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IRON's terms end

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Congratulations IRON on the speedy completion of your terms, I expected nothing less. I <3 IRON & I wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors .


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When we first learned that we were going in against IRON, we figured we were in for an easy fight. IRON was big, sure, but as a close ally to the NPO it had been a long time since they'd faced a losing fight, or even fair odds. Having fought GGA in the Unjust War, we expected much the same from IRON: for them to be clumsy and soft, their members uncoordinated and quick to give up. Any large alliance has some dead weight and IRON certainly had its share, but we found underneath a solid core of dedicated fighters. We may have been on opposite sides, we may not have agreed with what they were fighting to defend, but there is little that impresses Farkers more than resilience; and we were impressed.

I figured all this out in 2-3 days of fighting IRON in September, 2007. Particularly the dedicated fighters part. I also found them honorable and rather no nonsense.

Unfortunately, quite the opposite was true. We found them time and again to be unwilling to police themselves and exceedingly slow in correcting issues. For those of you who have read the beer tasting threads, you may have noticed the amount of time and pressure it took for them to follow what was, in essence, a mandatory PR exercise, and even then not without one of their government members spitting in our face.

So they didn't take what was in essence a joke treaty clause seriously? Shocking. Still, they signed to do it, so they owed the effort.

As for the slow response, I'd like to hear their side of things. Perhaps there were internal issues that led to it, not some passive aggressive streak.

However, I have no desire to tar all of IRON with the same brush, for without the work of some extremely dedicated individuals IRON would not have reached this day so quickly, if at all. It should also be noted that IRON as a whole and our main contacts specifically have been extremely diligent in these last few weeks. As for IRON's general membership, I should hope that their willingness to shrug off a nuke and send back some banter is a more enduring image than the recalcitrance of a few.

So in other words, it really was just a few people who were the problem, not IRON as whole.

IRON, regardless of the issues we've had, this is a time for starting fresh, both in the end of your terms and the aftermath of the Karma War. While we may not soon forget our experiences working (and fighting) with you, we bear you no ill will. In that spirit, we wish you luck wherever your path may take you.

IRON will be fine I think. Fark as well. Here's hoping that you can live in peace from this point forward.

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It is one of a churlish and uncooperative group, who, rather than accepting defeat with grace and using the opportunity to start anew, cast aside what good will they might have gained out of childish petulance.


This surprised you?

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Heinousone - it's not as if you had to drink beer specifically for the reviews. It's not as if you technically even had to review beer - or bacon. There was one review based on games instead.

Oh, well then my apologies. What the hell took them so long then?

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I'd like to thank FARK and the other alliances involved in administering our terms for their understanding and patience.

While I disagree with the OP's characterization of us, and agree to disagree with him, I hold no ill will towards him for it.

Good luck to FARK, RoK, MHA, Grämlins, FCC, and the other alliances that battled with us. The wars were fun.

o/ IRON. Party commences in #iron in -10 minutes.

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Sorry to hear things didn't go swell. Guess that happens between former enemies sometimes. We often see former enemies tossing about words of love and happiness to the point that it sickens so I guess its almost refreshing to see this instead.

That being said, forcing people to drink alcohol isn't exactly something you can hold over them if they dont want to do it. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy some suds myself from time to time but holding the fact that some of them were not pleased with such against them seems a bit much. I guess they did agree to that though.

There was also the option to do a report on bacon, and as you said..they agreed to it. nobody spoke up and said "Hey! i dont drink" or "im offended by that"

The time to modify the clause or substitute it has long ago past

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There was also the option to do a report on bacon, and as you said..they agreed to it. nobody spoke up and said "Hey! i dont drink" or "im offended by that"

The time to modify the clause or substitute it has long ago past

yeah, someone already clarified. Guess I wasn't all that interested as these reviews came out. I only saw a couple beer reviews.

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Thank god your opinion isn't worth a damn.

Everyone has a right to voice their opinion and their own thoughts.

By responding to his you are in fact showing that you give a damn.

That being said, forcing people to drink alcohol isn't exactly something you can hold over them if they dont want to do it. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy some suds myself from time to time but holding the fact that some of them were not pleased with such against them seems a bit much. I guess they did agree to that though.

I agree with you here.

Edit: grammar <_<

Edited by Lord Akkarin
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Congrats to IRON

This is well deserved



Fark lost a lot of respect in my book

Why? Because they were honest? Because before you actually read the OP, your post ended with "o/," so the only thing that could have caused you to lose respect for Fark was them being honest (and really, pretty respectful about it) about their relationship with IRON. I don't see how that can cause you to lose respect for them. Care to explain yourself?

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One thing that disappointed me about the losers of NoCB was their so called "dignity" in defeat. If IRON remained indignant throughout the period of their terms, then good for them.

how is being indignant throughout the period of terms somehow maintaining dignity? frankly, it does show more childishness and makes IRON look like amateurs (especially since gov was doing this).

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That being said, forcing people to drink alcohol isn't exactly something you can hold over them if they dont want to do it. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy some suds myself from time to time but holding the fact that some of them were not pleased with such against them seems a bit much. I guess they did agree to that though.

While the focal point is going to be on the reviews because we used it as fodder for our election announcement, the sentiments expressed in the OP are not limited to that - there were a large number of terms violations to deal with which were not always met with expedient responses. As Quad noted in the second to last paragraph, in the past couple weeks, IRON's response time stepped up immensely, and they should be lauded for that. But for a fair portion of the terms, there did not appear to be much self-policing going on to ensure compliance.

Edited by Janquel
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