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Announcement from the Internet Superheroes

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When AHF first announced their existence, I thought to myself "Now this is a cool alliance." I mean, what could be better than killing hippies? As such, I'm happy to announce that IS will be protecting the Anti Hippie Federation so that they can grow up to be big strong hippie slayers.

The Megadeth Accords

An Internet Superheroes - Anti Hippie Federation Treaty of Protection


The Internet Superheroes and Anti Hippie Federation agree to come together in friendship and sign this treaty of protection, with IS as the Protector and AHF as the Protectorate.

Article I - Amity

The signatory alliances and their member states will treat each other respect and decency, just as they would their own. All members of the signatory alliances are expected to show tact and consideration by going through the proper channels when addressing concerns.

Article II - Non Aggression

Both alliances are obligated to desist from any act of violence against the other, be it through aggressive action, and any attack on each other either individually or jointly with other power. Both alliances declare their intent to resolve any issues between the parties through regular diplomatic discourse.

Article III - Adviser

The Protectorate agrees to allow the Protector to supply an Adviser to the alliance. This Adviser will have a government mask without Administrator privileges, and will assist in educating the alliance on how to maintain day-to-day operations.

Article IV - Military Aid and Assistance

A declaration of war on the Protectorate is a declaration on both signatories. If the Protector is declared on, it may request assistance from the Protectorate on a voluntary basis. The Protectorate must notify the Protector before any aggressive military actions.

Article V - Economy

The Protectors agree to help the Protectorates with economic support in the form of advice and foreign aid, provided that they use this solely for the purpose of their own growth. Any reasonable economic requests from the Protectors must be met, to the best of their abilities.

In addition, the two alliances agree to work closely together on tech deals to help support both alliances' economies.

Article VI - Non Espionage

Neither alliance will engage, or support espionage on each other in any way. If an alliance receives information relevant to other, they are obligated to notify them immediately, giving complete disclosure on the issue.

Article VII - Foreign Policy

The protectorate alliance will consult the Protectors before making major decisions in foreign policy, such as signing new treaties and declaring war upon other alliances.

Article VII - Upgrade

When AHF reaches 500,000 Nation Strength, the treaty will be reviewed and upgraded or dropped.

Article IX - Termination

A notice must be given to the other signatory alliance in case a signatory decides to terminate its membership. After this, a 72 hours grace period will follow, in which the treaty will remain valid.

Signed for the Internet Superheroes:

King Xander the Only, Lord of Lolitics and White Knight of the Internet Superheroes

Signed for the Anti Hippie Federation:

Gauner, Emperor of the AHF

Ahmadinejad, Executor of the AHF

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I'll be perfectly honest, I'm not a fan of IS, nor do I know anybody in this anti hippie place (I approve of the name though). What brought me to this thread was Megdeth. Indeed, Megadeth truly brings people together. Except for hippies. They can wait outside while the Megadeth fans associate.

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I'll be perfectly honest, I'm not a fan of IS, nor do I know anybody in this anti hippie place (I approve of the name though). What brought me to this thread was Megdeth. Indeed, Megadeth truly brings people together. Except for hippies. They can wait outside while the Megadeth fans associate.

It's actually a proven fact that thrash metal can kill hippies on contact. They couldn't come in if they tried.

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Okay I'll join the conformists: I'm not a fan of IS but this is something I can stand behind.



Woodstock hates you too. He's is counting the days until he is released from prison for promoting dog fighting and drowning Snoopy in the Brown's pool so that he can kill you.*

* - Yes, I went there with a childhood icon. Don't make me tell you what Linus was really hiding under his blanket. Also, congrats to two alliances that seem made for each other.

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