire." She heard a voice from below and looked down at two men huddled over a newspaper. "They left the Dragons and that new bloc, the Asiatic Unity Pact is offering their help."

"Asia's changed so much in the past few months you know." Said the other man.

Sarah smiled and rested her head back against the hill. "As one hegemon collapses another comes to take its place." She sighed. "This world..."

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"Of course, why did I not expect some other influence to attempt to poach Lu? Shame on you."

"Much like the Dragon Empire, the AUP seeks lasting peace in Asia. To further the interests of continental stability, would you not have done otherwise had Lu bordered your nation? Also, we wish to reiterate that it was an invitation, which can be accepted or rejected with equal ease. We do not force decisions upon a sovereign nation, rather let the available options be known to them and patiently await their decision."

"Having said that, we respect the decision of the Lu Empire, and hope that this will not negatively influence diplomatic ties between the Empire, Lu and Zargathia."

OOC: In other words, that Hulunbuir still remains under joint control between us as per the Treaty :P

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The Haruhiist Empire respects, and welcomes the stance of the Lu Empire.

May this rebirthed nation experience an era of prosperity like no other.

We also formally invite this nation to join the ranks of the AUP.

And so the virus that is the AUP attempts to infect Asia once more.

"Of course, why did I not expect some other influence to attempt to poach Lu? Shame on you."

Our thoughts, once more.

In either circumstance, we praise Lu for managing to break free of the shackles that once bound it. Forever, be prosperous, my friend.

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Tidus Wilhelm stated, "We have never enslaved the members of the Empire. This is the evidence of it. When states want to leave, they are permitted to do so. They have never lost their sovereignty to begin with, but merely changed it to a sovereignty of a different type. Again, Lu undergoes this metamorphosis, only in reverse. We're not sure what brought Lu Empire to this desire, but all the same, we will continue to work with them as the family they have become and will remain to be to us."

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"Buryatia views this move with skepticism and will continue to monitor the situation cautiously. At this time, we will not yet be recognizing the Lu Empire as an independent state. This position should, change in the near future if certain conditions are met. That is all"

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Let the example of Lu Empire and People's Republic of China be a reminder to the rest of the world about what Dragon Empire really is. We have been called many things, which we have borne patiently waiting for redemption. Dragon Empire is a merger borne out of unity of ideas and there is ZERO coercion involved in it as opposed to what our opponents say.

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Let the example of Lu Empire and People's Republic of China be a reminder to the rest of the world about what Dragon Empire really is. We have been called many things, which we have borne patiently waiting for redemption. Dragon Empire is a merger borne out of unity of ideas and there is ZERO coercion involved in it as opposed to what our opponents say.

"This man is correct, we left due to our people wanting to leave, we were never coerced to stay, or to join. We also wish our neighbours luck on being independent while it lasts."

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