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Joint Announcement from ODN and GATO


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I'm going to skip reading and assume that this is a treaty bloc that has totally backfired when NPO also accepted the reverse psychology invitation that you guys sent them.

The question is, how long until this new bloc must be destroyed by a populist uprising?

hmmmmm...never? Its GATO :D

Edited by James Wilson
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I'm going to skip reading and assume that this is a treaty bloc that has totally backfired when NPO also accepted the reverse psychology invitation that you guys sent them.

The question is, how long until this new bloc must be destroyed by a populist uprising?

It's a treaty between GATO and ODN. It IS a populist uprising.

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If anything, GATO is at a disadvantage here since ODN probably won't honor this treaty... even if it is only about cooking.
let's hope that the current ODN does not live up to the name Optional Defense Network.

Oh, please. Alliances change. The ODN has changed. There's nothing optional about them anymore.

This is a great treaty, heartwarming, great to see. Best of luck you two. :)

Oh, and a mandatory :wub: for my Arsenal.

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If anything, GATO is at a disadvantage here since ODN probably won't honor this treaty... even if it is only about cooking.

Yeah the key word is ''probably'', funnily enough and this might be hard for your brain to handle but we actually recognize our past errors and fully intend to not repeat such mistakes. But do carry on Litler your utterances both IC and OOC give me much reason to chuckle at your expense.

let's hope that the current ODN does not live up to the name Optional Defense Network.

We sincerely do not wish to repeat such erroneous decisions or conduct, i know its too much to ask from some to give us a chance, we are NOT the same outfit that screwed up bigtime in August'08. It might surprise you but we are fully prepared to fight to the last, there will be no repetition of the flaky leadership that characterized the government that presided over the debacle with Polaris, however i fully respect the need to prove ourselves in deed not just words, i hope that one day we will do just that.

Edited by Cataduanes
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*chuckles heartily*

Really? Sethb, I'm a nice guy. And I'm going to assume that you don't want another go at it, because last time, the tiny, tiny bit of my heart that feels guilt and regret at knocking you about gave me a little twinge.

I thought it was heart-burn. I should wash down the babies better next time.

In the interests of the fact that we have ongoing reparations, I have refrained from painting the sidewalks with what little honor you have left.


To my friends at GATO, who know I bear them nothing but affection after our 8 month association, I congratulate them again on their treaty.

Gotta love the Cortath, if you don't he might bite.

On the matters at hand...


Oldschool is old.

Congrats us. And hello there ODN :)

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This is an MDP, correct?

It's funny to see certain people pointedly only congratulating one half of the treaty ... it's not quite so petty as congratulating people on a cancellation, but it's getting there. Congratulations to two old alliances – let's hope you've both learnt from your long history ;)

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Thanks to all my GATO comrades, i have never regretted getting to know you guys in the fashion i did and if i had to do it all again i would do so in a heartbeat :wub:

You seem to be missing a fairly significant part of GATO and ODN's history together.

You seem to be missing the fact that both of us have moved on since then, if you have a specific grievance Mathias spit it out <_<

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Yeah the key word is ''probably'', funnily enough and this might be hard for your brain to handle but we actually recognize our past errors and fully intend to not repeat such mistakes. But do carry on Litler your utterances both IC and OOC give me much reason to chuckle at your expense.

We sincerely do not wish to repeat such erroneous decisions or conduct, i know its too much to ask from some to give us a chance, we are NOT the same outfit that screwed up bigtime in August'08. It might surprise you but we are fully prepared to fight to the last, there will be no repetition of the flaky leadership that characterized the government that presided over the debacle with Polaris, however i fully respect the need to prove ourselves in deed not just words, i hope that one day we will do just that.

And this is one of the reasons we love ODN so much. You could ask any GATOan about Cata, and youd get a warm respose.

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Thanks to all my GATO comrades, i have never regretted getting to know you guys in the fashion i did and if i had to do it all again i would do so in a heartbeat :wub:

You seem to be missing the fact that both of us have moved on since then, if you have a specific grievance Mathias spit it out <_<

Don't mind him Cata, he's been in a foul mood lately...

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Gotta love the Cortath, if you don't he might bite.

On the matters at hand...


Oldschool is old.

Congrats us. And hello there ODN :)

Wow odn.. you got turbo to post.. therefor THIS THREAD IS WIN!!! Hai turbz

And this is one of the reasons we love ODN so much. You could ask any GATOan about Cata, and youd get a warm respose.

he smells funny :mellow:

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