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I like how our alliance attacking other alliance consists of ONE war declared by ONE person.

I'm pretty sure if we were hell-bent on starting a war we would have brought out more people than ONE person.

you do realize that wars in CN have been conducted for far less of a reason. your leader attacked an alliance with allies. that is a Casus Belli if i have ever seen one. I am certain if alliance A's leader were to attack the leader of any major alliance and then Alliance A were to conduct diplomacy in the same manner as tF, Alliance A would be a smudge by now.

Just because you feel it is a tech raid means absolutely nothing. i now wish that IAA had tech raiding rules to allow me to tech raid tF.

i will declare on one person with Tech Raid-PM for peace in my DoW and expect that not a single other person in tF will aid the victim. Though i doubt that would happen.

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I like how our alliance attacking other alliance consists of ONE war declared by ONE person.

I'm pretty sure if we were hell-bent on starting a war we would have brought out more people than ONE person.

Why does amount matter? One of your nations declared war, it's called war.

Hahaha, breaking deals. Where is your honor, tF?

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That's definitely one thing RV conveniently forgot to mention.

No. I stated from the beginning that I saw this as an alliance matter. You supported Sorum entirely. You aided him, and you said you would protect him from any non-FAIL attackers. Seeing as how FAIL has no one else in his range, we would of course had to go to our allies to receive assistance. Your sheltering him from the consequences of his attack is support for his attack on the head of state of a sovereign alliance. Is that so hard to understand?

And go on all you want about how we are not an alliance. I do not care and it does not change the way I view this situation.

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I like how our alliance attacking other alliance consists of ONE war declared by ONE person.

I'm pretty sure if we were hell-bent on starting a war we would have brought out more people than ONE person.

The key word in that quote I have bolded for everyone to see.

I am not what you call a "fan" of RV's, and thought that tF might have been a respectable alliance until these last few events.

RV has just won points from me, a possible medal or 17, and tF has lost any respect they could have had.

Your guys in FA need to learn something.

By the way, yes I do support FAIL and GDI in this endeavor.

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I like how our alliance attacking other alliance consists of ONE war declared by ONE person.

I'm pretty sure if we were hell-bent on starting a war we would have brought out more people than ONE person.


This is the same line we used when we were trying to start GWII by attacking New Reverie.

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No. I stated from the beginning that I saw this as an alliance matter. You supported Sorum entirely. You aided him, and you said you would protect him from any non-FAIL attackers. Seeing as how FAIL has no one else in his range, we would of course had to go to our allies to receive assistance. Your sheltering him from the consequences of his attack is support for his attack on the head of state of a sovereign alliance. Is that so hard to understand?

And go on all you want about how we are not an alliance. I do not care and it does not change the way I view this situation.

We supported the right of Sorum to tech raid, and made it clear that any action taken against him would not result in reprisals from tF.

Instead of GDI attacking Sorum, they had BEEF, and took their BEEF out on uninvolved tF members.

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I support The Family. This whole situation is annoying, and they have the strength to end it.

This isn't a might makes right situation. This is where The Family has totally shanked the kick off and should of called time out and ended the game before the first kick off.

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We supported the right of Sorum to tech raid, and made it clear that any action taken against him would not result in reprisals from tF.

Instead of GDI attacking Sorum, they had BEEF, and took their BEEF out on uninvolved tF members.

Let me translate that for you. "We supported Sorum in his war against an alliance, and we don't want to be held accountable for the actions of our MoFA"

Is that it?

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Let me translate that for you. "We supported Sorum in his war against an alliance, and we don't want to be held accountable for the actions of our MoFA"

Is that it?

We supported the fact that our charter allows our members to tech raid, and weren't going to expel Sorum for raiding

This does not mean we supported the idea of Sorum raiding RV, or that we were going to defend him militarily.

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I can actually back this up completely. We used that very same excuse.

Those were some good times.

It brings back the memories doesn’t it? I’m glad people read their history to see the proper way to start wars.

We supported the fact that our charter allows our members to tech raid, and weren't going to expel Sorum for raiding

This does not mean we supported the idea of Sorum raiding RV, or that we were going to defend him militarily.

Yet here you are defending Sorums actions. So what is it?

Edited by Master-Debater
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It's not that might makes right. It's that might will finally punish RV and his supporters. I'm sick of seeing his threads.

I am fairly well educated in these matters and I do not think that damage to his nation has any impact on his ability to make threads. Actually the correlation seems to go the opposite way you think: when his nation is under attack he makes more threads. You should be hoping for an amicable peace.

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We supported the right of Sorum to tech raid, and made it clear that any action taken against him would not result in reprisals from tF.

Instead of GDI attacking Sorum, they had BEEF, and took their BEEF out on uninvolved tF members.

Did you just ignore everything I just said? I told you I viewed this as an act of war by your alliance from the very beginning. Just because you can't wrap your head around that simple fact doesn't make it any less valid in my eyes. I tried diplomacy, and I was blown off for several days, and when I finally managed to get into a room with your leaders, I was met with nothing but hostility. What would you have me do? Beg for mercy and let you get away with what you had done?

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It's not that might makes right. It's that might will finally punish RV and his supporters. I'm sick of seeing his threads.

Allow me to draw it out:

GDI nations under 10k NS: 33

TF nations under 10k NS: 9

That's really all that matters. All of TF's firepower is out of reach, henceforth useless.

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It's not that might makes right. It's that might will finally punish RV and his supporters. I'm sick of seeing his threads.

While I agree with you on seeing these threads. It still doesn't make the situation any better or need to be taken into a might makes right.

The Family needs to bend over and reach way back behind their legs and pull their brains out of their backsides. And may be if when they do so the whole world of Planet Bob just might here the loud pop as it comes out.

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It's not that might makes right. It's that might will finally punish RV and his supporters. I'm sick of seeing his threads.

I support RV. do you truly think the Family will take me on? cuz honestly, i have been trying to provoke them this whole thread. That one tF member who stated that no one can get away with insulting Sorum or the Family has yet to answer me on whether he or anyone in tF will attack me for insulting tF. nor has anyone else in tF. the only member with any sort of cajones in tF was Sargun and he left. so it looks like Sargun effectively neutered tF. so much for mafioso. come on, i like seafood.

and yes, this is totally a might makes right maneuver and you stated as much in your post of support.

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We supported the fact that our charter allows our members to tech raid, and weren't going to expel Sorum for raiding

This does not mean we supported the idea of Sorum raiding RV, or that we were going to defend him militarily.

So it's okay for your government to start wars with other alliances and call them tech raids, and you don't want to be held accountable when your Minister of Foreign Affairs is declaring wars on other alliances while wearing your AA and being recognized by you as a government member?

Learn the concept of Responsibility.

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