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Watchman and frannie detest each other, we all know this. While I would prefer that Watchman not take potshots at her in this manner, our charter does give him the right to speak his mind. If Trevor's statement had been aimed at Watchman only then I'd take no exception to it, we reap what we sow and all that.

Nonetheless, you did say watchman's post contains more fact than Trevor's which is technically incorrect.

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Nonetheless, you did say watchman's post contains more fact than Trevor's which is technically incorrect.

All I was saying is that the problems with CG go beyond Baseballer. So, Baseballer fell on his sword and Sileath was booted. There is still a lot more house cleaning that needs to be done before people will be able to trust CG.

Peace spoken. Ciao!

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Nonetheless, you did say watchman's post contains more fact than Trevor's which is technically incorrect.

yeah ok. it's my birthday, i'm hungover, you win :D

all i was trying to communicate originally was that Watchman posted his statement based on known facts about francesca, (we, TSO, do happen to know things about her that the rest of you ignore), while Trevor was just parroting the same old tired party line.

now can we stop? my head hurts :)

obligatory nod to the OP

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Watchman and frannie detest each other, we all know this. While I would prefer that Watchman not take potshots at her in this manner, our charter does give him the right to speak his mind. If Trevor's statement had been aimed at Watchman only then I'd take no exception to it, we reap what we sow and all that.

@trevor, nothing personal bub, i just detest people hiding behind conventional wisdom to malign my guys. :)

I don't detest him, and I don't even particularly mind his comments towards me. Does he detest me? Perhaps. He's never met me.... he's adopting the position of his alliance on a well-disliked figure amongst said alliance, something I did to King Penchuk for a long time before I saw the error of my ways. But we don't have a special relationship of dislike. That's reserved for SunnyInc, and perhaps TFS.

I will now withdraw from this thread. CG members will also cease posting in it, with the exception of baseballer.

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I'm a jerk, but I refuse to apologize, but please give me a second chance because I was a jerk, and I won't be anymore, even though this post is kind of jerkish.

Actions indeed speak louder than words.

The trouble here is your pride precludes you from an apology. If you know enough that what you allegedly did was wrong enough to post this plea and ask for a second chance then refuse to apologize, you've already fallen back into the old pattern of behaviour in the course of declaring a new pattern of behaviour.

That's not very encouraging.

For the record: I've never heard of you.

Best of luck to you.

Edited by PrideAssassin
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How can you truly say you are willing to change, when you are quite unwilling to apologize for previous actions? It is obvious that you do not see that you did anything particularly wrong, this it is quite unclear how you will change you behavior, when you see nothing wrong with said behavior? If you saw something wrong with said behavior, you would apologize for it. Yes, you have apologized before but continued the same actions afterwords. As others have said, Actions speak louder than words. start taking action instead of just words.

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What did Baseballer do exactly?

That list might take some time to compile.

The world at large has a short memory span. Clean up your act and you'll find that they've quickly forgotten why they despised you at all. Given your track record, I doubt you ever will.

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While I do agree that Sileath and Baseballer are quite annoying, if your turning down a protectorate because of Fran, your only showing ignorance and would most likely not make a good protector anyway.

Or it could be that we've worked with or dealt with a few in CG before, in particular Fran and baseballer, and while none of us have anything really against baseballer, we are aware of his actions. As far as fran goes, most of us tend to roll our eyes at her, but there are a couple of us (hi) that have a personal issue with her that she claims to just want to let die, but every now and again, she trolls either the alliance or those members in specific in some manner that we individuals find obnoxious and unacceptable, and then speak up about to remind her we don't buy her line about letting it go for a second (honestly, I have no issue with you, haven't had an experience with you yet, derek, but the only reason I decided to post is because Fran mentioned me by name, so I felt it indeed was my place to state my opinion on matters in this thread).

Fran is useless to us. We've worked with her before and where you say it's that we wouldn't be good protectors for CG(I'm shocked to hear you think we were even considered), it is just as likely given that she already betrayed our trust once that as the head of her alliance, CG would simply be a terrible protectorate for us. It's a 2-way street.

Both sides know we would not work well together in any type of mutual agreement, thus neither side has even considered proposing such an agreement. That's no ignorance on our behalf or hers. It doesn't matter why we don't get along. All that matters is that we don't, and for that reason, neither alliance has an interest in signing with the other. If you want to call TSO members who recognize this ignorant, then you should also call fran ignorant. Or maybe yourself since as far as I know, you only know fran's side of the story and I know of no one in TSO that has talked to you at length or on a regular basis, let alone about our side of the issue between us and fran.

If you are interested, I'm willing to sit down and have a nice fire-side chat with you, explain my side of things when it comes to fran (I'll leave TSO's side to a gov member), and also lget to know you better in general. I'm not so petty that I'll write you off just for liking fran, and I won't swear in anger or insult or belittle you either. In spite of what some say, I am actually civil when I wish to be, and I know when I should be civil. Other than that, I'm all about a good laugh and having fun. Offer is open with no expiration date. Have a good one.

That said, this thread is about baseballer...dude...you just don't get it. You know what you do that angers people, yet you keep doing it. You've done it on such a level that your reputation precedes you. I've had a similar reputation reformation issue, and the only way to get it to change is to stop talking about changing it and just change it. And even then, people still won't let go of the old one. It's far from an overnight process either.

Just deal with it. Behave yourself, turn off your amsg feature, don't troll people, don't make "pity me" threads with a wall of text talking about how you want a second chance. Just lay low, deal with it, don't seek a position of importance, and just be a good, bland drone for a while.

Don't freakin apologize, and don't whine about it. And don't air your dirty laundry publicly when everyone else involved is gonna dispute it at the drop of a hat.

And for the record, I didn't care about you either way, but you put me in a position where I sort of had to take fran's side in regards to how you went about this, so now I hate you.

Have a nice day.

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Or it could be that we've worked with or dealt with a few in CG before, in particular Fran and baseballer, and while none of us have anything really against baseballer, we are aware of his actions. As far as fran goes, most of us tend to roll our eyes at her, but there are a couple of us (hi) that have a personal issue with her that she claims to just want to let die, but every now and again, she trolls either the alliance or those members in specific in some manner that we individuals find obnoxious and unacceptable, and then speak up about to remind her we don't buy her line about letting it go for a second (honestly, I have no issue with you, haven't had an experience with you yet, derek, but the only reason I decided to post is because Fran mentioned me by name, so I felt it indeed was my place to state my opinion on matters in this thread).

Fran is useless to us. We've worked with her before and where you say it's that we wouldn't be good protectors for CG(I'm shocked to hear you think we were even considered), it is just as likely given that she already betrayed our trust once that as the head of her alliance, CG would simply be a terrible protectorate for us. It's a 2-way street.

Both sides know we would not work well together in any type of mutual agreement, thus neither side has even considered proposing such an agreement. That's no ignorance on our behalf or hers. It doesn't matter why we don't get along. All that matters is that we don't, and for that reason, neither alliance has an interest in signing with the other. If you want to call TSO members who recognize this ignorant, then you should also call fran ignorant. Or maybe yourself since as far as I know, you only know fran's side of the story and I know of no one in TSO that has talked to you at length or on a regular basis, let alone about our side of the issue between us and fran.

If you are interested, I'm willing to sit down and have a nice fire-side chat with you, explain my side of things when it comes to fran (I'll leave TSO's side to a gov member), and also lget to know you better in general. I'm not so petty that I'll write you off just for liking fran, and I won't swear in anger or insult or belittle you either. In spite of what some say, I am actually civil when I wish to be, and I know when I should be civil. Other than that, I'm all about a good laugh and having fun. Offer is open with no expiration date. Have a good one.

I certainly wish more TSO members would post like you. It would make TSO look a hell of a lot better. Anyway, I'm quite aware of Fran and TSO's past. However, I've always seen it the other way around. It seems where ever Fran posts, TSO people tend to follow and not in a good way. I was surprised when earlier in this topic, it was somewhat implied that TSO was a consideration for a protectorate, by a TSO member. However, on the public CN forums, it's always looked like TSO are the ones who aren't willing to drop it. In fact, your post is the first good post by a TSO member that I've seen since, well, I've never seen a good post by a TSO member until this one :P

All this besides, this topic isn't about Fran or TSO and so I'm willing to let it drop. I'm not on IRC much, but if you wish to discuss it more, drop me a PM, although I get the feeling it won't go anywhere.

As for Baseballer, who I've finally actually addressed after posting in this topic three times, I doubt you'll change. You've acted like this since before you were Baseballer, back under your old Grobend account and you've said you'll stop before. Multiple times. So many times I can not count. I thought you would have learned after your expulsion from Polar, but from what some people have told me, you didn't. Once you start acting your age, more people will start treating you better.

EDIT: Grammar is for the weak

Edited by Nintenderek
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Wow Baseballer... Frankly the question you need to be asking yourself, is why would anyone else in the world care about the thread I'm about to post? If you can't come up with at least some answer to this question do not make a thread.

Really though I don't think anyone seriously hates you and I don't think alliances keep dropping you because they get trolled for it. I think alliances want you to leave because as soon as they find themselves trapped in the same forums and IRC chans as you they realize what a colossal fine gentleman you are. And all they want is to be left alone and not accosted with bots, amsgs, your latest ideas for this or that, or pictures of your "girlfriend" who's a model... You aren't an IC criminal or bad person in any way as far as I know, your just that kid on the bus who won't shut up and that's why nobody likes you.

So ummmm... I think you could find a good home in most any alliance if you shut up for awhile, and perhaps learn how to communicate with other human beings on a setting other than "12 year old girl".

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)): IRC amsg )):

I had to block him on Skype and IRC due to contant harrassment in the form of daily calls, messages and highlighting in random channels that we happened to share. I finally told him to eff off and I haven't heard anything since.

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There are plenty of alliances who are willing to give people a second chance. Hell the BTA is one of them.

Actions speak louder than words but if you truly are going to have a clean slate and try to start over then people will back off and stop harassing you. All I can really sugest is find an alliance that will take you in and then start over again.

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Someone should message TSO to post here.

Hey, I did my part. Blame Derek for moving it to PMs.

Christ, you try to do something nice for someone for once in your life and it gets ignored by them. Screw this, I'm gonna go have a cigar...at least Big Tobacco appreciates what I do for them...

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