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Recognition of war

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RAD and NSO have come to a quiet agreement on how this war will end and it will remain unescalated unless someone really has a bout of idiocy at the last minute.
Two idiots get together and then express concern about other idiots.

You couldn't make it up if you tried! :lol1:

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Requiring? Maybe I missed that particular part (you know how these simple little things blow up into hundreds of different messages within the span of moments,) you mind tossing me a bone and pointing me to where Citadel announced they required anything out of this?

They didn't. Steelrat asked how RAD's allies were going to respond. This is called demanding now, apparently.

Unless I missed it too...

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Now now, let's give him a chance to point it out.

Actually I think he quoted that and mentioned it was demanding hence why I'm saying it here, but again, I could be missing another, different demand from Citadel HQ.

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Despite much equivocation to the contrary, this war has, indeed, on a few select fronts, REACHED CRITICAL MASS.

This ingenious, ingenuous nation has NS 60 per cent higher than my own as of the commencement of ground battles:


What's worse, it appears that the ruler of this nation is a girl. Yes, that's right, a girl is using the internet and isn't on facebook.

Big deal, right? Wrong. The resources afforded to this matriarchal nation undoubtedly include tens of millions in aid from virgin rulers lured onto IRC, or worse, MSN, with the promise of nude pics and webcam. And she's attempting to induce such treachery to Succendo!

"Since we´re both awake and warring...sup? " -Scigirl543

...that's right, this treacherous succubus is, amid a bid for conquest, flirting with me through cybernations in order to throw me off guard. THIS CANNOT STAND.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Order shall free me.


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Considering what steelrat did was take the post of another and add a couple more treaties to it that such is indeed demanding because the initial post didnt receive any official responses.

What we have seen are the leaders of many of those listed alliances already make statements here and its basically been about this incident remaining isolated. Very amusing that you guys want to paint me as the anti citadel guy even though I have good relations with some folks there. What I was doing was responding to statements by some of your leaders.

So yes, repeating a previous post does indeed reach the point of demanding an answer. It didn't get a public statement the first time and it wont the second time.

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Considering what steelrat did was take the post of another and add a couple more treaties to it that such is indeed demanding because the initial post didnt receive any official responses.

What we have seen are the leaders of many of those listed alliances already make statements here and its basically been about this incident remaining isolated. Very amusing that you guys want to paint me as the anti citadel guy even though I have good relations with some folks there. What I was doing was responding to statements by some of your leaders.

So yes, repeating a previous post does indeed reach the point of demanding an answer. It didn't get a public statement the first time and it wont the second time.

I'm not painting you with anything. I prefer woodworking, pottery, and writing to painting in any event. I'm just curious about where this requiring thingy is since I seem to have missed it.

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Heinous, you're really trying too hard today. If you want to look at anyone for creating a war out of nothing, look at RAD and NSO. And if you find this escalation all too much, you can talk to your allies who can still end this farce.

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Considering what steelrat did was take the post of another and add a couple more treaties to it that such is indeed demanding because the initial post didnt receive any official responses.

What we have seen are the leaders of many of those listed alliances already make statements here and its basically been about this incident remaining isolated. Very amusing that you guys want to paint me as the anti citadel guy even though I have good relations with some folks there. What I was doing was responding to statements by some of your leaders.

So yes, repeating a previous post does indeed reach the point of demanding an answer. It didn't get a public statement the first time and it wont the second time.

Steelrat is not one of the leaders of the Citadel. As I said, try harder.

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Too bad your aid slots are full. Catch me later?

Ahh damn they are aren't they. I could totally use that $10 too....

Edit: I blame Liquid Mercury and President Obama for using my slots. Guess what they have in common: they're both Citadel members. Indeed the Citadel is rearing their ugly, evil head now that the true Hegemony is out of the way. NPO was the only thing holding them in check, and now they've been set free.

Edited by Penkala
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Heinous, you're really trying too hard today. If you want to look at anyone for creating a war out of nothing, look at RAD and NSO. And if you find this escalation all too much, you can talk to your allies who can still end this farce.
Steelrat is not one of the leaders of the Citadel. As I said, try harder.

C'mon Cit. Get your story straight. He's either failing by trying too hard or by not trying hard enough. You can't have it both ways you devious !@#$%^&*.

Edited by Trinite
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RAD is down 60-70k nation strength in under twelve hours. I'd say our unplanned retaliation went quite well.

Yeah, we had some 60k NS pansy quit when he found out he has to war in CN.

Well, see mine was factually accurate. Yours is just your opinion on the matter. Your opinion which is pretty much wrong. But if you read this far and still can't understand the situation, then I don't think I can help you.

No, I think most or all of the "factual" posts in this thread and the other so far have been very heavily swayed by opinion. Yours are no exception.

but the truth of the matter is that both sides are acting like little children.

Yep, you are right. ;)

Jason8 is/was the face of RAD.

No he's not, I am/have been. You don't know.

I'm going with Bob and Delta on this one. Though I have to admit, it is kinda amusing to watch. It's like two children trying to outcompete each other in the illustrious category of attention whoring by acting increasingly more ridiculous.

I've pretty much already pointed out that's what this is four or five times, so you're right.

My point stands. Unless you're apathetic to your alliance affairs, you will update these public informational resources regularly. There's simply no excuse.

Mmm, yeah, you're right. I don't care about my alliance, that's why Jason8's nation bio and RAD's wiki have not been changed. Good call.

Edited by Good master Hakai
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C'mon Cit. Get your story straight. He's either failing by trying too hard or by not trying hard enough. You can't have it both ways you devious !@#$%^&*.

Proving the Citadel is more like the Hegemony than you think - we make a great team, Trinite. You, me, and HeinousOne, bearers of truth. High five!

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Heinous, you're really trying too hard today. If you want to look at anyone for creating a war out of nothing, look at RAD and NSO. And if you find this escalation all too much, you can talk to your allies who can still end this farce.

Why would they end it? RAD wanted it plus RAD has been bothering them for many weeks, hounding them here and on IRC. RAD has been asking for this war for awhile, they just arent happy that it came about with just them fighting NSO. They were outmaneuvered. End of Story. I find it funny that you call such a farce though.

Called it. You owe me ten bucks.

You sure are in a chipper mood today after almost losing your government job aren't you? Perhaps I shouldn't have stuck my neck and and spoke up for you.

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Quite frankly, no one should ever rely on nation descriptions for accurate information. Ever. People (me included) rarely update them.

I update mine.

If you don't want people to think you're the leader of your alliance because it's in your nation bio, you shouldn't put it there. It's pretty easy to leave stuff like that out if you're too lazy to update.

Me, I edit my nation on every tax collection day, so I see the bio.

Same goes for wikis unless it's an alliance that you happen to know updates their wiki regularly. Not everyone does. Forums and IRC are the best source of up to date information. It took me literally 7 seconds to determine that Newhotness was the current Second Hand Smoke by going to their forums and I don't even have an account there.

I presume you have their forums bookmarked then?

It'd take me more than seven seconds to find their forum URL.

again, no one ever said they had to keep it up to date.

Nobody said they had to lie about who's in their government either.

Oh dear RV, what the hell are you babbling on about now? Is it your assertion that TJO is some sort of mysterious SF front?

Obviously nobody's told him that you guys are secretly C&G agents. :awesome:

Judging from the contents of this thread, #2 applies to more than just RAD...

It is a lesson that has been taught rather forcefully to several alliances quite recently.

In all honestly, its not that common...first time I've seen it done was with your guys.

Impero, you're smarter than this. It's an old GOD practice.

Sorry, you're not going to provoke Citadel into jumping into this tiny war. I don't know why you dislike us enough to want to declare on us, but you'll have to do better than that.

You misunderstand him.

It is his argument that Citadel posters have been trying to inflame the situation and convince RAD and NSO allies to take part in the war.

Considering Citadel is also connected to RAD via treaties, albeit by one more step, and your obvious hostile attitude toward us, it was a very reasonable assumption.

Not MADP treaties. Given that this war started with an attack from RAD on NSO, it would require Citadel to use optional aggression clauses to join in, and I'd think that would be a very hard sell to Citadel membership.

Yeah, we had some 60k NS pansy quit when he found out he has to war in CN.

Well, 50K now. :) I'd be inclined to thank NSO for traitor removal services on that one though.

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This whole issue can be summed up as

RAD - "Watch what you say on the OWF cuz will kill you no matter what alliance you're in!"

OWF - "We're not afraid of you LULz"

RAD - "But we have Big strong friends"

NSO - "We recognize your declaration of war"

RAD - "No WAIT! It was for the LULZ! WEe weren't serious!! HaHa, um.. yeah!"


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Ah yes, pointless insults and throw away comments on something that was addressed last week. Good show.

The point since you apparently lack the necessary comprehension skills, was that I made a similar comment to Anthony's to you some time ago and yet you decided correctly not to take the bait. RAD failed to do so. It was a compliment to your judgement, which has apparently lapsed in the few days since then.

Yes, look at big bad Ivan Moldavi. Somebody decided to put his money where his mouth is and you declared war on his alliance. You're so cool. As for my judgment, me not taking your bait was not out of fear of some NSO retribution, it was out of plain old fashion not giving a !@#$ about your bluffs. You can allude to it as backing down all you want, but it won't make you seem any scarier.

Edited by Hyperion321
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Your situation in how you reacted to it is completely different then that of the Sith. That doesn't stop you from getting high and mighty and condemning folks though does it?

How was my situation different? I todl RAD to attack me, RAD attacked me, I said ok let's do this. Anthony told RAD to attack him, RAD attacked him, he went crying to his alliance to declare war.

same situation just a different reaction because I don't ask for things I do not really want, or at least that I am not willing to deal with on my own.

and if I look high and mighty by just saying what I did I guess you must just think that I am high and mighty, so I will take that as a compliment.

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Yes, look at big bad Ivan Moldavi. Somebody decided to put his money where his mouth is and you declared war on his alliance. As for my judgment, me not taking your bait was not out of fear of some NSO retribution, it was out of plain old fashion not giving a !@#$ about your bluffs. You can allude to it as backing down all you want, but it won't make you seem any scarier.

Okay. Thank you for your input. It will be placed in the appropriate compartment for filing later.

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