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Quick Announcement from Ordo Verde


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1 billion probably repairs the infra from about 4 nations. It is absolutely not excessive for the alliance that was singled out by the Hegemony for bullying, and then attacked aggressively to start the whole war – it almost certainly doesn't even cover the damage done to OV. The tech part of the reps is more punitive, which again is fair in the circumstances, although the logistics of actually sending it mean that the number is at the upper end of what is reasonable.

Oh.... I get it now.

OV is being boosted up to a level where it's ANS can allow them to join Citadel

)): citadel )):

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This may be the first and last time I ever agree with Pacifica, but these reps are just absolutely and completely ridiculous for an alliance of your size. You didn't take that kind of damage and you didn't deal that kind of damage out. This is the equivalent of the skinny guy at a curbstomp kicking someone who's already unconscious.

You have 26 members, 3 of whom have seniorities that indicate they didn't fight in this war. What are you trying to do by forcing these sort of reparations, bankroll every aid program an alliance like yours could ever possibly want? I wasn't aware that was the purpose of reparations.

This is easily the most ignorant post that I have ever read. Let me give you an analogy.

There is this one guy. Over there are 500 guys. He is sitting on the park eating icecream. The 500 guys want his icecream. They try to curb storm him. They toss his icecream into the the dirt and smash it. Some people see this and stop the bullies. They make him pay for the icecream and a bit more for being a...well you know.

A drunk guy sees this happening. He calls the one guy a bully and is laughed at by everyone.

Guess who the drunk guy is. I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.

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1 billion probably repairs the infra from about 4 nations. It is absolutely not excessive for the alliance that was singled out by the Hegemony for bullying, and then attacked aggressively to start the whole war – it almost certainly doesn't even cover the damage done to OV. The tech part of the reps is more punitive, which again is fair in the circumstances, although the logistics of actually sending it mean that the number is at the upper end of what is reasonable.

If it was being sent to 4 nations, the "This is designed to extend the reparations period" people would have a point.

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I think you missed his point, to be honest.

I think you are right and I will drink more caffine before posting in the morning.

My point stands though, this is an awfully high amount of reps to be paid to such a small alliance.

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It's not extortion when Karma does it. They are so better than this. Aren't they?

Guess nothing has truly changed and well, history repeats itself.

Is this your submission to the "Fit as many cliché complaints as you can about Karma in one post!" competition?

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Oh.... I get it now.

OV is being boosted up to a level where it's ANS can allow them to join Citadel

)): citadel )):

If only you knew.  It's no coincidence that  Sethb and Wentworth are best friends.  Wentworth, who is an operative for Citadel.  Take into account that TOP initiated the negotiations between NPO and OV in the first place, destroyed Moo's connection so that he could not halt the orders to destroy OV, and garnered them huge reparations so that they might join Citadel.

If only you knew... :ph34r:

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There are several factors why OV's own share of the reps are high.

First, when discussing terms for NPO, we came up with overall numbers for NPO to pay to all alliances. It wasn't until after NPO signed the terms that we allotted the reparations.

Secondly, not all alliances are taking reparations, meaning each alliance receiving reps is receiving a larger share than they otherwise would have.

Thirdly, being that OV was the alliance originally attacked, we felt their share of the reparations receieved should be the most, or quite near the most, of any alliance on the front.

The argument that this reps amount was chosen to purposely extend NPO's terms is, quite frankly, ridiculous. If you all don't recall, the terms last at least 6 months, as that was a term written in to the surrender terms. We don't need the rep amounts to manipulate the time on the terms.

If anybody else has any incorrect accusations, misguided anger, etc feel free to let me know, and then be corrected.

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There are several factors why OV's own share of the reps are high.

First, when discussing terms for NPO, we came up with overall numbers for NPO to pay to all alliances. It wasn't until after NPO signed the terms that we allotted the reparations.

Secondly, not all alliances are taking reparations, meaning each alliance receiving reps is receiving a larger share than they otherwise would have.

There is always the option of....you know....reducing the reps if not everyone is taking them.

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There is always the option of....you know....reducing the reps if not everyone is taking them.

If the reps shares had come to a point where it would take significantly longer than the 6 months already written in the terms, then we very well might have.

Edit: That also runs into issues totally unrelated to the actual breakdown of reps. We tacked on additional reps in exchange for scratching the two weeks of war. Every alliance on the front would, at least in theory, would take part in the war, as in, nobody would refuse the war as they would refuse the reparations. So, by diminishing the reparations, we are lessening the trade for the two weeks of war, which is already a great deal for NPO, seeing as their costs incurred would be much greater than 3 bil and 50k tech from the two weeks of war.

Edited by Rafael Nadal
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It is, actually. :v:

Do I win and if so, what?

You get to be featured on Karma's official EZI list, right under Alterego!

There is always the option of....you know....reducing the reps if not everyone is taking them.

Sure, if you lack the testicular fortitude to enforce a set of just and well-deserved surrender terms.

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Look, I understand OV got hit hard, but quadrupling their tech? Slight overkill. Ah well, at least they had the class to release this rather than hiding it.


I must have forgot the part where all reparations to Karma alliances were sent through secret aid.

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This and more.

The more being that I personally find it amusing that people are taking some shots at OV for telling about what They are receiving without asking themselves why is OV only releasing that?

Maybe because some of the other alliances refuse to speak of what they will be receiving? Perhaps that is the question some of you should be delving into instead of asking why an alliance would tell the truth. What, you would rather have not known?

Just because they admit to it doesn't make what they did ok or above criticism. I don't understand why they chose now to release this.

Edited by Joe Kremlin
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I must have forgot the part where all reparations to Karma alliances were sent through secret aid.

I don't think anyone but NPO and Karma is going to keep stats of all the aid transfers. Granted, it would probably have come out anyway, but in my opinion, classy move by OV in just releasing this, rather than not saying anything and hoping nobody noticed. They're taking some heat for the amount they're getting, but at least they're being up front about it.


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